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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about how each personality type can use their strengths to make projects happen.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Mayton Inn
  • As easy as it is, in theory, to tell you what you should do in your career, when it comes to individuals there are so many different components it is impossible to say what your career should be based on your type. There are limitless possibilities.
  • ExxJs:
  • Things to watch out for:
  • Getting things done sustainably.
  • Driver processes are: Effectiveness or Harmony.
  • Look to outside world.
  • All decision making and judging is pointed to outside world.
  • They are confident that they know how things should be done.
  • If they think something is being done incorrectly, they will somehow change it and get it down correctly.
  • Can manipulate the outside world to get things done correctly.
  • Famously industrious people.
  • “I know how this should be working and how these pieces should be connected.”
  • Challenge: moving along and having buy-in from the other types — not everyone may be on same page — people need to catch up to come to the same conclusion.
  • Getting consensus can be frustrating.
  • Very good at mobilizing people; people will tend to follow them even if they’re grumbling about it.
  • ExxJ needs to check in with co-pilot process to get all info needed.
  • Seductive for them to mobilize and be in motion; Slowing down is not fun, and is frustrating.
  • They wanna push their way through.
  • They might make more messes with their solutions; might be constantly correcting problems.
  • They need to slow down, get more info, and check in with more..
  • If an EJ is right, they can see a pretty big picture.
  • People might still need hand-holding; other people may only see the start and not be able to see where you end up because others may need a lot of context. But not everyone thinks like an ExxJ.
  • ExTJ and ExFJ: Extraverted Thinking: it’s co-pilot process, wants to get things done, sees something that needs built and will build it.
  • ExFJ: leads with extraverted process, so there’s a need for feedback from people; they need this in order to move forward.
  • ExTJ will need to check in.
  • ExFJ: They need to make sure they’re not getting sucked into the perpetual ‘human need’ machine and never seeing a bigger picture. “I’m putting out people’s fires all the time. What can I do that would rewire me to not be around so that people don’t require me so much so that my actions are higher leverage?”
  • On the whole – slow down, check-in with yourself, ask if you want to be doing this.
  • Develop principles that will help you calibrate.
  • ExxPs:
  • They bring a lot of excitement and energy, can be very motivating to other people.
  • They can generate a lot with a ton of energy; it burns hot, can radiate outward, others get excited when around you.
  • Don’t start a project that you’re not excited about; you need that honey moon period in order to get you through the last 20% of the project because you already lost interest at the 60% mark; 40% is when it starts to fade. It feels as if your will to live starts to wane.
  • Will start great projects but there’s no ROI because they just couldn’t finish.
  • Must look out for losing the energy for the start of the project; Something new and shiny has taken its place; there’s a new honeymoon and project.
  • Marathon running is not the strong suit.
  • Stay up til 3am, 12 hour days for 2 weeks is usually the way to go.
  • Don’t get distracted by another shiny object.
  • Stay focused.
  • Same formula with ExxJs.
  • Go to the the co-pilot to get focused: Accuracy or Authenticity.
  • What is the thing that is truly important?
  • If you can get to that answer, if things make sense and resonate, then you can be focused and finish even if it’s not fun, but it’s meaningful.
  • ESxP: Sensation – what’s the next hit?; Want to be active and in the body and physical; paper work and being in the office sucks. Try to delegate less interesting things to someone else. The project must mean something to you.
  • ENxP: Exploration
  • ExFP: It must be authentic to you, so choose your projects for how they resonate with you inside and how fun they are.
  • ExxP: Does the best when they’re sprinting, moving at a good pace. Likes to keep at a fast, energetic, focused pace.
  • ExxJs: opening yourself up to other tracks and views and perspectives. More like marathoners.
  • Slow down as you’re formulating your plan and course-correct. World will give you feedback. Slowing down has to happen in intervals. Sit with it, then strategize.
  • ExxPs: will go into sprint mode when they need to get something to happen.
  • Their flow state takes a long time but when they get there, they can’t get out until things are done.
  • They are sprinters. They should slow down before they even start the project to begin with to make sure the thing aligns with them to begin with.
  • IxxJs –
  • They are really good at managing that marathon discipline, adding to a project over time that has a long timeline.
  • They can stay on course and keep chipping away until it’s done.
  • They can be in the flow daily and have that thing in their radar.
  • There’s a thoughtful carefulness.
  • Most of the project is marked and detail oriented and there’s a sense of accomplishment when the project is done.
  • Challenge: starting the project in the first place.
  • Their Driver: Perspectives or Memory.
  • There co-pilot wants to make sure they’re ready.
  • They experience vulnerability in the outside world.
  • They will attach themselves to a project or job but it needs to be safe, so there’s hesitation before they say yes.
  • They don’t have a lot of natural energy so energy management is very important to them because they produce much less outside energy. Lots of energy for thinking is there.
  • Measured energy and rationing it so that there’s always a reserve is important, because they don’t have the natural sources of energy that others have.
  • They need to make sure they want to be a part of something beforehand so there will be a lot of hesitation even if there’s desire in their heart for the project.
  • The antidote is in their co-pilot process: either Effectiveness or Harmony.
  • Getting into the space of the world and giving yourself permission to mobilize.
  • Once you get into action, you have the opportunity to have outer world feedback and you can course-correct.
  • Done is better than perfect.
  • It’s ok to start done the track and have most of it planned and allow outer world feedback.
  • ISFJ / ISTJ: ‘How has this been done before?’ is a powerful idea.
  • Having a template will be helpful so you know how you have to show up and what to expect.
  • Then you can look into the future and see where things are going.
  • Life surprises you sometimes, and getting into action can bring surprises, but don’t let this stop you. This can be powerful.
  • The world will surprise you and that can be scary.
  • Sometimes surprises can be better than you think.
  • Every time you get a new surprise, you’re better for the future because you’ve been getting surprised for a while now and it leads to more preparation for the future.
  • INxJ: Perspectives.
  • Future-pacing; being able to predict, make wise choices, using energy management.
  • ISxJ: Memory
  • Fearing the unknown, stepping into situations you can’t possibly predict and there’s no certainty. Stick with what they know.
  • IxxPs
  • Brings a sense of stick-to-it-ness and relentlessness.
  • When they make up their mind is made up to do something and bring a project to fruition, they will soldier on as long as it takes, until the project is done or they die trying.
  • What supports you also crosses you.
  • You need the motivation, you have to want it.
  • If it’s on – you are like water, you cannot be stopped.
  • If they’re not on mission, it’s hard to even get them started, they don’t really care.
  • The formula is to go to Co-pilot
  • Anything is possible.
  • Look at the cool things we could build, let’s burn hot and sprint.
  • IxxPs challenge: tend to find comfort zones. Gotta get out of comfort zones; that’s how you will make things happen.
  • INxP: Newness, excitement, what-if’s, cool conversations with whiteboard and idea generating.
  • ISxP: Get into action, get physical, remember how exciting something is, get into the body.
  • IxxPs: If you own a business, it can be difficult to find motivation in the first place and hard to get into co-pilot.
  • If you sit still, the muse will not strike you.
  • You will have to create the ability to have the inspiration strike you. Maybe move offices to another environment, structure your day differently; structured motivation.
  • You’re tempted to wait to move, but don’t.
  • Create a container that’s conducive to your personality type; you have to create that – none else will. Otherwise it’s just luck to be in a space where it all worked out.
  • We all have to find positions and jobs and projects that work for us.
  • The world is not interested in catering to you so you have to carve out your own niche.
  • You have to create an environment that will let you shine, get you in flow, and won’t fight you and get into your co-pilot, otherwise you won’t go there bc it’s too hard.
  • Find a place that allows you to be in flow and growth as much as possible.

Your Personality: The Owners Manual with Motivation Bonus

Personality Hacker FaceBook Page



In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about how each personality type can use their strengths to make projects happen. #MBTI #myersbriggs

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  • Clara
    • Clara
    • April 18, 2017 at 8:57 am

    Just like Grant and Lucas mentioned above, this podcast was very timely in helping to fight the impostor syndrome in my particular case (as an INxJ). I’m progressing on my own project and have just come across some moments of self-doubt recently (why am I doing this?, what entitles me to move into this after all?). I plan to turn to my few close friends to help me write down some objective and external reasons for doing what I’m doing which should complement the internal rationale that led me on this path! This should help, hopefully!…
    Thank you very much for this great podcast Antonia and Joel!

  • Hal
    • Hal
    • April 13, 2017 at 3:22 pm

    Gross oversimplification, but:
    EJ – Marathoners
    EP – Sprinters
    IJ – Thru Hikers (with all the trail maps and rations etc. Slow and steady.)
    IP – ?…..Wanderers? (from the outside anyway) Wanderers with a purpose?

    Whatdaya think?

  • Lucas
    • Lucas
    • April 13, 2017 at 1:32 pm

    I resonated with this so much. ☺️ I’ve recently been trying to figure out the little nuance of why starting projects is so hard for me sometimes. And now what I understand is that it’s really that fear or vulnerability and potentially feeling overwhelmed by excess energy or too much to do that keeps me from getting into action. As an INFJ, I want to meet others needs – like you said it can be something I resonate to my heart – but I can back out because I think into the future with anxious questions of “how will I do it all?” “I’ll get so tired, cranky, etc.” “I want to save my energy for those few people in my life who need it verses going out and giving a lot away like at my job.”
    This podcast really helped me shift my perspective enough to realize that I need to just go ahead and get into action. It’s okay not to fully flesh a timeline out (even though I’m awesome at that.) The world may feel daunting at times, but deep inside I feel that I may be pleasantly surprised. Thank you so much for helping me with that. I’m going to apply that to my life today with a project that was asked of me to do. Now I feel more prepared because of this podcast!

  • Shob
    • Shob
    • April 12, 2017 at 4:17 pm

    This is brilliant. Can you explain a bit more on what’s slowing down with regards to ESFJs? Like with an example please

  • Grant
    • Grant
    • April 12, 2017 at 1:42 pm

    I was feeling very discouraged this morning about starting my blog when I saw the email about this episode in my inbox. It was very aptly-timed and it helped me keep things in perspective! Thank you! :)

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