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In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about the ESFP, ESTP, ENFP, and ENTP personality types and how they look when they are healthy.

In this podcast you’ll find:

Part two in the series on healthy expressions of all the types.

Extraverted Perceivers – ESFP, ENFP, ESTP, ENTP

When a person shows up healthy there are certain trends that come out in each of the types that may not match the stereotypes. Sometimes when a person is really healthy they defy their type and show behaviors that are atypical for their type.

Theme with all EPs – when not healthy one thing that is obvious is how unsafe they make the people around them feel. They are spontaneous and rule breakers. They like to take risks. Taking risks is part of the EPs personality, but when it is unhealthy they make the people around them feel unsafe. When healthy, the people around them feel secure.

Healthy Extraverts show up by having a steady energy that is built on slowing down. Typically, Extraverts want to show up with a ton of energy. Type A. But that is not their growth path. The growth path is slowing down. Responsive rather than reactionary.


  • Lead with Se (Extraverted Sensing) but have different copilots. Copilots are our path to growth and happiness. The healthier our relationship with our copilot, the healthier we are overall.
  • In an extraverted type, the copilot is going to be introverted.
  • These two types will appear very different when healthy because of that different copilot.

Stereotypes – Adrenaline junkies, athletes, performers.

Non-stereotypes/healthy – Not always about an adrenaline rush. Sometimes about performance.


  • Driver – Extraverted Sensing (Se) – Very in-the-moment way of taking in info. What is going on right now based upon the body’s senses. Asks “What can happen here and now?”
  • Copilot – Introverted Feeling (Fi) – Decision making process. Asks “How do you really feel about this decision?”
  • Stereotype – Performer
  • The sign of a healthy ESFP:
    • Use their body as an instrument. Not frenetic. Steady thanks to Tertiary Te.
    • High sense of integrity. Aversion to exploitation.
    • Show up honestly. Sensitive to feedback of world.
    • Puts others at ease. Action rooted from groundedness
  • Unhealthy ESFP:
    • Can be exploitative.
    • Like quick solutions that aren’t sustainable.
    • Energetically frenetic and unfocused.


  • Same Driver as ESFP above
  • Copilot – Introverted Thinking (Ti)- Decision making process. Good at understanding data and how it fits within frameworks. ESTP can appear divorced from people because of Ti’s need for accuracy over emotional connection.
  • Stereotype – Firefighters
  • The sign of a healthy ESTP:
    • A healthy ESTP listens and allows input because there is no real danger in what you have to say. They don’t fear truth because they have already embraced the hard truths.
    • They appear calm.
    • Healthy ESTPs who have found congruence are only concerned with what makes sense. Relationships don’t make sense, but they know they can relate to emotions logically. Anger is not logical. It’s toxic.
    • When they remove the anger component they replace the vacuum with compassion. Bill Burr – ESTP – rats himself out about the stupid things he does with his displays of anger. He knows it’s not acceptable.
    • Fe 10 year old lets them be enough in touch with people enough so that they can gauge the best possible use of their Ti.
    • The healthier the ESTP the more hospitable they are.
    • Not afraid of truth.
    • People rest into them because they seem like they can handle any situation.
  • Unhealthy ESTP:
    • Unhealthy ESTPs flee from truth. They may show up as someone dealing with cognitive dissonance. If the world is showing them a truth that they don’t want to hear, they will attempt to dominate conversations. Constant output.
    • Stereotype – ESTPs can be kind of harsh and invasive when unhealthy. Push-pull relationship with 10 yr old Fe (Extraverted Feeling). There is a sense that the only acceptable emotion is a powerful emotion – which is usually anger. Bullying.


  • Lead with Ne (Extraverted Intuition) but have different copilots. Copilots are our path to growth and happiness. The healthier our relationship with our copilot, the healthier we are overall.
  • In an extraverted type, the copilot is going to be introverted.
  • These two types will appear very different when healthy because of that different copilot.


  • Driver – Extraverted Intuition (Ne) – all about finding patterns in outside world. Messing with things to discover patterns. Interested in “what if” questions. Possibilities oriented. Optimization. Anything can happen.
  • Copilot – Same as ESFP – Introverted Feeling (Fi) – Decision making process. Asks “How do you really feel about this decision?” Paired with Ne, Asks “What can happen with this person? What is their potential?” Very inspirational.
  • Copilot paired with 10 year old Extraverted Thinking (Te) – “Now that I know what your potential is, now let’s make sure you have the tools you need to be able to accomplish your goals.”
  • The sign of a healthy ENFP:
    • Slow down their decision making process and let Fi have the time it needs to function efficiently.
    • ENFPs are very inspirational to others and makes others feel safe.
    • Healthy ENFPs use people through inspiration rather than manipulation. Pulling instead of pushing.
  • Unhealthy ENFP:
    • When an ENFP bypasses their copilot and goes to the 10 year old they can become exploitative. Taking harmful Short cuts. Te is not sustainable – just fast. Can trample over other people. Fi allows ENFPs to feel sympathy.
    • ENFPs can still be charming even in the the unhealthy state, which makes them great con men.
    • Often utilize people as props to accomplish certain things.


  • Driver same as ENFP – Extraverted Intuition
  • Copilot same as ESTP – Introverted Thinking: “What makes sense?” Decisions based upon “what if” questions.
  • The sign of a healthy ENTP:
    • At best, ENTPs use driver and copilot together and become profound problem solvers.
    • ENTPs will slow down thinking process and be thoughtful.
    • They look at data in a clean and pure, unemotional way. This allows them to accept truth at face value without stumbling over the pain points.
    • Debates in an attempt to hone skills, not dominate or humiliate. Willing to lose if the ultimate goal of truth has been attained.
    • Call out incongruities in people’s reasoning without humiliating them. They don’t bludgeon others with truth but use compassion to help other people understand truths that are hard to swallow.
    • Healthier ENTPs turn Fe into compassion through camaraderie. Community involvement and improvement. John Oliver has a talent for spotting incongruities, and he uses comedy to expose societal wrongs.
    • Endeavors to make sense of other people instead of just dismissing them. Finds connection and compassion through Fe.
  • Unhealthy ENTP:
    • Unhealthy they will separate themselves from their copilot. Like ESTP, they are trying to avoid a painful truth, so they will separate themselves from their copilot Ti.
    • Like ESTPs, they get in continual output mode, but come across as know-it-alls.
    • They focus on fixing everybody else’s problems.
    • Competitive. One upmanship.
    • A tendency to see everyone else as stupid.
    • Debating in an attempt to humiliate the opponent.
    • Like ESTPs, are drawn to anger as an emotional expression when engaged with tertiary Fe. ENTPs don’t get as angry as ESTPs. It usually shows up as sarcastic and biting to those around them.

All the types have a place in the social ecosystem:

  • ENTPs help the world accept difficult truths
  • ENFPs help thru inspiration
  • ESTP find solutions to everyday problems
  • ESFP figure out the human condition and reflect it back to us

We need each of these types.

EXTRAVERTS: You will have to ignore feedback that encourages you to not slow down. We are living in a very extraverted time in history and it rewards extraversion. Force yourself to slow down!

In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about the ESFP, ESTP, ENFP, and ENTP personality types and how they look when they are healthy. #podcast #extravert #ESTP #ENTP #ENFP #ESFP

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  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • April 6, 2022 at 7:53 pm

    Fixed it – thanks!


  • Mary
    • Mary
    • April 6, 2022 at 7:40 pm

    Just FYI. Under ENFP – Co-pilot, it reads Introverted Intuition (Fi). Simple typo.

  • Firefly
    • Firefly
    • April 28, 2019 at 8:19 am

    I got a laugh when I read in the unhealthy ENFP part, “make great con men”. I’m ENFP, and even as a kid, I was constantly stealing and conning people & coming up with scheming plans… I remember telling my younger sister, a few times actually, that this week, we’ll use her allowance to buy candy, and next week we’ll use mine (of course, that never happened)… or, when I was super young, like in kindergarten or something, seeing snow glittering and thinking there were actual diamonds in it, and thinking “why hasn’t anyone else noticed this?! I’ll get all the diamonds myself, and sell them and be rich”. I taught myself to pick a combination lock when I was like, 8.

    Thankfully I had a spiritual intervention at a young age where I learned the folly of my ways, & I stopped stealing and conning. As an adult, I took my charismatic con-man tendencies and used them for good instead of evil – as a fundraiser for charity :P (Though, I still make one heck of a rogue when I play Dungeons and Dragons, haha. I love working the angles, coming up with all sorts of plans, and then using people skills to acheive my ideas is a lot of fun, even in an imaginary setting – though I still try to temper it with some sort of morality, haha.)

    Actually, one of my current sort of moral inner questions is how I can balance the fact that I really like this part of myself – it’s fun, and it feels really good to engage it, and I’m kind of proud of it, but at the same time I want to honour my good morals that I’ve developed. Not that I’m thinking of being an actual con man again, of course :PI wouldn’t mistreat anyone. But um, when I’m coming up with shifty plans to pit fictional drug kingpins against each other while reaping money from both of them, or pickpocketing a friend as a prank, or what have you, I think it’s pretty clear that I do these things with a lot of glee, and I’m worried it’s not reflecting well on me, not externally or internally (ie. I wonder if I’m kind of a bad person for it).

  • Shawn Thompson
    • Shawn Thompson
    • October 31, 2018 at 1:06 am

    I am so thankful for this podcast. Even though I’m one of your PH Profiler graduates, it took me years to realize that I’m an ESFP rather than INTJ. I think that there are a lot of healthy ESFPs out there like me with developed Fi who are confused about their type simply because they have developed Fi and have learned to use their cognitive functions in a positive way.
    This podcast is so informative..a true blessing. Thank you Antonia and Joel!

  • Lee
    • Lee
    • May 23, 2017 at 1:03 pm

    Movies & TV are useful. I usually watch for a little while and then make a call on each character, then flick to the web to check (most popular films/shows are discussed). The thing to be mindful of is that certain types are more common. Roughly, the less common in society the more common on camera. This makes sense when you think about it. It is also easier in real life to spot, say, ENTJ’s whereas ISFP’s are less distinguishable. If you do this then it helps to think in terms of cognitive functions.

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