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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about balancing the growth of all the cognitive functions in your personality.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • What are type dynamics, and what is type-dynamic development?
  • Going deeper: what are the patterns surrounding type development?
  • Check out our article on The Car Model to learn about your cognitive functions.
  • What’s the difference between using type for “diagnostics” versus “prescription”?
  • An overview of John Beebe’s 8 function model
    • How to figure out what your 4 shadow functions are
  • Why does Personality Hacker mainly focus on the first 4 functions?
  • Why it can feel “wrong” if you try to use your shadow functions.
  • Potential pitfalls of using shadow functions to type yourself and others.
  • The pattern of how type development works:
  • The Driver (dominant) function:
    • What’s the difference between using and exercising your Driver function?
  • The Copilot (auxiliary) function:
    • How does this support the driver function when developed?
    • Why you can’t “grow” functions in isolation – how the Copilot influences the “flavor” of the driver
  • The 10-Year-Old (tertiary) function:
    • The idea of “rehabilitation” – how the Co-pilot facilitates better growth for your 10-Year-Old function
    • Antonia’s type development story about her Copilot and 10-Year-Old
  • The 3-Year-Old (inferior) function:
    • How your 3-Year-Old “comes along for the ride” when you develop your Copilot
    • What makes it difficult to integrate this function and how can the Copilot help?
    • An illustration of integrating Accuracy (Ti) for ExFJs
  • Shadow functions – introducing the role of the 6th function: The Senex (or Witch).
    • Joel and Antonia’s experiences with their 6th function
  • Why it’s important to your personal growth and development to apply what you’ve learned about the system.

Type Dynamics and Personal Growth #cognitivefunctions #MyersBriggs

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  • Joan
    • Joan
    • January 4, 2020 at 5:33 pm

    Interestingly, as a dominant Fi user, the need for social awareness and the knowledge that I need to be able to please other people somewhat plagues me. Also, when someone is being “fake,” like a car salesman trying really hard to be friendly, I don’t judge them. I just hate malevolence or malicious or deceptive intent. Not, someone trying to do their job or trying to fit into a social scene. On the other hand, if a person’s behavior, speech, or affect tears another person down, then this angers me that people have to resort to hurting others in order to internally exalt their own importance. But, fitting into a group by making myself aware of how all the people are feeling at once – can’t blame me – just don’t know, just such an overload on my awareness that I don’t know how to carry it. I know what emotional/value-based intent I am outputting, but not how everyone is feeling or even perceiving it.

  • Hanna Murray
    • Hanna Murray
    • December 19, 2019 at 4:32 pm

    I wish the fb communities of PH would obsess less about diagnostics and engage more with issues of growth… At the moment it’s not a very inspiring place. Liked this podcast!

  • Rute J.
    • Rute J.
    • December 15, 2019 at 8:52 pm

    For me (INTP), my superego shadow (ISFP) began to emerge, at a more conscious level, after my mother, who was also ISFP passed away. I was 37 at the time. I actually had two losses that same year (mom and her sister, who was also my godmother, an INFP).
    I became more interested in using artwork as something complementary to my poetry and writing since.
    I’ve also noticed I seem to focus more on Se data than before, especially when I’m dealing with someone who uses Si, as a dominant function or seems unaware of certain Se details. For instance, when I cook or when someone cooks for me, I usually have this intuitive perception of flavors that won’t mix well together or of an ingredient that is missing that is necessary to turn a good dish into a great one. I never really cared much about cooking, besides the essential, but now, it’s like I’m strangely much more demanding in that department.
    I haven’t had a similar insight about my ENTJ Id shadow though, apart from the fact that I know I could almost kill someone with my bear hands, when its full rage takes over, which, thankfully, happens very, very rarely. I know this since I was 8 or 9, but there were only two or three episodes I remember that I actually feared what I could do at that moment. Apart from that, I think my ENTJ Id is better integrated whenever my Ti and Fe work in tandem with each other, which is, like you said, when my Ne and Si come into play, as they should, because my super-Id ESFJ is ENTJ’s superego. But, my ENTJ also manifests in other ways, especially when I show someone who leads or helps the world through their Te why their effort will likely end up failing, because they usually tend to skip important steps to get to a much wanted result much quicker or don’t have essential information that is usually provided by Ne/Si. Or, it can manifest through my Ni (6th/wisdom function) whenever I expose certain people’s intentions/agenda. Or, through my Fi (8th demon/daemon function), probably the most destructive/transformative of all functions, which is also the ENTJ’s true lifelong aspiration.

  • Christopher
    • Christopher
    • December 15, 2019 at 4:09 pm

    Great material, thank you!

    I admit, when I first encountered Beebe’s Shadow Functions theory, I was a bit skeptical. But after thinking back to my relationship with my stepfather (I’m an INTP and he was an ESTJ) I could really see the oppositional archetype at work. By the time I was a teenager, the dinner table was a warzone, largely over issues of logic versus common sense. Later, while working under another ESTJ, I caught myself in the act of projecting that archetype onto him. That awareness itself radically changed my relationship with him and I ended up learning a lot about the practicalities of business. It was very uncomfortable, mind you, rather like lowering your guard while in range of an armed enemy, but I was (mostly) able to relax into the discomfort when I was paying attention.

    The idea that we tend to view Shadow Functions as " using the function wrong" is also something I’ve noticed. I’ve said to my MBTI aware friends for years that Te users don’t actually understand logic. I’m not quite ready to back down from that…

    My Mom is an ESFJ, and I really felt the discussion at 47:15. It was common knowledge in my family that you just didn’t tell her anything that needed to be kept a secret. I can recall one surprise party that was ruined because she decided that the other person had a right to know about it. It’s nice to be able to have some understanding of that trait of hers.

    With regard to the Sixth Function, I think there is a rather Mother/Daughter relationship between the Witch and the Anima (and, I assume, a Father/Son relationship between the Senex and the Animus). There’s almost this challenge, as if the Sixth is saying, " Oh, so you think you’re good enough to date my daughter?" Making the Sixth conscious and absorbing the archetype is a bit of a Guardian of the Threshold experience, although of course the Inferior is the true Guardian of the Threshold. I first had serious interactions with the Witch during my post-divorce therapy, when my Auxiliary was still quite underdeveloped but I was doing a lot of work, under my therapist’s direction, with my Inferior function.

  • Joey
    • Joey
    • December 14, 2019 at 5:53 pm

    Truer words have never been spoken, Kristin. INFP here

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