16 Personality Type Cards
Learn & Share Personality Types...
This page outlines 5 Personality Card Readings that will help you ditch Imposter Syndrome, so you can learn & share personality type with confidence.

Expert Personality Type Knowledge
... in Your Back Pocket.
Personality Cards are unique, confidence-boosting personality toolkits: used for practical step-by-step type explanations & coaching support.
Each pack of 32 beautifully designed cards includes:
- 16 Personality Type Cards
- 8 Dichotomies
- 8 Cognitive Function Cards
Originally designed to be used with clients during Personality Profiling Sessions, get your own set for "personality readings" for yourself or friends.
5 Sample Card Readings
Learn & Share The Power Of Personality

Card Reading #1 - Car Model
Personality Type Overview Using "The Car Model"
The "Car Model Reading" Is the best way to see the mental processes of your mind laid out in an understandable framework.
Video Example: INTJ Car Model Reading
Steps to do a Personality Car Model Reading:
Core Learning Idea: The Personality Car Model Reading help you see how your mind learns information and makes decisions.
Get Support: If you need help with this reading get the Personality Owners Manual for your type or reach out to one of our Certified Personality Profiling graduates.
Basic Steps:
- Step 1: Showcase The 4 Letters (Dichotomies)
Lay out the Dichotomy Cards in a row along the top to recreate the 4-letter code: Introvert/Extravert, Intuitive/Sensor, Thinker/Feeler, Judger/Perceiver. (We randomly chose INTJ as an example type for this demonstration) - Step 2: Select Type Card
Place down the specific Personality Type Card on the left. (This is your reference guide for step 3) - Step 3: Lay Out The Car Model
Place down four Cognitive Function cards that match the functions on the type card: Driver, Copilot, 10-Year-Old, 3-Year-Old. (Use the personality Type Card to guide your placement). - Step 4: Create Understanding
Describe the qualities of the specific cognitive functions for each of the positions and how it shows up in the personality.
Advanced Use: Customize This Reading For Specific Personality Types
There are 16 different versions of this reading. In order to apply the reading to your specific personality type - refer to the Personality Hacker Owners Manual for your type.

Card Reading #2 - Flow
How To Get Into a Personality Flow State
A Personality Flow State is achieved by engaging your Driver cognitive function, making you feel alive and heroic.
Video Example: ESFP Flow State Reading
Steps to do a Personality Flow State Reading:
Core Learning Idea: To get into a flow state, focus on your Driver or dominant function. Identify this function using the Personality Hacker Owner's Manual. Reflect on how this function makes you feel alive and heroic, and consider ways to engage it more in your daily life.
Get Support: If you need help with this reading get the Personality Owners Manual for your type or reach out to one of our Certified Personality Profiling graduates.
Basic Steps:
- Step 1: Select Type Card
Place down the specific Personality Type Card on the left. (We chose to use ESFP for this example) - Step 2: Lay Out The Car Model
Place down four Cognitive Function cards that match the functions on the type card: Driver, Copilot, 10-Year-Old, 3-Year-Old. (Use the personality type card as your guide) - Step 3: Zoom in on the Driver
Flip over the Copilot, 10-Year-Old, & 3-Year-Old cards leaving only the Driver card face up. - Step 4: Create Heroic Understanding
Describe the specific qualities and characteristics of the Driver. Be sure to talk about how this is the source of energy and access for the flow state. (Refer to the Owners Manual for the specific type information about the Driver).
Advanced Use: Customize This Reading For Specific Personality Types
There are 16 different versions of this reading. In order to apply the reading to your specific personality type - refer to the Personality Hacker Owners Manual for your type.
We show you how to do a "Flow State Reading" in the Personality Owners Manual for your specific type.

Card Reading #3 - Growth
Learn How To Empower Yourself For Happiness
Personality Growth & Empowerment comes from your Copilot function, which is essential for personal development & self-parenting.
Video Example: INTP Growth State Reading
Steps to do a Personality Growth State Reading:
Core Learning Idea: Empower your personality by focusing on your Copilot function. This function is key to your growth. Use the Personality Hacker Owner's Manual to identify and understand this function. Reflect on how you're currently using it and look for opportunities to develop it further, focusing on self-parenting and nurturing your growth.
Get Support: If you need help with this reading get the Personality Owners Manual for your type or reach out to one of our Certified Personality Profiling graduates.
Basic Steps:
- Step 1: Select Type Card
Place down the specific Personality Type Card on the left. (We randomly chose INTP for this example) - Step 2: Lay Out The Car Model
Place down four Cognitive Function cards that match the functions on the type card: Driver, Copilot, 10-Year-Old, 3-Year-Old. (Use the personality type card as your guide) - Step 3: Zoom in on the Copilot
Flip over the Driver, 10-Year-Old, & 3-Year-Old cards leaving only the Copilot card face up. - Step 4: Showcase Life Improvement Options
Describe the specific qualities and characteristics of the Copilot. Because this function is most associated with self-parenting, be sure to connect this and talk about how this part helps translate between your best self and more challenging parts inside. (Refer to the Owners Manual for the specific type information about the Copilot).
Advanced Use: Customize This Reading For Specific Personality Types
There are 16 different versions of this reading. In order to apply the reading to your specific personality type - refer to the Personality Hacker Owners Manual for your type.
We show you how to do a "Growth State Reading" in the Personality Owners Manual for your specific type.
Choose Your Type
16 Personality Owners Manuals

Card Reading #4 - Loops
Stop The "Personality Looping" That Causes Trauma
A Personality Loop is when your Driver and 10-Year-Old functions collaborate to gang up on you, bypassing the Copilot, leading to poor decision-making and life-long trauma.
Video Example: INFJ Loop Reading
Steps to do a Personality Loop Reading:
Core Learning Idea: Personality looping occurs when the driver and the ten-year-old functions collaborate, bypassing the co-pilot. This can lead to poor decision-making. To stop personality looping, identify when you're relying too much on your ten-year-old function and consciously shift focus back to your co-pilot. Use the Personality Hacker Owner's Manual to understand your co-pilot's role and work on integrating it into your decision-making process.
Get Support: If you need help with this reading get the Personality Owners Manual for your type or reach out to one of our Certified Personality Profiling graduates.
Basic Steps:
- Step 1: Select Type Card
Place down the specific Personality Type Card on the left. (We randomly chose INFJ for this example) - Step 2: Lay Out The Car Model
Place down four Cognitive Function cards that match the functions on the type card: Driver, Copilot, 10-Year-Old, 3-Year-Old. (Use the personality type card as your guide) - Step 3: Zoom in on the Copilot
Flip over the Copilot & 3-Year-Old cards leaving the Driver card & 10-Year-Old card face up. - Step 4: Showcase Life Improvement Options
Describe the specific qualities and characteristics of the Copilot. Because this function is most associated with self-parenting, be sure to connect this and talk about how this part helps translate between your best self and more challenging parts inside. (Refer to the Owners Manual for the specific type information about the Copilot).
Advanced Use: Customize This Reading For Specific Personality Types
There are 16 different versions of this reading. In order to apply the reading to your specific personality type - refer to the Personality Hacker Owners Manual for your type.
We show you how to do a "Personality Loop Reading" in the Personality Owners Manual for your specific type.

Card Reading #5
Remove Your Personality Grips & Get Unstuck
A Personality Grip means getting overwhelmed by your three-year-old function, resulting in black-and-white thinking and feeling stuck.
Video Example: INFP Grip Reading
Steps to do a Personality Grip Reading:
Core Learning Idea: A grip occurs when the inferior, or three-year-old function, takes over, leading to black-and-white thinking and uncertainty. To get unstuck, use the Personality Hacker Owner's Manual to recognize when you're in a grip and understand how to shift focus away from the three-year-old function. By identifying this function's position in the car model, you can work towards regaining balance and clarity.
Get Support: If you need help with this reading get the Personality Owners Manual for your type or reach out to one of our Certified Personality Profiling graduates.
Basic Steps:
- Step 1: Select Type Card
Place down the specific Personality Type Card on the left. (We randomly chose INFP for this example) - Step 2: Lay Out The Car Model
Place down four Cognitive Function cards that match the functions on the type card: Driver, Copilot, 10-Year-Old, 3-Year-Old. (Use the personality type card as your guide) - Step 3: Zoom in on the Copilot
Flip over the Driver, Copilot, & 10-Year-Old cards leaving only the 3-Year-Old card face up. - Step 4: Showcase Deep Uncertainty
Describe the specific qualities and characteristics of the 3-Year-Old function. Because this function is the most uncertain - draw a distinction between incompetence and uncertainty. Remember that a lot of skill can be built in this prt of the personality, but it will always remain uncertain. (Refer to the Owners Manual for the specific type information about the Copilot).
Advanced Use: Customize This Reading For Specific Personality Types
There are 16 different versions of this reading. In order to apply the reading to your specific personality type - refer to the Personality Hacker Owners Manual for your type.
We show you how to do a "Personality Grip Reading" in the Personality Owners Manual for your specific type.

Expert Personality Type Knowledge
... in Your Back Pocket.
Personality Cards are unique, confidence-boosting personality toolkits: used for practical step-by-step type explanations & coaching support.
Each pack of 32 beautifully designed cards includes:
- 16 Personality Type Cards
- 8 Dichotomies
- 8 Cognitive Function Cards
Originally designed to be used with clients during Personality Profiling Sessions, get your own set for "personality readings" for yourself or friends.
Choose Your Type
16 Personality Owners Manuals
The Free Personality Test
“It’s incredible to finally be understood.”
Only 10 minutes to get an accurate description of who you are and why you do things the way you do.