Frequently Asked Questions

Personality Hacker moved to a new Learning Platform on June 1, 2023.

FAQ – Question Overview


1) Why are we moving to a new learning platform?

2) When are we moving over to a new Learning Platform?

3) Will I receive updates about this transition?


4) Will I lose access to my current programs?

5) Why are some of the programs NOT moving over?

6) Will I be notified if I own a program that is not being moved over?

7) Will this change what courses I can join in the future?


8) Is there anything I need to do ahead of time?

9) Will my login details change?


10) What if I still have a question or need some help?


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


1) Why are we moving to a new learning platform?
The new Learning Platform is the 2.0 version of our current Learning Platform.

Our current platform is robust and functional, but it doesn’t always offer the most intuitive experience for our students and growth-seekers. We found that this new platform offered a better user and learning experience experience.

For example – here are some of the new features you’ll get:

    • More intuitive interface – the Learning Platform had a make-over and it now offers a more sleek interface.
    • Mobile responsiveness – easily access all your programs right on your phone.
    • Video speed adjustments – speed up or slow down the digital video content to listen at the speed that suits you.

So we of course wanted to make sure that you’d also be able to use it!

2) When are we moving over to a new Learning Platform?
There are several important dates that you should be aware of as we move over to the platform.

    • –> Access your new Learning Platform – June 1, 2023
      You will gain access to your new Learning Platform on June 1, 2023.

      Purchased your first program after June 1, 2023?
      In that case, you will automatically only have access to the new Learning Platform and will not be impacted by this transition.

    • –> Closing down of current Learning Platform – September 30, 2023
      As of September 30, 2023, you will no longer be able to access the current Learning Platform.

If you own any retired or one-time programs recordings, you may need to download these before this date – check out the question “Will I lose access to my current programs?” for more details on this.

3) Will I receive updates about this transition?
Absolutely! You can expect plenty of communications from our team to help make this a smooth transition for you.

Here are some of the things you can expect communication on:

    • Any actions you need to take (i.e. for programs NOT moving over to the new platform)
    • Reminders on the timelines and actions needed (if applicable)
    • Information on how to access your new learning platform


4) Will I lose access to my current programs?
The majority of all our programs will be available in the new Learning Area.

There are a few exceptions to this: we won’t be moving over programs that are retired or recordings of one-time events. You can find the list of impacted programs here.

5) Why are some of the programs NOT moving over?
Every program has been considered individually and unfortunately a handful of programs will be moving over with us. You can find the list here.

There are a wide range of reasons for why we’ve decided not to move over a program, the list below is therefore not exhaustive but covers some of the main reasons.

    • We’ve upgraded the program to a newer version that has more current and relevant information.
      You can see more about which programs we’ve upgraded and how you should best proceed if you are affected by this in the section “Program Specific Information” further down on this page.
    • We’ve retired this program and moved it to the vault.
    • The program was part of a “one-time” Live Workshop, Virtual event, or Mentorship. As these events, workshops or mentorship groups have already taken place, these recordings will not be available on the new Learning Platform.

6) Will I be notified if I own a program that is not being moved over?

If you own a program that will not be moved over then you will receive and email communication letting you know about it. You can also find the list here already.

If you wish to keep any recordings/files from programs NOT moving over, you’ll need to take some actions before September 30, 2023. You can read more about this in question “Is there anything I need to do ahead of time?

7) Will this change what courses I can join in the future?
All the courses currently offered in our course catalog are all available on the new Learning Platform.

We also have a lot of exciting plans of new Mentorship programs, Live Workshops and Digital Programs in the works that naturally all will be accessible on the Learning Platform for program participants.


8) Is there anything I need to do ahead of time?
We are doing all the heavy lifting and doing our best to make sure the transition runs as smoothly as possible – though we can’t promise that it won’t be without a few hiccups.

However, there are a few things that could be good for you to be on top of during the transition:

    • Look out for an Access Detail email to the new Learning Platform (June 1).
      This email will contain all the relevant information you need to login into your new Learning Platform.

    • Check whether any of the programs you own are NOT moving over to the new Learning Platform here.
    • Take action on programs that are NOT Moving over. This includes:
      • Downloading any files & recordings you’d like to keep on your local device(s) before September 30. You will only need to do this for programs not moving over (list here).
      • Upgrade to the newer version of the Program (where applicable). This is for instance the case if you own a Personality Developmental Starter Kit, you’ll want to upgrade to the Owners Manual for your personality type. You can find out more about what upgrades are available for retired programs under the section “Program Specific Information”.

Still unsure which of your programs are impacted?
If you need some individual support, just reach out to our team at We can help you find out which of your programs are impacted.

9) Will my login details change?
Yes, you will receive an email notification with the access details for the new Learning Platform. This email notification will include a link that you can click and use to create your password for the new Learning Platform.

After accessing the new Learning Platform the first time, you can always change your password by logging in to the new Learning Platform and:

    • In the top right corner select your name
    • Select “Profile”
    • In the field labeled “password” type in your new password
    • In the field labeled “confirm password” type in your new password again
    • Click “save”


10) What if I still have a question or need some help?
We are always happy to answer any questions that you have, please reach out to us at with any questions or doubts.

We’re here to help!

1 comment

  • Alan
    • Alan
    • May 18, 2023 at 7:27 pm

    I just discovered your website, purchased your eBook, and the short report on my personality type, INTJ. I am a 69-year-old male who has taken a MB assessment test many times well over 40 years. Most of the time, but not always, I test INTJ. More recently I tested as an ENFJ. I am thinking that I turn on my ENFJ side when needed. However, under stress I tend to revert to my more inherent wiring which is INTJ. I behave more like an ENFJ in my later years of my life with a major transition from being a Business Analyst to a Christian Pastor. A Pastor, by role, needs to shepherd his flock and seeking out the feelings of the people he serves. I am interested in your thoughts or perhaps being a true INTJ, I am most interested in your model of how personality situationally changes and is dynamic. I wonder what Jesus Christ’s Meyer Briggs type would be, because he is my role model, savior and Lord.

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