saving-the-planetI have renewed vigor to solve every problem the world has ever had.

Some of my earliest memories are of working out how to eradicate homelessness, global hunger and war. Obviously, I didn’t succeed. My parents have always taken refuge in the religious idea that God would solve these problems, and while a part of me wasn’t super happy to hand over all of the problem solving to someone else (even God), I wasn’t quite sophisticated enough to argue for any better alternative. What resulted, however, was my belief that all the problems of the world WOULD be solved and it was just a matter of time. Homelessness, global hunger and war were in good hands.

As an adult, I went through a time of self-discovery that didn’t include a loyalty to the religion of my youth. Not a whole-sale rejection, but I definitely no longer believed saving the world was something I needed to wait on. If I wanted to see global hunger taken care of in my lifetime, then I was going to have to help facilitate it in some way.

On top of this realization (which was a big one, by the way), I had finally reached an age where I could recognize the quantity, scope, and sheer complexity of world problems. It was up to me to solve them, and they were HARD. This may sound stupid and idealistic, but at some point in my twenties I truly held the belief that it was up to me to do it all. There was a moment when the question first hit me, “How in one lifetime was I going to accomplish this?” I just zoned out on the couch with my eyes the size of saucer plates and the word “whoa” playing on loop in my brain.

In the same way the 10 year old entrepreneur realizes that in order to make a million bucks they just need to get a million people to give them a dollar, I had a slightly more complex version of this epiphany hit me in regards to saving the world: I didn’t need to solve every problem, I just needed to find people who were passionate about ONE of the problems I wanted to solve, and then do whatever I could to help THEM.

There is a lot – and I mean A LOT – of wasted human energy represented on the planet right now. We focus on the most basic necessities, get those covered and then call it good. Am I surviving? Well, I’m not dead yet. Are my safety and security needs met? I have a roof over my head, and food in the fridge. Do I have people who love me and accept me in my life? Yup, have a “Friends and Family” plan on my cell phone. All good.

couch-potatoAnd then they just… stop. Stop being ambitious, stop seeing the more they could be offering. Now, granted, it’s not exactly EASY to get all of those needs met, and a fair bit of energy is required to nail down those three things (survival, safety/security, love and belonging). But if we’re being honest with ourselves, it’s not the burden here in the United States and in other developed countries that it is for most of the world. On top of that, we’re not only lucky compared to the rest of the world, we’re extremely lucky in THIS time period of history. We have it extraordinarily cushy when you think about it, living better than Solomon in most respects.

That means this is the best time in history to capitalize on our circumstances and start REALLY looking at solutions. Sure, we still have “first world problems,” and sometimes they hurt. But let’s put things into perspective. We don’t deal with death on the scale that people did even 100 years ago, we generally have extraordinary freedom over our time (even if you work full time) since it doesn’t take, say, four hours to do laundry and we, as a culture, have gotten a little ‘soft’. That’s okay – I’m all for acclimating to a high quality lifestyle. That said, if our ancestors are any indication of what human beings can accomplish, we’ve got more inside of ourselves than we acknowledge, and often times way more than we’re actually giving.

So, let’s get back to how other people are going to save the world for me.
No one denies there’s a need to come up with solutions. Even the most zen of zen masters knows the world is mostly asleep, even if they’re accepting reality non-judgmentally. Qualitatively good or bad, there are challenges on this planet and they need people to create solutions.

No one denies that we, as a species, could be doing more. And no one thinks it’s going to happen magically. It’s going to take creativity and work from us as humans, and us as individuals.

Happily, that’s where you come in.

I have three questions for you:

1. If you could eradicate one problem on this planet, which one would it be? (Malnutrition? Sex trade? Animal cruelty? Pollution? Domestic violence? Curable diseases? Incurable disease? Be specific.)

2. What is your actual level of passion for giving value back to the planet? On the scale of “drop everything to work on the solution” to “total and complete apathy,” where do you fall?

3. What can I do to be of assistance in helping you a) develop passion to solve this challenge, and b) equip you to make it happen?

As a student of complex human systems, I’ve been blown away by the usefulness of models to solve major challenges. A lot of why we waste our energy as human assets is that we simply don’t know how (and where) to funnel our energy. We’re willing, but we very rarely feel able. And in this state of confusion and indecision, our energy slides away into a cosmic drain. But as Einstein said, if he had only an hour to save the world he’d spend 55 minutes defining the problem. Having a full understanding of ourselves first, a well-defined problem to solve next, and then a full grasp on how these two components can and should interact is the key. Understanding systems is an incredibly powerful tool when faced with the level of challenges we’re addressing here. It’s just one tool, but I feel it’s one that goes woefully forgotten, and it’s my ambition to equip every passionate, mission-driven person I come into contact with with this powerful information.

Why do I have renewed vigor to save the world?
joel-piper-antoniaI just had a baby. Tomorrow she’ll be two months old. I’m your stereotypical mid-thirties woman who was never going to have kids, got knocked up and now can’t imagine life without my amazing child. As I was looking at her alien-like, squishy newborn baby face one night, it struck me that I absolutely have to help save the world in any way that I can.

Not because I want to save it for her. I mean, yeah. That would be cool. But while I was marveling at the beauty and innocence represented in her squishy face, it struck me that every person on the planet was once a newborn baby. Not only totally dependent on others for its very existence, but a miracle for some mother all too happy to deal with exhaustion and new demands to make it happen. For every person who didn’t ask to be born but was anyway, and for every person that has to slog their way through a life of struggle based on bad luck or bad timing, I want to save the world for them. And for their mom, who only wanted the best for them.

I know, that sounds warm and squishy. I’m not usually a warm and squishy person.
However, if a renewed vigor to save the world is part of the package of new mom-hood, then I’m down with being a bit idealistic.

For the next few blog posts, I’m committing to writing (and recording) some of the absolutely most high leverage and helpful models of human development and behavior that I know of to assist anyone who has read this post and said, “YES. Saving the world. Sign me up.” So, keep your eyes peeled.

In the meantime, indulge me by answering those three questions below in the comments section.

Thanks for reading.


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  • antonia
    • antonia
    • September 18, 2012 at 3:37 pm

    Elena -

    Thanks for the well-wishing! She’s a total blessing.

    I’m completely on board with your list. I get that it’s difficult to choose just one, and it’s even more difficult to deal with everything that comes with World Saving. As you mentioned, energy IS something important.

    I agree that your first step is meeting the need of finding a relationship. If that’s what’s in your heart right now, then that’s a need going unmet and must be sated before you can step into full potential. Did you read the blog post on intuitive relationships? Was it helpful at all?

    If you’re really passionate about making big changes, I recommend asking yourself if you had to choose just one of the solutions you mentioned, which one would you choose? And when you’re finding your life partner, vet him for his passion about your cause, as well. There’s very little more binding in a relationship than shared values and mission.

    Good luck,


  • antonia
    • antonia
    • September 18, 2012 at 3:32 pm

    Oh, and thanks for the kind words! :)

  • antonia
    • antonia
    • September 18, 2012 at 3:32 pm

    Anthony -

    I completely agree with you. And I think it would be a more effective strategy if we came down the ‘ladder of abstraction’ – how does waking up look in more concrete terms? How do we know if someone has and is showing love and compassion? What are some of the emergent behaviors?

    Knowing the answers to these questions make it far easier to communicate and lead others to your World Saving solution. If we don’t have a solid, concrete, understandable goal to communicate, it’s difficult to direct people to that destination.

  • antonia
    • antonia
    • September 18, 2012 at 3:29 pm

    Okay. Now unpack that for me. :)

  • jerry
    • jerry
    • September 15, 2012 at 6:47 am

    Hello Antonia,

    First off….congratulations for bringing life into the world, and becoming a mother.
    obviously,the questions you are asking yourself, and us to answer, are the result of forward thinking for your child,and of course all other children, and all people as a whole.
    More so now, of course.

    I have read many of the posts, and I appreciate the replies. I will now give you my views and opinions, as answers to your questions

    So, how do we solve a specific problem,or problems…why pick one or two problems?.There is no need to pick any problem to solve. As you already know Antonia….your right in the thick of it.

    We must start early. That is, we must teach…“teach the children well”. Every problem disappears when all children are taught only two things. I mean around the world, in all schools,and in society of course. These two things, eliminate all the different above mentioned problems.

    What are these two things….compassion and empathy. When these two things are understood and lived in the heart and mind by all. There is no place for any problems within community,society,or the world as a whole. These two things must be lived interiorlly, to then, be manifest exteriorlly. These two things together add up to be LOVE !!
    You cannot harm when you love. You cannot stand idoly. Love is growth!

    When you plant a seed it grows after its kind…from its intention, it will produce its outcome,and we must all eat, and experience its sweetness or bitterness. So, we arrive to this point. Where we are asked to create solutions for past created pollutions. This world and its condition,is nothing more than what man has within there hearts.

    When every person lives witrh compassion and empathy. All that is corrupt will be no more. The power structure is responsible for where we are now . They have fomented all division,illusion, and aberhations. The powers that be have no borders, religions,or race/creed . They work to enslave, and divide ,by creating these conditions,that we then believe(seeds of thought) and manifest as our reality. My intent here is not to convince anyone. I have done my research. There are groups of extremely rich people that have controlled the outcome, that we think is the natural evolution of things. We, the masses are living out there creation. please google the Georgia guide stones….it is there agenda.
    These are the people I am referring to. They work incrementally. I do not wish to dwell on this, it is truly diabolical to say the least. They dumb us down with flouride. It is all and every,and any secret society…as JFK said in his speech…to be taken out by your last presidents pappy(when he was in the CIA). I invent nothing. What I am trying to do is awaken you to the fact that the elite run the show and are about to get rid of us all(FEMA camps,google that)look up MKultra, HAARP,silent sound spread spectrum,paperclip. This is why we are where we are. They fuel our minds with fear, hate,division,jealousy,etc…
    so we do not live with compassion and empathy. This is thier agenda.

    I wanted to enlighten people through song or music, should I say. As a lyricist, I wrote songs that explain the “thought is a seed theory” etc
    And, that what we believe,we percieve. I wrote some pretty darn good songs. It never panned out.
    So, I decided to learn how to heal the body. There are countless cures for the incurable. However, we live in a profit based systems….and these cures cannot be patented,etc…
    So, I teach people how the body works,and why it does not work,then point them in the direction that they must look into, and learn about to heal themselves. For example: GMO’s…scientists tamper with the seeds dna, and instruct the root system not to get the elements/minerals that that particular fruit,vegetable,etc,,,should naturally have ,which gives the body the necessary building blocks to replicate healthy disease resistant cell replications….old age is nutrient deficiency, period.

    The body is like a swimming pool….acid and alkaline….ph. Healthy cells 7.35-7.45(-20mllvolts-25mllvolts/alkaline). Cell regeneration -50mllvolts/alkaline. All cancers +30mllvolts/Acid.

    Anyways, I could go on and on. People wake up. These groups are going to collapse the US, they signed a deal with Canada,US,Mexico….The Amero…like the Euro what is happening in your nation is by design….seeds planted by the elite.

    So, Compassion and Empathy= Love….it is the answer and only solution to Antonias’ question…There are no others. Everything else done without compassion and empathy or love will as it has always happened fail .

    I do not wish to offend. I state this from the heart. I do not claim to be right. I have just the goal to inform as many people as I can. That is why I chose music as a medium. You reach millions of people. That tell two friends, and so on, and so on,etc…

    So, Antonia…I hope I have not let you down with my views. But, everything that transpires has and is fomented by these groups. To counter their plans we must renounce thier plans,and change things with true love towards all peoples from all walks of life. I talk to people about this stuff everyday,I hope to help them see that we/they are living a lie created again by the powers that be.

    So, that is it from me.

    Wish all of you health,happiness,and harmony

    And, again Antonia…congrats….and I know you will be A Model Mother for your child and all of us.



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