Personalities in Marriage & Relationships

“Compatibility is the key to having a mind-blowing romantic relationship filled with passion – love and intimacy.”


Why we often fall in love with mates who are so different from us. How to use your differences to your advantage, gain new appreciation and co-creating an amazing life together.

Opposites Attract…

It’s a normal thought to be watching your mate talk and the thought strikes you… “we are nothing alike. How did I end up with this person?”

This is normal. Usually what happens next is you try to “re-make” your lover into another version of you.

But that’s not why you are with them in the first place. You chose this person BECAUSE of their differences.

Don’t try to change your lover… understand them better

It’s our belief at Personality Hacker that ANY two personalities can be attracted to each other and form a strong intimate and fulfilling relationship. Of course some types are more and less compatible – but with some focus and intention each relationship can be improved.

We believe that by truly understanding how your mind learns and makes decisions – you will have the skills needed to be a good romantic partner.

If knowing yourself so well makes you a good romantic partner, then knowing your mate’s personality (how they learn information & make decisions) can make you an amazing romantic partner.

Introducing: “Personalities in Marriage & Relationships”

We invite you join us for “Personality Types in Marriage & Relationships.”

We’ll be honest – we’re in love with all of this content.

We believe strongly in the power of personality psychology to help people craft amazing relationships.

And there’s nothing we feel more strongly about than helping lovers create more understanding and deeper more intimate relationships.

Come join us to learn how we can give back to the world and ourselves, by building strong committed relationships.

What’s included in all of the sessions:

Session #1 – Attraction, Love Languages and Personality Matches

  • 00:13 – Introduction
  • 01:57 – Concept of Polarity Attraction
  • 02:35 – The Pygmalion Project
  • 04:27 – Overvaluing one’s own experiences
  • 06:08 – Starting the Pygmalion Project without awareness
  • 08:35 – Ways to prevent the Pygmalion Project
  • 09:00 – Pair bonding
  • 12:15 – Do you love me?
  • 12:30 – Agape or Principled love
  • 13:25 – Eros or Romantic love
  • 14:37 – How contempt enters and ends a relationship
  • 18:15 – Expressing and receiving love in ways not understood by our mate
  • 22:28 – Exercise: Cheat sheet on Mastering Communication: Know thyself, know thy lover
  • 25:07 – Love language on a Behavioral element
  • 25:17 – Antonia recommends the book “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman.
  • 26:38 – Love language is the way that we express and receive love.
  • 27:10 – The Five Love Languages:
  • 29:20 – Physical Touch
  • 32:21 – Words of affirmation
  • 33:50 – Acts of service
  • 34:51 – Receiving Gifts
  • 36:13 – Quality Time
  • 38:24 – Q & A Session: What do you think is your primary love language?
  • 39:36 – Importance of knowing your mate and your own love languages
  • 44:32 – How to know your own love language
  • 45:35 – How to meet the needs of the five love languages
  • 49:25 – Exercise: Genius Style Profile
  • 52:03 – Love language on a Cognitive element
  • 52:37 – Harmony Love language
  • 01:01:00 – Authenticity Love language
  • 01:06:52 – Effectiveness Love language
  • 01:21:52 – Accuracy Love language
  • 01:30:44 – Closing

Session #2 – Sex, Money, Shame and Self Esteem

  • 00:00:12 – Introduction
  • 00:02:22 – Love is about evaluation
  • 00:02:52 – The need of Shared values and interests in a relationship
  • 00:04:14 – How Sensors and Intuitives relate to each other
  • 00:06:01 – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
  • 00:09:58 – Why we fight about money so much
  • 00:12:13 – Ways to avoid fighting about money
  • 00:17:20 – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in relation to marriage and relationships
  • 00:29:00 – Safety according to Personality type
  • 00:31:19 – Joel and Antonia wants to talk about sex in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
  • 00:31:39 – Overvaluing and undervaluing sex
  • 00:32:45 – The Triune Brain Theory and its levels:
  • 00:32:57 – Lizard brain
  • 00:33:26 – Mammalian brain
  • 00:34:11 – Cerebral brain
  • 00:35:01 – Impact of sex at the Triune Brain Theory and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
  • 00:40:38 – Sex on macro and micro levels
  • 00:41:24 – Sex at the Lizard brain level and Physiological need level
  • 00:42:00 – Porn
  • 00:44:48 – Sex at the Mammalian brain level and Safety need level
  • 00:46:05 – Jealousy
  • 00:47:48 – Pair bonding
  • 00:52:30 – Sex at the Love and belongingness need level and Cerebral brain level
  • 00:52:46 – Expectation of modern culture about sex
  • 00:56:51 – The need you want to fulfill vs. the need your partner wants to fulfill
  • 00:58:14 – Quick overview on the Dependency Model
  • 01:00:55 – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the Dependency Model in relation to having needs met
  • 01:03:45 – Sex at the Self esteem need level and Cerebral brain level
  • 01:04:24 – Sex as a tool to create a safe space to learn new things and as a tool for getting through issues.
  • 01:05:43 – Shame about sex
  • 01:06:50 – Acceptance leading to self – esteem
  • 01:08:57 – Us vs. We
  • 01:12:59 – Sex at the Self – actualization need level and Cerebral brain level
  • 01:13:09 – The use of sex to achieve enlightenment
  • 01:14:10 – Enabling the brain for new imprinting through sex
  • 01:18:10 – Open forum
  • 01:28:49 – Joel talks about the book “Sex, Drugs and Magic” by Robert Anton Wilson
  • 01:33:08 – Importance of fulfilling the safety and security element of sex in relationships
  • 01:36:41 – Closing

Session #3 – Dealing With Conflict and Fighting Fair (special guest Bruce Muzik)

  • 00:00:24 – Antonia introduces relationship expert Bruce Muzik
  • 00:00:54 – Bruce gives an overview of the session
  • 00:06:22 – Question: What was the feeling like when you first fell in love?
  • 00:10:32 – Question: When did you feel disconnected or insecure in a relationship?
  • 00:12:22 – Conflict is not a sign that you and your coupe are incompatible
  • 00:13:29 – Healthy VS Unhealthy conflict
  • 00:15:03 – Three Stages of Relationship
  • 00:15:50 – Romance Stage
  • 00:22:08 – Power Struggle Stage
  • 00:27:23 – The Hailstorm and turtle dynamics
  • 00:31:55 – The Bliss stage
  • 00:35:30 – 8 traits of being in the power struggle stage
  • 00:46:10 – What does it mean to be Emotionally Connected?
  • 00:48:10 – How to connect with your partner
  • 00:48:40 – The Eye to Eye method
  • 00:56:25 – The 3 basic parts of communication
  • 00:58:34 – Ask permission from your partner for a conversation
  • 01:59:51 – Remove your partner’s anxiety
  • 01:03:30 – Speaking
  • 01:05:48 – The See into Me tool
  • 01:09:59 – Surface complaints aren’t the real problem
  • 01:15:28 – Listening: How to resolve arguments without saying anything
  • 01:23:40 – Love at first fight coaching program

Session #4 – Co-creating Your AMAZING Relationship

  • 00:02:52 – Q&A session
  • 00:07:00 – Reasons behind fights
  • 00:08:10 – Connect first communicate later
  • 00:11:38 – The Bliss Stage: Issues of Connection no longer exist
  • 00:13:20 – Romance Stage: Codependence
  • 00:15:25 – The Goal of Mature Love
  • 00:15:55 – 50/50 Relationship
  • 00:18:42 – Question: Is the power struggle stage something that you can fall back into or is it something that’s always behind you after you get right through it?
  • 00:21:43 – Question: Is there something people can do while on the drug to prepare themselves for the power struggle.
  • 00:28:15 – Love and Marriage is a daily choice



The tuition for Personalities in Marriage & Relationships was originally $197, but we’re offering it now for only $97.

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We can’t wait for you to begin your journey of making big impact in the world…

Antonia Dodge & Joel Mark Witt,
Personality Hacker


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