
In Gifts Differing, Isabel Briggs Myers called INTPs “the most intellectually profound of all the types.”

INTPs are candid, ingenious, and oftentimes rebellious. They are committed to autonomy, freedom, and independence. They are more likely than any other type to study foreign languages, and like to challenge traditions and social assumptions. INTPs make up only 3.3% of the world’s population and male INTPs outnumber females 3 to 1.

Albert Einstein was most likely an INTP, as are Bill Gates and Tony Hsieh (CEO of Zappos). Possible fictional INTPs are Sherlock Holmes, Bertram Gilfoyle of Silicon Valley, and Lisbeth Salander from the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series. All these people have a unique way of looking at the world and I can’t help but admire their withering intellects.

In a recent survey of INTPs we asked four questions:

  • What are the top 3 challenges you face as an INTP?
  • What 3 things do you wish others knew about you as an INTP?
  • What 3 books/movies/courses/events have most impacted your life?
  • What do you wish you could have told your 15 year old self

Over 140 INTPs opened up and shared their world with us. In this article, I would like to focus on the last of the four survey questions – What do you wish you could have told your 15 year old self

Many of the answers shared some common themes. So, I have broken them all down to 5 items INTPs wish they had known when they were 15 years old, in order of frequency.

#1 Don’t Worry About What Others Think

15% of INTPs wish they could tell their younger selves to stop obsessing about what others think. This is a surprising statistic when we consider the stereotypical INTP seems more concerned with logic and data than social niceties. However, it gives us an interesting insight into the sensitive nature of the INTP.

Direct Quotes:

  • “Do not be scared about showing yourself to the world. Stop thinking about what others think and do what you want to do. You are beautiful and smart do not let your insecurities tell you otherwise.”
  • “Don’t listen to the haters and trust your intuition/”gut.”
  • “Don’t give two sh*ts what other people think of you. I know deep down you care, but you can’t let it affect your decisions in life. Be true to yourself and what you want in life.”
  • “Stop worrying about what others think about you. Be honest with how you feel and think. Stop wearing a social mask and be real with people. Stop stalking others on Facebook and have a hobby! Get out there and have a life. Try EVERYTHING.”
  • “Create. Keep creating. Make quick and dirty prototypes. Never be afraid to show your work. Those are signs of scarcity. There is no need to cover things up. Be proud of what you do because you always try to put the best quality out there. Notice the things you love in life. Whether it’s actions/items/people, etc. bring more of those things into your life and play into them.”
  • “Do not give a damn about what other people think. It’s none of your business and you can’t control it. Are you living for yourself or living for others and letting them control the limited time you have on this planet?”
  • “Stick with what interests you most. Other people’s opinions matter but eventually it is your life that you are living. If you do what you enjoy most, you are going to be great at it.”

#2 Do More, Think Less

Sometimes it can be hard for INTPs to get out of their heads and into the real world. However, this is their fastest path to growth. INTPs may be introverted, but their auxiliary cognitive function is extraverted (Extraverted Intuition). All the idea generating in the world doesn’t do any good until it can be tested, refined, and explored by observing emergent properties. This is how INTPs bring their genius to the benefit of everyone.

14% of INTPs wish they had spent more time exploring during their youth and less time hiding.

Direct Quotes:

  • “It’s nice to get good grades every now and then, but you need to learn there’s more to life than studying. Go out there, get some adventure… do something! Stop worrying the world is against you, or you have to be something of great importance. You are you. It is okay to make a mistake.”
  • “There is nothing wrong with you. If you want to make friends in college, you need to socialize more.”
  • “The educational system is inadequate, delve deeper into self education. Begin learning other languages now, it will pay dividends. Learn to see value in experiences over things. Begin your own path – you need not wait.”
  • “It’s okay to have multiple interests; don’t feel like you have to have your life all planned out at 18. You should also definitely take a year off after high school to backpack through Europe and ‘find yourself”.”
  • “Don’t go to uni straight up after high school. Go and travel.”
  • “Stop being so hard on yourself. Life is long and the prime directive is to experience what you can while you are here.”
  • “Enjoy high school a bit more. You only need 60% of all your subjects to get into university, so stop studying for those distinctions and live a little. Also Oblivion and Dragon Age are great games, play them. And start watching Naruto and Bleach right now. Plus you should join that dance studio so you can actually have fun at your matric dance in a few years and you’ll lose some weight too fatty! Seriously though, go make some friends and party while you can.”

#3 Don’t Be Scared To Be Yourself

A common thread throughout all the Intuitive surveys is the reminder that we are different and that is not only okay, it is awesome.

13% of INTPs would tell their 15 year old selves to just be themselves.

Direct Quotes:

  • “Follow your curiosity. Don’t worry about trying to be like other people– it isn’t going to happen. Just be the best version of you. Give yourself a lot of room to make decisions because you’re good at seeing possibilities, and you will need to explore a lot of them before settling on anything. Enjoy the process of living– beginnings and endings are short and usually kind of anticlimactic, but you can find all kinds of fun in between.”
  • “You’re not wrong. You’re just different, and that’s okay.”
  • “You’re weird but that’s okay. Believe in yourself. Please stop procrastinating.”
  • “Stop trying so hard to be like other people or meet the expectations for normal high schoolers. Just be who you are, regardless of who understands you, finds you attractive, wants you around… you are a wonderful person. ”
  • “Don’t try to conform to what others do or think. There is nothing wrong with you!”
  • “Be true to yourself. Pursue your dreams. Don’t let idiots derail them or try to tell you what to believe or how to think/feel.”

#4 Never Stop Learning

The INTPs dominant cognitive function is Introverted Thinking (Accuracy). This is a Decision-Making function that gathers data in order to sort out fact from fiction. Honest and concise thinking is the highest priority to an INTP. Data must be gathered to assure the INTP is reaching the most accurate conclusions possible. So, it should be no surprise to us that 10% of INTPs want to make sure their younger selves never stop learning.

Direct Quotes:

  • “Study about your personality. Find interesting things to research instead of playing video games all the time. Learn to program.”
  • “Trust your instincts over authoritative figures. Don’t be afraid to not follow the crowd. Ruffle some feathers. Make more of an effort to keep up with old friends. Seek knowledge and always challenge your views.”
  • Math is NOT hard, you’re just not being taught well. It can actually be pretty fun when you’re encouraged to be creative because it isn’t all about memorizing formulas. I promise. Start with Geometry and explore from there. The same thing goes for science. Learn to “code.” It’s a computer thing. Buuuuut… before all of that, don’t be afraid to audition for performing arts school. You’ll get in.”
  • “There is no end to the search. The maze keeps expanding. Find peace in the beliefs and understanding you choose to accept as foundational. Always pick the red pill!”
  • Being smart and curious does not mean you have to be a college professor (it’s sort of the family business). For me the subject matter comes and goes; what’s consistent is the process of clarifying and problem-solving. That’s my “thing”. (I have spent most of my life trying to find my “thing” – medicine? chemistry? economics? – and I’m now trying to reconcile myself to the idea that for me that’s the wrong question.) Being curious can get me into trouble, but I wouldn’t want to be any other way. Imagine the horror of running out of books to read!”

#5 You Are Complete

In exploring INTPs, I read that they have one of the lowest levels of coping resources of all the types (except for maybe ISTPs). This may explain another sobering statistic – INTPs are the most frequent type among college students committing alcohol and drug policy violations. Perhaps this is the reason why 9% of INTPs wish they could tell their younger selves that they are not flawed. Another 5% would like to remind their adolescent selves that they are not broken.

Direct Quotes:

  • “There is nothing wrong with being an introvert. You’re perfect just the way you are.”
  • “You are not broken. INTPs are rare and have that “little bit of crazy” kind of genius. Put on your comfy but mismatched pants and shirt and go learn things.”
  • “Practice self acceptance. Relax.”
  • “Be patient. Life is long and things happen at their own pace. You are already complete the way you are. There is nothing missing. It’s okay to feel awkward and uncomfortable. That’s how growth feels.”
  • “Don’t measure your own worth by any social standards whatsoever. Find out what your talents are. Don’t question whether your rational talents are of less value than the empathic or social talents of others. They’re not. Being less emotional or warm-hearted doesn’t make you a worse person. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.”

Never Stop Being Honest

The gift INTPs bring to our world is their radical honesty. Unbiased, unemotional, data-driven honesty. It is the rubric by which we as a society see through the BS and focus on the facts. Its laser precision cuts through the social detritus and reminds us to pull our heads out of our asses. This is why I love INTPs…even when their truth is painful.

  • 7% of INTPs wish they had been more honest with themselves and others.
  • 6% of INTPs want their younger selves to realize that the future is worth waiting for.
  • 4% of INTPs wish they could have accepted the fact that it is impossible to change the world.
  • Another 4% want their younger selves to realize that friendship is about quality not quantity.
  • And 3% think they should have shared their work more with the people in their lives.

We would love to hear more about the advice INTPs would give to their teenage selves. Please share them in the comments below.

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  • Kara
    • Kara
    • December 11, 2017 at 5:53 am

    I would say, “You have a huge amount to offer. But it will take a while to work out how to offer it.”

  • GB
    • GB
    • October 3, 2017 at 12:00 am

    Here’s what I would tell my teenage self:

    First, you were right all along. Not completely. What you were right about was just one side of the coin, and hindsight provides the other side so no worries, you’ll get there. But you were right. And although you’ll get a bit lost along the way by humoring the BS those around you are spouting, you’ll end up facing the truth one day, and the ‘truth’ is really just your own reflection in the mirror. All the answers are inside of you and you’ve known it all along. Great job listening to your inner voice, especially in the midst of all the chaos around you.

    Second, this might come as a surprise to you but life isn’t supposed to be hard. It’s actually annoyingly easy once you pass a certain level of understanding and you have to keep challenging yourself, learning, building skills, engaging in creative pursuits, etc. in order to be fulfilled. But really, the commonly chosen path is incredibly easy. Follow your intuition, it will lead you exactly where you want to go. Into the circumstances you will personally find fulfilling and people who do ‘get’ you.

    Third, despite what you might think about the world right now, it was actually “made” just for you as equally as it was made for everyone else. The fact that you’re rare doesn’t mean you’re not invited. In fact, this is the best part. You get to create whatever you want. You get to cut through the crap, hack the ‘system,’ and make anything happen. You get to architect your life. So do it. The possibilities are endless. And you know exactly what to do. Other people don’t know more than you in the general sense. They’re not in on some secret that you have to figure out.

    10 years later (me now in my mid 20s) and I can say I’m so grateful for who I am and what I’m capable of. And being alive is wonderful.

  • Charis Branson
    • Charis Branson
    • July 27, 2017 at 1:27 pm

    Thank you for that amazing comment, Nach! I’m so glad you have finally found your best fit type. Bravo for creating a life you can love!! <3

  • Nach
    • Nach
    • July 27, 2017 at 9:58 am

    Woah, this is like the PERFECT article for me to read at this very moment.

    I have been tugging at myself for a while, wondering why the INTJ results I got in personality tests NEVER satisfied me, wondering why I could never cut straight between INTP and INTJ.
    So I have spent the last year or so reading INTJ profiles and data and feeling uneasy about some of the core aspects of the personality type (i.e arrogance, certitude, “coldness”, pragmatism, etc).
    After reading the article above, it’s like… EUREKA!! (yes, with capital letters).

    In fact, The more I read about INTPs (women in particular), the more I recognise myself in the type. I have always LOVED anime, been a fan of Sci-fi films, LOVED computers and coding, learnt over 7 languages (conversing in 5 of them), moved countries like 20 times in 32 years, changed workplaces like 30 times since I was 18 years old, studied/worked in Academic fields though not in Universities, been BORED TO DEATH with a “job” after 1 year or so of working, sought new ventures/knowledge/experiences regardless of the economical/practical impact on my finances and family/relationships.

    As now, having been in a stable (static?) environment for the last 2.5 years, I’m starting to fret again. My main consolation is that I now have enough money, time and opportunities to complete certifications/online courses and read books about any of my newfound interests in the most relaxing environment. It’s like a breath of FRESH AIR, every.single.time it happens!

    I definitely love being me and having my personality, and although the world is often an unwelcomed but needed distraction, I manage to cruise through because I understand that no isht that I do or do not do really matters. All I want is to discover, learn, ponder, analyse, create, upgrade, refine and start again.

    Life is beautiful. The world is a playground. I f****ing love my life! :)

  • Charis Branson
    • Charis Branson
    • July 17, 2017 at 2:14 pm

    Thanks, Irenie!

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