(Before reading this post, I highly recommend starting with “Who’s in Control of Your Life? Part I”)

Here are 5 strategies for realigning your locus of control:

5. You associate more pain with the idea of taking responsibility for your life than you do with not taking control of your life. So, reverse that.

Understand the pain that comes with letting your life happen to you. Consider the time you waste not getting what you want, not expressing who you are, and not letting the world benefit from your ‘song’. REALLY let yourself feel the pain and agony of a wasted life. Picture yourself on your death bed, regretting your choices and everything you didn’t do that you wanted to. At the same time, REALLY picture what a pleasure it is to be your own person, to know you have the power to change situations that aren’t right for you, and all of the exciting and wonderful adventures you can have taking control of your life. Heck, you can even start small – when you’re uncomfortable in a chair, do you wait for the chair to change to accommodate you, or do you shift positions to solve the problem? Associate everything in your life with that same principle –waiting for the world to change your life circumstances is like waiting for the chair to shift underneath you. Instead, take the more pleasurable action of making your world ergonomic to who you are. Make shifts and changes until you’re living the life you want… and regret nothing on your death bed. Remember:

When you look back on your life, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the ones you did. – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

4. Rewire your mind through the use of language.

The most powerful thing you can do is change your self-talk. Phrases like “I can’t…” and “I have no option…” are absolutely killing you. The more you think them and, worse!, the more you say them out loud the more you dig yourself into an external locus rut. Catch yourself every time you use the words “I can’t” and alter them to “It may be difficult, but there’s always a way.” When you think/speak the phrase “I have no option…” change it to “I may not like my options, but I will…” DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO SAY “I can’t…” Remove it from your vocabulary.

3. Question your assumptions. Keep questioning them until they become ridiculous.

In this case, your assumption is that you have no power or control. Ask yourself the simple question, “Can I be absolutely sure that’s true?” If you answer with, “Yes,” then ask yourself again, “Can I be absolutely sure that’s true?” Why are you so certain? Is it based upon empirical evidence that has never once been discredited? Have you NEVER been able to control your environment? What about the above example of shifting your body in a chair to be more comfortable? Has that NEVER happened? If that can happen, then clearly in at least one context you have had both power and control. If it’s possible in one context, isn’t it possible in more contexts? What about all contexts? Can you be absolutely certain it’s not?

Use your mind to change your mind. Your brain is not particularly comfortable with the idea that it’s on the receiving end of a capricious world, but it doesn’t know what else to believe at this point. Give it an excuse to believe something different – pin it down so that it must admit… yeah, maybe I do have power and control. Your brain will take to the thought that it is powerful.

It won’t stick with just one session of questioning, however. It might like the idea, but it’s still fighting against a lifetime of programming and wiring, which will encourage it to go back to its old strategies. So, you’ll have to keep questioning your assumptions. Repeatedly. In fact, I’d recommend:

Write down this question, “Can I be absolutely certain I don’t have the power to control my life?” and plant it in various places in your life: on the mirror in your bathroom, somewhere conspicuous in your car, somewhere obvious where you work.

Answer, each time, with “No. I’m not absolutely certain.”

2. Replace your old belief with a new one. Namely, with the belief that your choices and identity impact your life.

Every time your choices result in a change in your life, take note! When you shift your body on a chair think, “Thank goodness I have all the power I need not to settle for discomfort.” Remind yourself daily that you are a part of the ecology – you have just as much influence on the environment as it does on you. You step on an ant, and it’s over for the little bug. To that bug, you were just the most important environmental factor it ever faced. You may think that ant had an external locus of control, but I promise you it didn’t spend its days fretting about not having choice in its life. It had purpose, mission, and until you crushed it, it was busy making that mission happen. And it got a TON of things done in its life. (Just watch any documentary on ants – they’re freaking amazing!)

Like the ant, you will not be able to control every facet of your life at all times, but that doesn’t matter. If you spend all of your moments focused on the things you CAN change you will get an unbelievable amount of things accomplished. Things YOU wanted to impact and effect, things that made YOUR world more pleasurable. And with every incremental win, integrate that as proof that you have control and power.

1. Know who you are and fall madly in love with yourself.

The higher your self-esteem and the more you realize how much of a genius you are, the more unacceptable it is to let that amazing person suffer in any way whatsoever.

Have you ever really been in love? When you love someone you HATE it when they’re sick, when they have to deal with a bad situation at work, when someone is being mean to them, etc… You’ll do anything to keep them safe and happy, to Hell with the consequences.

Now, picture feeling that way about yourself. What if you were so in love with yourself that you’d fight heaven and earth to get all of your needs met and your ambitions accomplished? How empowered and in control of your world would you be, then?

Knowing who you are also means that you’ll treat yourself with patience and understanding. You’ll cut yourself some slack in areas that aren’t natural talents, but you’ll also have high standards in the areas in which you know you naturally excel. You’ll make sure you never settle for being less than your best. Like a beloved work of art, you’ll keep yourself polished and at your peak but you won’t destroy yourself for being something you’re not.


The price of greatness is responsibility.
-Winston Churchill

You ARE great. It doesn’t matter who are, I believe that to the depths of my being. But you have to take responsibility for yourself, your choices, your identity and your self-knowledge. You’re worth being the best version of yourself you can possibly be. Don’t let wiring from your past lie to you any longer. Take control of your life and watch yourself flourish.

If you struggle with this AT ALL, choose one of the five strategies above to work on this week and tell me – how did it go?

Look forward to your response!


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  • Arthur Tassinello
    • Arthur Tassinello
    • July 18, 2012 at 11:42 am


    This is the most sensible and intelligently written article I have read in a while. I can add nothing more except, Brilliant! Glad I found you and I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts.

    Have an awesome week.


  • Neil Thomas Bullen
    • Neil Thomas Bullen
    • June 17, 2012 at 10:00 pm

    Hi Antonia and Camronn,

    Have just started to access your programme and have spent my whole evening with it.
    It is really inspiring for me, and I am looking forward in particular to learn how to best ’ fit in ’ , as because I am intuitive ( and working in finance, the split is more like 95%/5% ) I have made the mistake of ’ blending ’ in the past and feel very dissatisfied as a result. I want to learn ’how ’ and yet remain true to myself. I really look forward to taking in what is to follow !
    Thank You both.

    Neil Bullen

  • Molly Pasutti
    • Molly Pasutti
    • April 18, 2012 at 5:36 pm

    This info came at the perfect time…..Although my life is abundant and successful to a degree, I’ve been chomping at the bit to move forward,My husband is very successful in his career and I’ve sort of slacked off to tend to his needs and our household for several years. When I read your info today I knew it was time to Get Back In the Parade full time ! Thank you for the jolt !

  • malebogo moruakgomo
    • malebogo moruakgomo
    • April 17, 2012 at 1:44 pm

    i have read this and especially about loving myself its true in life we love others than we do to ourselves thanks for awakening me

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