Get The Book

Delve into this interactive guidebook to hack your mind and uncover your core identity.

Get past superficial markers of identity and discover the full makings of your personality type. Recognizing all aspects of who you really are will improve your confidence, compassion, decision-making process and success.

This book outlines the information and tools you need to harness the power of your personality type and realize your full potential, including:

• Detailed Personality Test
• Interactive Journal Prompts
• Myers-Briggs Explanation
• Personal Growth Techniques
• Cognitive Functions Breakdown
• Relationship and Career Assistance

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Personality Type Consultation

Struggling to Find Your Personality Type?

Work 1-on-1 with a Personality Type Expert

High Touch Experience
A hands-on and high touch process where you work one-on-one with a profiler to co-creatively determine your best-fit personality type

Take the Time You Need
Consultations last anywhere between 90 - 120 minutes

Relaxed and Fun
Your consultant is trained to create a relaxed and enjoyable experience

Receive a Personality Development Owners Manual
Upon finding your best-fit type, you will gain access to your type's Personality Development Owners Manual

Schedule A Consultation

Expert Personality Type Knowledge

... in Your Back Pocket .

Personality Cards are unique, confidence-boosting personality toolkits: used for practical step-by-step type explanations & coaching support.

Each pack of 32 beautifully designed cards includes:

  • 16 Personality Type Cards
  • 8 Dichotomies
  • 8 Cognitive Function Cards

Originally designed to be used with clients during Personality Profiling Sessions, get your own set for "personality readings" for yourself or friends.

Get Your Own Deck

Tools for Emotional Survival

Learn Key Strategies for Your Personality Type

Dive into how your personality type impacts stress management, self-care and keeping a positive outlook on life.

Tools for emotional survival is a 3-part workshop series.

Workshop #1: Personality Types and Relieving Stress
We discuss the biggest stressors of different personality types and how to use your cognition to give your body, mind and soul a break

Workshop #2: Personality Types and Self-Care
We discuss obstacles to self-care and what your personality type needs to feel resourced (and how to persuade yourself to do it!)

Workshop #3: Personality Types and Remaining Optimistic
We discuss what parts of your personality are keeping you from experiencing optimism, and how to maintain a positive attitude even when dealing with heavier emotions

Reduce Stress & Amplify Self-Care

Unleashed (for INTJs and INTPs)

Walk Through Your World With Purpose

15+ Hours of Interviews and Trainings to Unleash Your Potential as an INTJ or INTP

Don't Settle In Life
Get beyond the "perpetual preparation problem," or accepting 6/10 existence and reach out for the life you want

Stop Dumbing Yourself Down
Learn how to navigate social situations and connect with others without having to dumb yourself down

Ignite Your Motivation
Leverage action and clarity to find your motivation and override limiting voices in your head

Cultivate Confidence
Develop a quiet confidence that empowers you to walk through your world with purpose and direction while maintaining your compassion

Unleash Your Full Potential

Empowered (for INFJs and INFPs)

Use Your Empathy to Become a Powerhouse

15+ Hours of Interviews and Trainings to Become a Powerful INFJ or INFP

Create Solid Boundaries
Learn the key to avoid codependent or one-sided relationships

Manage Your Energy and Self-Care
Let go of social expectations and put yourself 'on the map' 

Develop a Healthy Relationship to Money and Time
Understand the importance of self-trust and what 'value' really means

Find Your Path to Intimacy
Understand the principles of 'max aliveness' and the need to process emotions that are haunting you

Enter The World Emowered

Intuitive Awakening

Succeed In A World Designed For Others

Stop "Blending In" and Become the Best Version of Yourself

Create Your Own Template
Learn how to stop living by other people's templates and craft a plan for your life

Know When to Trust Your Intuition
Discern the difference between "healthy" and "unhealthy" intuitive patterns and know when you can trust yours to make decisions

Learn How to Make Intuitive Relationships Succeed
Learn how compatibility works with an intuitive type.

Give Yourself Permission
Permission to be different, to find greatness, to come out of hiding, to use intuitive strategies, and to become unstoppable

Awaken Your Intuition

Couples Mapping

Personality Types in Marriage & Relationships

Build Unshakeable Trust, Intimacy and Connection

Be Fully Understood by Your Partner and Wake Up Happy Together

Understand Differences
Create a side-by-side "map" of your personality types as a couple using 3 powerful models

Rediscover Gratitude
Learn to transform feelings of frustration for your partner into appreciation and fall in love all over again

Deepen Connection and Intimacy
Discover your partner's connection and intimacy 'languages' and make sure you aren't 'talking past each other'

Compromise Without Compromising Yourself
Learn how to solve problems creatively and stand for your partnership without giving up your identity or needs

Start Your Couples Map

Hardwired for Wealth

Unlock Your Unique Business Genius

Use Your Unique Wiring to Make Money and Grow Your Business

Find Your Leadership Style
Discover which business leaders share your cognitive wiring

Match to Your Ideal Career
Locate where you fit in the fastest growing industries over the next 10 years

Make Solid Business Decisions
Learn how your mind best makes decisions and when NOT to trust what your mind is telling you

Gather Your Dream Team
Learn which personality types work best together, and who is your Power Pair partner

Join Hardwired For Wealth

Rapid Customer Rapport

Speak Your Customer's "Personality Language"

Create Instant Connection By Speaking Your Customer's Language

Establish Trust with Your Clients
Learn to showcase that you are genuine and want to help solve their challenges

Make Your Customers Feel Understood
Explain your customer's challenges in their own words so they know you 'get' what they're going through

Build Loyalty with Your Clients
Customers love buying from companies they have a relationship with - create loyalty that can keep your business thriving even during tough economic times  

Effectively Teach and Persuade Your Clients
Know how your customer's learn new information and make decisions

Join Rapid Customer Rapport

Jung on Yoga

Personality Types and Yoga

Taught by Dr. Dario Nardi

Build a Body-Mind Practice Based on Dr. Carl Jung's Work, Breathing Techniques and Kundalini Yoga

Dive Deeper into Dr. Carl Jung's Lesser Known Work
Dr. Nardi compiles Jung's quotes, ideas, concepts and learnings into an easy to follow program with teaching components, yoga sets, breathwork techniques and bonus material designed for an embodied teaching experience

Develop a Body-Mind Practice
Develop your practice using breathwork and kundalini yoga with rich media, how-to instructional videos and a recommended fitness plans for all levels

Connect to Higher Consciousness
Using insights and understandings of Jung's work on the chakras, Dr. Dario Nardi dives into the implications Jung's travels to India had on his work on personality theory and higher consciousness

Relieve Stress and Find Peace of Mind
As personality type enthusiasts, it's easy to focus on the mind... and diminish the importance of the body. This program takes you on a psycho-physiological journey to find peace of mind using proven methods

Create Your Mind-Body Practice

Music Album: Kundalini Journey

Guided by Dr. Dario Nardi

Come join us on an unforgettable Kundalini Journey guided by Dr Nardi. This is an audio-only digital album.

From start to end, these traditional kundalini chants give a powerful energy reset. Ideally, sit in lotus pose and chant along or simply relax and open yourself to the beautiful message in the sound. 

Includes 35 minutes of music, a lyrics sheet to help you follow along, and two A/V presentations on the mantras, their meanings, and how to get the most of the chants.

Guided by: Dr.Dario Nardi

9 Chants for Well-Being 

Track 1 - Invocation
Track 2 - Protection 
Track 3 - Rebalancing 
Track 4 - Creativity 
Track 5 - Victory 
Track 6 - Healing 
Track 7 - Humility 
Track 8 - Change 
Track 9 - Long Time Sun

Bonus Track - Dance of the Spider Queen

Get The Audio Album

Music Album: Body-Mind Meditations

Guided by Dr. Dario Nardi

Come join us for 9 powerful meditations guided by Dr Nardi. This is an audio-only digital album. 

Pick a meditation you need. Or, set aside 20 minutes for a trio: one opening (track # 1, 2 or 3), an inner boost (track # 4, 5 or 6), and then a take-away action (track #7, 8 or 9). Does not require any prior meditation experience. 

Guided by: Dr.Dario Nardi

9 Meditations for Body-Mind Practice 

Track 1 - Get Energized (aka Breath of Fire)
Track 2 - Get Grounded (aka Grounding - Mother Earth)
Track 3 - Get Inspired (aka Inspiration)
Track 4 - Regaining Joy
Track 5 - Regaining Confidence
Track 6 - Regaining Peace
Track 7 - Shutout a Distraction (aka Concentration)
Track 8 - Bypass an Obstacle (aka Progress)
Track 9 - Align your Chakras

Get The Audio Album

Personality In Focus

Embark on a journey of type with Neuroscientist and type expert Dr. Dario Nardi

Taught by Dr. Dario Nardi

Understand the Big Picture
Whether you are brand new to typology or in it for a while, this program will introduce you to helpful ways to think about Personality. 

Learn the Fundamentals
Strengthen your foundational understanding of type by understanding where it came from and who helped to shape our current understanding of type. 

Locate your Best-fit Type
Useful resources to help you on your type-discovery journey.

Grow Yourself
By getting a deeper understanding of how the different components of your personality type work and how to best develop based on your best-fit type. 

Discover Type Applications
Find out more about the current findings in Neurosciences, and common ways that type knowledge is being applied into the world today.

Join Personality In Focus

Enneagram Roadmap

Taught by Dr. Beatrice Chestnut

Harness the Power of Your Enneagram Subtype

Break Lifelong Limiting Habits
Learn how your Enneagram subtype influences you and how you can overcome gripped habits

Understand Your Instincts
Dive into the Enneagram instincts and harness these powerful motivations

Identify Yourself and Your Loved Ones
In this 20+ hour program, explore the variety of the 27 Enneagram subtypes, their characteristics and intelligences

Understand Enneagram History
Find out the history of the Enneagram, its roots and how often its been discovered throughout time

Start Your Enneagram Roadmap