Joel and Antonia recently spoke at the British Association of Psychological Type (BAPT), sharing insights on how to make personality type more actionable in everyday life. In this talk, they explore the deeper layers of personality dynamics and how understanding cognitive functions can lead to meaningful transformation.
[VIDEO] Every Personality Type MUST Ask This One Question
[VIDEO] Real Personalities Share Results of Finding Their True Life Path
Create A Custom "Systems Map" For Your Life
If you’ve ever felt like life is happening to you this is the reset button you’ve been looking for. Create your custom bespoke map by understanding your Personality on a deep level.
16 Types... But 2 "Styles" - Which Style of Person Are You?
Wake Up to Your Life: Discover Your Personality Vital Signs
[VIDEO] Shana - Brian - Jonathan Share How They Found Their Personality Life Path
[VIDEO] Shana - Heather & Jonathan Share How They Found Their Personality Life Path
[VIDEO] The 8 Parts Of A Healthy Personality & Life