What is your core trauma and how does that affect your ability to be a fully individuated INTP? In today’s article, I’m investigating how INTPs are affected and held back by their negative beliefs and past traumas. How does pride (2), vanity (3), or gluttony (7) affect you as an INTP?

When an INTP is in touch with themselves, they’re a powder keg of clever. They are inventive, curious, and full of questions. INTPs enjoy being catalysts of change. They have a natural curiosity for how things work. They like to form theories about the world.

Growing up, INTPs may have taught themselves that for various reasons, they couldn’t be their natural selves. They had to learn to be a certain way to be more liked, to feel more appreciated, and to do better at work. At the expense of their natural flow, INTPs may come to engage and pull on certain power personas, and this article investigates what happens when you as an INTP find yourself stuck in one of these personas. What you will see in all of these Enneagram types is a core problem that you have to solve as an INTP. Something that has been bothering you that may require some re-evaluation. But as an INTP, I think you have just what you need to find the answers to these problems.

The INTP-1 & The Grip Of Perfectionism

Core gift: Bringing popular creative solutions that people will love and appreciate.
Primary struggle: Lacking touch with their inner compass.

The INTP-1 is all about freeing up opportunities and making the most of what life throws at them. But the INTP-1 lives so far in hypotheticals and what-ifs that they begin to lose their accuracy. INTP-1s may find that if their environment becomes too chaotic and their life begins to spin out of control, a sense of dissatisfaction and anger will start to come up. As an INTP, it’s important to take the time to think things through and maintain a sense of accuracy and clarity in your life.

If an INTP-1 doesn’t think the information they’re getting is logical, it’s not going to make them happy. Often, the INTP-1 hears that they’re great, awesome, brilliant, etc. but they never feel that way about themselves. Dissatisfaction and frustration can build up a sense of perfectionism which predominates in this enneagram type. So, the INTP-1 keeps trying harder and harder without feeling happier. Think of the inventor who is forced to invent other people’s ideas. Or, the creative person whose creative solutions are never appreciated. The INTP-1 needs to work on their Introverted Thinking (“Accuracy”) and their own sense of accuracy to get out of this loop.

The INTP-2 & The Grip Of Pride

Core gift: Seeing how someone could succeed where they currently fail
Primary struggle: Lacking boundaries when asserting their opinions.

The INTP-2 is all about using their problem solving and their Accuracy and precision in pinpointing what is wrong and what can be improved to help others. The INTP-2 has a strong sense of self-importance in what they do, as they know exactly how they can help people. But the INTP-2 feels frustration and even exhaustion and overwhelm as they keep trying to help other people but get little results. Other people don’t take the advice of the INTP-2 seriously and they keep making the same mistakes even when told how to avoid them.

Yes, often, the INTP-2 feels a lack of energy because they can see how people could change, they can see good opportunities, they know what is right, but the INTP-2, for various reasons, is unable to chase these opportunities in their own life. Perhaps they are denying themselves a new opportunity or hobby, and instead, try to live through others. INTP-2s hear they are arrogant and condescending at times, but they’re really just trying to help. As an INTP-2, it’s all about gaining the power to use this problem solving only for people who are open to it and to spend the rest on their own dreams and aspirations. The INTP-2 needs to consider working more on their “Exploration” process (Extroverted iNtuition) to get out of this loop. Remember, it may require the INTP gives up some pride and realizes there’s still a lot left to discover.

The INTP-3 & The Grip Of Vanity

Core gift: Seeing exactly what you could do in each situation to impress others
Primary struggle: Never feels at peace with self or what they have.

The INTP-3 employs both thinking and perceiving to make their dreams and ambitions happen. But often, the INTP-3 feels their more philosophical side is best left out of the picture. For various reasons, INTP-3s don’t trust their own intuition enough. A common reason is vanity and being more concerned with appearing successful than truly being successful; for appearing like you have the answer, rather than actually having the answer. This is often common when an INTP grows up being told the only thing of value is what you appear to achieve or do. Perhaps engaging in it in the past has made them feel isolated from the world, and now, they want to make an impact. Often, INTP-3s feel a need to be more extraverted and to be more loud and dramatic to make a bigger impact. INTP-3s are often prone to showing off, going further than most INTPs, and being more publicly outspoken than the average INTP.

There is strength in your solutions and your ability to play the game and muster tactics beyond the average person. But there is also an obsession with being active. This isn’t the best plan for an INTP. Recognize the cost of the extraverted pursuits. Are they overwhelming and draining? You don’t have to work or keep yourself busy all of the time. Eventually, it may rob you of your happiness.

The INTP-4 & The Grip Of Envy

Core gift: Strong judgment.
Primary struggle: Believing they are bad people.

There is a big issue with INTP-4s turning their judgment towards themselves. When the INTP studies themselves from the concept of Introverted Feeling (“Authenticity”), often, INTPs will feel overwhelmed with feeling that they somehow have a bad character or a flawed identity. That somehow there’s something wrong with them, as an INTP. A tendency to dwell on past traumas and experiences can feed into this feeling of being of bad character. They may even consider themselves inappropriate for other people. This can result in envy: a feeling of wanting to be as good as other people and fit in.

INTP-4s will often direct this judgment towards themselves, keeping them from pursuing their passion or their purpose because they feel they do not deserve it. The reigns of Authenticity block the need for Accuracy. The good news is, it’s in the nature of the INTP to want Accuracy, and this thirst to advance what they see as right is always popping up and letting its will be known. If an INTP-4 can begin to trust their judgment, they can learn to become one of the most proactive and decisive of all the INTPs.

The INTP-5 & The Grip Of Avarice

Core gift: Knowledge and expertise.
Primary struggle: An attachment to the wrong version of the truth.

You will see the INTP-5 clinging mainly to what they know or think they know about the world. In particular, the INTP-5 is preoccupied with a troubling question: “Why?” Often, INTPs know just how the world works, and they’re skilled at understanding the “how’s” in the world. They see past things, and they see the hidden rules governing the universe.

But “why” is more difficult. The question of why things work the way they do – and the questions of the past – weigh down and make this INTP feel blocked and somewhat isolated. The INTP-5 is avaricious in their pursuit of skill and greedy in wanting to have all the answers and in wanting to be the one that knows or possesses all the answers. But it’s okay to admit you don’t know everything. Truly, that’s when you can actually start to learn.

Still, the INTP-5 will generally cling to these questions because they doubt their thinking or the questions of the future. There is comfort in finding answers to these questions and a feeling of improvement or learning, but there is no energy or passion in an INTP stuck in Enneagram 5. Rather, the INTP-5 tends to struggle with feeling weak or insecure of the truths they do not want to face.

The INTP-6 & The Grip Of Fear

Core gift: Getting people to back your theories.
Primary struggle: Feeling dependant on other people.

The INTP-6 has a high analytical prowess but does not trust it. Instead, it becomes increasingly important for the INTP-6 to confirm their ideas by persuading other people as to why the INTP-6 is right. The INTP-6 will work hard to clarify and confirm their assumptions and what they think is accurate and reasonable. The INTP-6 is unusually concerned with “Harmony” (Extraverted Feeling) for an INTP, but they are dispassionate and cold in the pursuit of this Harmony.

The need for Harmony can lead to bartering and seeking to get other people to see their side of the argument. As an INTP-6, confront your fears and insecurities if you can, and learn what you can do if you trust your powers more. Often, the fear is, that you will lose the support of your friends and the people around you. As an INTP, there is a tendency to make this insecurity and fear a matter of your own fault.

The INTP-7 & The Grip Of Gluttony

Core gift: Exploring a vision when you don’t know what’s going to happen.
Primary struggle: Lack of conscience.

An INTP-7’s core need is to advance in their theories and philosophy, to learn more about the hidden secrets of the world, and to explore new options. Even options that the INTP’s thinking would dismiss as illogical. Even possibilities that they can’t make sense of, or options that are at risk of putting people in harm’s way. The INTP-7 will often advance solutions even if it requires them to ignore their better judgment, that little warning bell that tells them this is a bad idea… Yeah, don’t push the button.

However, that feeling of having a bad character may quickly spur this INTP-7 towards quick or rash actions. The INTP-7 may say, “Because everyone already thinks I’m the bad guy, I might as well just do this.” The INTP-7 may also feel a need to live a forward oriented life, doing anything to move forward, even if they don’t know if it’s the right thing to do. Gluttony is often at the core here, and the feeling of never having enough. Often, this feeling is remedied when the INTP-7 begins to see the value and importance of what they have. This is done by embracing their thinking function more.

The INTP-8 & The Grip Of Lust

Core gift: Opening Pandoras Box.
Primary struggle: Lack of stability and security.

The INTP-8 is very ambitious and perfectionistic. When in a situation of power and responsibility, INTPs may find themselves pulling on the Enneagram 8 at the expense of losing time for self-reflection and introspection. Unable to gain perspective before they act, or to know for sure if their theory will work, the INTP-8 feels their solution must be put in place. INTP-8s think they always have to have the right answer, and that they need to have it immediately, but that’s not how an INTP works at their best. This line of thinking is the result of lusting after power and opportunity.

Their solution, their ideas, their creativity, can come to bring great gifts to the world, but the INTP-8 often does not know if their solutions will actually work out. They’ve just decided it will, and they’re ready to push it through even if they don’t know what will happen. They have this strong feeling that “it should work.” Sometimes this is like opening Pandoras Box. INTP-8s are obsessed with being immediately right, but they also feel anxious and angry when questioned about their solutions. This is primarily because they feel that they don’t have the time to think about whether their conclusion is valid enough.

The INTP-9 & The Grip Of The Sloth

Core gift: Seeing the bigger picture
Primary struggle: Compromising their solutions and sense of what is right.

Most people who had to face a lot of conflict or tension early in life come to develop a strong tendency towards the Enneagram 9. An INTP in Enneagram 9 is an intuitive powerhouse! This is an INTP who knows and seeks to understand the future and the bigger picture around them. The INTP-9 is more afraid of disharmony than the average INTP, however. This INTP avoids speaking out and sharing their solutions, in case other people will be offended or will see it as criticism. There is a tendency towards slothfulness here, a preference towards brainstorming, and a desire not to act on or advance any ideas or theories. To entertain what is possible, but not to make the possible happen in the world.

The INTP-9 is often afraid of conflict and will spend time thinking about possible ways they might have offended other people, even when they have done nothing wrong. There is great creativity here, however, and ability to come up with peaceful resolutions and original ideas. If other people don’t accept your ideas (or predictions) as an INTP-9, don’t look for a new solution that people will accept. Stand up for the ideas you think are right.

The Purpose of the Enneagram

The Enneagram draws out, inhibits, and controls the powers of an INTP. The INTP-1 becomes perfectionistic simply because they can’t feel satisfied with the answers and things they create because they’re not creating something logical. They’re creating what the audience wants, not what they want for themselves. And you find that the INTP-6 does not trust their own judgment and power. They believe they have to rely on other people to truly succeed in their theoretical pursuits.

For the INTP, there is a constant worry of losing people, and therefore, losing their ability to achieve the vision. But there is also a reminder: what makes the INTP-6 insecure is that they have not seen their power and the ability of their thinking and perceiving. They have not seen what they can do if they start to explore their own solutions and ambitions. As an INTP, you have not become fully individuated yet. But you can be. If you free yourself from limiting beliefs and trust fully in your powers.

Want to Learn More About the Enneagram? Check out:

Enneagram Roadmap

The opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints expressed by the various authors and forum participants on this website do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints of Personality Hacker, its team, or affiliates.

The INTP in the Grip of the Enneagram #INTP #Enneagram


  • Kim
    • Kim
    • April 12, 2020 at 8:11 pm

    8s do move towards being more 5 like when they are in the direction of disintegration. When they lack the confidence of an 8. Perhaps if something has made you feel less confident you would wrestle with that 8-5 line of disintegration.

  • sadie
    • sadie
    • March 20, 2020 at 7:42 pm

    I believe any MBTI and enneagram type can mix too. I’ll do more research about which type I am, but I think I truly am an 8 at heart, but my social anxiety sends me more to a five.

  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • March 18, 2020 at 5:55 pm

    You may consider looking at the arrow lines of the Enneagram to help parse this out. Type 5s go to 7 and 8 in different times, which may shed some light on why you feel as you do.

    It’s more common for INTPs to be 5s then 8s, though I personally believe you can mix any of the MB and Ennea-types together.


  • sadie
    • sadie
    • March 18, 2020 at 2:00 pm

    the thing is, I struggle with social anxiety so i’m not as bold as the enneagram 8 is perceived. This causes me to wonder if i’m more of an INTP-5, because i’m very logical and analytical. However, when i’m comfortable, imm very much like the INTP-8. Any advice?

  • Aaron Faucett
    • Aaron Faucett
    • February 28, 2020 at 3:44 am

    yes i am also an intp-8, just found out…. its kind of a good thing, but also a bad thing

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