ESTJ Personality Type In Depth & Resources

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Find Out More About The ESTJ Owners Manual

Take your power back by bringing your best self to the world – a self you will discover with your FULL Genius Style Assessment Profile & Owners Manual.

Click here to read more about the ESTJ (Effectiveness/Memory) Owners Manual

As an ESTJ – What are some of your biggest challenges or insights?

Take a moment to let us know a little more about your experiences as an ESTJ in the world. We would love to hear about your challenges, what you wish others knew about you, what books or other materials that have impacted your life and what you wish you could tell your 15 year old self.

Click here to let us know your biggest challenges and insights as an ESTJ

ESTJ Articles

The Key to Successful Communication between Intuitives and Sensors

How are “Sensors” and “Intuitives” Different?

ESTJ Podcasts

ESTJ Personality Type Advice

ESTJ Personality Type Interview (with Wendy Kauffman)

PHQ | Can An INFP Be Friends With An ESTJ?

Healthy Extravert Personality Types (Part 1): ENTJ, ESTJ, ENFJ, ESFJ

Sensing Personality Types

How Types Say “I Love You”


Can Sensors Speak Intuitive Language

3 Styles Of Cognitive Function Loops (Part 1)

Developing Sensing As A Co-Pilot (ISxP & ESxJ Types)

Introverted Thinking vs Extraverted Thinking

Your Personality 3-Year-Old Inferior Cognitive Function (Part 1)

ESTJ Personality Type Secret