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In this episode, Joel & Antonia answer a question from a listener about finding your passion.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Many people say that if you’re living your passion “you never work a day in your life.”
  • We haven’t always had the luxury of asking what our passion is and finding a career which represents it. Technology has democratized the question and the answer.
  • What is passion? Is it an emotion?
  • What is worth it to me so that when I have sticking point and have to do things I don’t want to have to do it’s still important for me to pursue. The outcome of letting the dream die is unconscionable.
  • There’s a big connection between one’s passion and the impact you want to create.
  • Those who want to pursue creative careers tend to find their passion earlier in life and follow it young.
  • Model: Passion, Purpose and Mission.
  • Passion is anything that lights a fire under you. It keeps you focused on an end game. It’s unthinkable to stop.
  • Purpose is helping define ‘why am I here’? Our minds wander to ‘how do I leave the camp better than when I got here’? It’s a focus on contribution.
  • Mission is being a light-bearer, and people are following you as a leader.
  • Super successful people aren’t just focused on their own personal success, but on the industry they’re in as a whole. “The rising tide raises all ships.”
  • Model: Power, Achievement and Affiliation.
  • These are motivators for knowing what means something to you. Power may be motivated by gaining greater responsibility over others, affiliation may be motivated by recognition and achievement is motivated by having accomplished something.
  • What is your end game, is it wrapped up in power, achievement or affiliation?
  • Sometimes it’s not a matter of finding your passion, it’s a matter of having permission to know your passion. Suddenly you’re responsible to your passion, and some may not feel ready for it or have permission to pursue it.
  • Being fully authentic as a person is a vital component to following your passion.
  • A better question than “what do you want to be when you grow up?” is “WHO do you want to be when you grow up?”

Exercises we recommend in this podcast:

1. What subject do you love so much that if you were in a restaurant and people at the next table over were talking about this subject you would interrupt their conversation in order to talk about it with them?

2. What problem or challenge have you solved that you will interrupt people in a restaurant to share the solution with them?

3. If you had a microphone in front of you and for 10 minutes the entire planet had to stop and listen to everything you said, what would you talk about?

Things we reference in this podcast:

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  • Kirk tully
    • Kirk tully
    • May 28, 2014 at 7:14 pm

    This is great! I used a different program (called “start with why” by simon sinek) to find my passion and having found it I am definitely fighting with, am I allowed to do this? I’m not sure how to monetize it and I’m definitely “hiding” (as you call it in some if your blog posts) who I am because I’m not sure I’m allowed to be myself. Thank you for this podcast and for being people who remind us that we are allowed to be ourselves and we are not alone (us weirdo intuitives).

    You mentioned that there are not many people answering the question, how do we do this. But I am wondering, where do we find inspirers? You mentioned watching the movie about the finance guy, and I’m sure we can interweb the question, but being inspired by you guys I’m wondering who inspires you. (Hope those beards and stone chiseling skills are growing well…. )

  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • May 27, 2014 at 6:16 pm

    That’s a GREAT observation. Passion (as with pretty much everything in life) is a verb – we are definitely ‘passioning’, though nominalizing it for a time can be helpful for deciding a direction. Our passions definitely take on other forms over time. That said, focusing on one thing for a time period is definitely powerful.

    I know quite a few AMAZING INFJ copywriters. It’s a great way to monetize your talent and passion. The direction copy is going definitely lends itself to the INFJ mindset, as well.

    Thanks for the high quality question and the high quality comment!


  • Frederick
    • Frederick
    • May 27, 2014 at 12:37 pm

    Thank you guys for answering my question in this episode.

    I’ll share what my take on passion is. First of all passion is a freaking nominalization! I had this insight not long after i asked that question, i asked myself why it was so difficult for me to define something and the answer was that passion it’s not a frozen thing, it’s the process of passioning.

    So this is the first big insight into defining passion.

    Then i thought about the process of passioning and the concept of “flow” and how they are connected. When you are “passioning” you are in flow meaning that the activity that you are engaging lights up your brain like a christmas tree (like drinking Margarita for Antonia :D)

    Then i thought about your genius style model and passion for me are simply the activities that you do that puts you in flow, that tap into your driver process.

    For me is gathering massive amounts of informations and speculating about those information, this puts me in flow. I remember one afternoon when i layed down on the floor 50 paper sheets with maps and models and i tried to sinthetize everything in one mega-framework.

    I was alone, door locked, cell phone and landline phone disconnected. it was amazing! I started at 2pm and the first time i watched the clock it was 7pm.

    The missing piece about this model was the primary interest metaprogram which defines where you put attention. I’m obviously interested in informations about people, so at the end of my speculative attempt passion has two layers:
    1) your genius style
    2) your primary interest

    For example i love gathering massive amounts of informations and speculating about those informations but i don’t like gathering informations about gardening. I’m interested in human psychology.

    To make a living from that you simply ask yourself “how can you use your genius style and your primary interest to create value for other so that they will pay you money”

    For me it’s marketing and advertising. When i read Claude Hopkins “Scientific Advertising” in Chapeter 6 he said “Psychology: the more you know the better”, i’m deeply interested in human psychology and i can use my interest in that topic + my natural talent of gathering information, speculating and connecting concepts together to create marketing campaigns that push all the irrational buttons and motivations that make people buy.

    Ok so that’s for me.

    As I said earlier to Antonia i’m probably an INFJ so i naturally tried to do some perspectiving work to simulate this model on other personality types but i figured out it’s best to simply ask if my model work for you too guys :)

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