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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about the stages of an intuitive awakening and call for you to share the stages of your awakening story.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Intuitive Awakening program
  • Intuitive Awakening Community
  • Sensors can have an intuitive awakening.
  • Everyone has intuition somewhere in their cognitive function stack.
  • We foresee a wave of Intuition much like the recent introvert wave.
  • The intuitive awakening is going to happen on a societal level, but it also occurs on a personal level.
  • What stages of an intuitive awakening have you experienced?
  • 25% of the population in intuitive – 75% is Sensor.
  • The world is set up for the majority of the population – Sensors.
  • It’s like being left hand dominant in a right-hand dominant world.
  • Intuitives are always going to feel kind of alien.
  • Intuition may show up as intelligence or awareness.
  • You may feel more aware and intelligent than everyone else at times.
  • Other times, you may feel utterly inept with things other people do with ease.
  • You think different. You see things others don’t understand.
  • The first level of the intuitive awakening is Pre-awareness.
  • This is where someone knows on some level that they are different.
  • a lot of people live their entire lives in this pre-awareness level.
  • Some intuitive blending may occur at this level.
  • Intuitive Blending: The tendency to ignore your intuitive abilities and try to blend in with others.
  • Ignoring the pattern recognition or doubting it because other people don’t mirror it back.
  • SPs in the pre-awareness phase call themselves Instinctive.
  • SJs in the pre-awareness phase define themselves as Creative.
  • For some intuitives, the pre-awareness phase can come with some bitter narrative because of the feeling of isolation and alienation.
  • Once someone awakens to the concept of intuitive vs sensation, most intuitives see it as a game changer.
  • It explains why they have always felt different.
  • The iNtuitive/Sensor dichotomy is powerful.
  • Like the Introvert/Extravert dichotomy.
  • Once people realize why they feel different, they tend to blame the other side.
  • Introverts blame extraverts for making them feel flawed.
  • Intuitives blame sensors for the same thing.
  • Once we go from pre-awareness to actual awareness, it is the intuitive awakening.
  • A lot of people get stuck here, too.
  • “I’ve been oppressed my whole life!”
  • Not all Extraverts are sociopaths.
  • It is hard when someone is in pain not to project intent.
  • Most things are not a people problem; it is a system problem.
  • Gregory Bateson “When we don’t see systems, we break them.”
  • Once someone becomes aware that their mind is wired differently, it is easy to go from bitterness to superiority.
  • Superiority gives us an emotionally satisfying hit.
  • This level of awakening is merely awareness. Not a lot of effort involved.
  • Another part of this stage is the awareness that there are others out there like you.
  • The next phase is to move into skill development with your intuition.
  • There are two flavors of intuition – Extraverted and Introverted Intuition
  • Skill development puts practical discipline with your intuition.
  • It’s not about raw talent.
  • The second level is about the raw talent. That is why there is bitterness.
  • Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom
    • Data = Pre-awareness —> Unconscious Incompetence
    • Information = Intuitive Awakening —> Conscious Incompetence
    • Knowledge = Applied information —> Conscious Competence
  • Information has limitations.
  • Having info at first feels like a game changer, then it doesn’t.
  • Once we pass the relief phase, information stops doing anything for us.
  • Info doesn’t move the needle on happiness or improving a person’s life, especially if there is bitterness.
  • Just because you are intuitive doesn’t mean your intuition is always right.
  • Push it to its limitations. Allow it to fail, then calibrate. Push again.
  • It isn’t just a god given right; it’s a muscle that requires exercise.
  • You know in which context your intuition does the best.
  • Developing judging processes compliment our intuition.
  • Intuition is limited without those judging processes.
  • Self-esteem develops in this third level of skill building.
  • The final stage of the Intuitive Awakening – Intuitive Integration.
  • Wisdom = Intuitive Integration —> Unconscious Competence.
  • After the skill development, we integrate intuition in our entire persona.
  • The ebb and flow in a world that isn’t designed for you.
  • The world is getting more complex.
  • Our honed and skilled pattern recognition will help the world become a better place.
  • Wisdom knows when to use knowledge.
  • Sometimes your intuition isn’t the right tool for the job.
  • You can tell somebody has integrated their intuition when the world around them is accommodating to them.
  • You stop seeing the world as a Sensor world tailored only to Sensors.
  • You create an intuitive world around you.
  • There are plenty of opportunities to craft the life that is right for you.
  • Stop apologizing for yourself and seeing yourself at the receiving end of other people’s behavior.
  • Start seeing yourself as a creator of your reality.
  • Recognize what in your life needs to change to accommodate your intuition and what doesn’t need to change.
  • In integration, we loop back to pre-awareness and stop seeing the distinctions in the world.
  • We integrate all the aspects of life and realize that all of us have some level of intuition and sensing.
  • Sensors may start out denigrating intuitives or wish they were intuitive.
  • “Don’t think I’m not smart just because I’m a Sensor.”
  • There can be some pain in the pre-awareness phase for Sensors, too.
  • Their awakening is that they have a form of intuition themselves.
  • Skill development can come with visiting their intuitive process and exploring the tension between it and the Sensing function.
  • Make space for the intuitives in your life to shine.
  • Sensors can also use intuition as part of their aspiration.
  • They are going to get messages from the intuitive part of them.
  • ESFP Profiler Training student teaches language.
  • Introverted Intuition is usually really good at understanding the abstraction of language.
  • The ESFP integrated her intuitive part by teaching language in a more interesting, physical way.
  • Spanish Lessons with Emily
  • In pre-awareness, sensors may either reject their intuition or overvalue it.
  • In integration, a Sensor can calibrate their intuition and know when to listen and when to reject.
  • If you are a Sensor that feels you have gone thru an intuitive awakening, please tell us your story.
  • Is there a phase we missed in our discussion about the intuitive awakening?
  • Share your story.

In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about the stages of an intuitive awakening and call for you to share the stages of your awakening story. #podcast #intuitiveawakening #intuition

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  • Dee
    • Dee
    • April 28, 2018 at 4:38 am

    (INFJ) As I read down the list of points posted for the podcast, I found myself saying “I agree”….repeatedly. However I feel there is MORE to this story my friends. I have ALWAYS wanted it to be that simple…but to me…it’s not. And YES I remember the very moment of my awakening. It was all of a sudden. I was 14. I had converted my walk in closet into a sanctuary where I could be alone to “think/read” in a busy household/life. I was reading Henry David Thoreau…. Civil Disobedience and listening to Pink Floyd. I may or may not have smoked something. I was DEVISTATED/FURIOUS when it first hit me. “None of this makes ANY sense”. Crushing realization….and then I began to “see” things as “they really are”. Initial awakening = ouchy! I always “ksuspected I was a bit different” but this sealed the deal". The truth of “the world” destroyed me for a time. I was disgruntled. In my twenties I had honed some of my "skills to “know” things…and accepted them within myself. BUT…the world I met outside myself tended to disagree…often. So I questioned my own sanity. Perhaps I am the one who is “thinking wrong”? Insecurity hurt me then. Close to 30 I was presented with MBTI. I took the test. I was upset about my results. I was an INFJ…the “oddball”. Yay. As if I needed the reminder! However…it took me on a long slow journey…YAY..I NEEDED the reminder! NOT alone it said…it’s okay I found…vindicated I felt! “Perhaps it is not me”…I dreamt. My thoughts and ideals formulated stronger than ever with this freedom. Deeply grateful, I went on to research and ponder. I LOVE to ponder….for years and years as INFJ’s do. I watched humanity and myself grow through the time of my life experience while researching and learning about our past. I make connections…see patterns. I am no less in love with our possibilities but it can be…well…depressing…lol Having felt a bit more satisfied with my education I began to look for ways to “be of service”. I make a lot of sacrifices for the “greater good” and all I ask is a small fraction of what I do from others. In recent times I have had another small awakening. I do NOT blame it on the sensors….lol Wait do I?…hmmm…no. Look in your wallet…what do you see? Plastic and paper…right? The only reason any of that means anything is because we ALL agreed it does. THIS is how I se things. So tell me HOW to bridge the gap between INFJ thinking and “the world at large”. I am good at harmonizing and making lovely my emendate surroundings (work/group/home)…but HOW to truly make an impact as I “feel compelled” to on a culture? THAT is a tall order my friends. What else besides plastic and paper can we agree upon to “make it better”? It’s killing me…lol

  • Patricia Eddishaw
    • Patricia Eddishaw
    • April 28, 2018 at 1:58 am

    I am an intj and per my mention in a separate post on this podcast, there were two specific examples that I particularly related to.

    The first was your discussion about how intuitives try to find bodily reasons to excuse why at least some of our sensing is not strong. I have several times almost convinced myself that I’m really an isfp and not an intj – and I do realize they share functions, just in different order. I would reason about how strongly visual I am and not just in the sense of having internal visualizations. For example, if I walk into a room and the objects are not balanced in place, if the colors are off, if the textures seem wrong. etc it drives me nuts. So I think I must be a sensor. On the other hand, I have always been a total klutz when it comes to any athletic skill – zero zip none. And I would try to excuse that component of sensing with various physical reasons. Well, it was because I had lazy eye as a child, which affects eye hand coordination. Well, I had kidney disease as a young child and spent a lot of time sick and in the hospital. So of course if it hadn’t been for those things, who knows, I might have been a fantastic athlete lol. And then I would try to convince myself that I’m really a happy little isfp who just happens to have no athletic skill but a boatload of abstract mathematical skill and managerial chops lol.
    So hearing that example and that other people do the same thing was very helpful.

    The other example I related to was about when you talked about the abstraction of language. I started my career as a computer programmer. Coding itself is incredibly detailed and most of it fairly boring – neither of those my strong points. What I loved about programming was understanding the languages themselves and their connection to linguistics theory. When you find a programming language that is both logically consistent and elegant in its simplicity and power, it is truly a thing of beauty. Most commercial programming languages are neither of those. But at a base level, computer languages, linguistics and mathematics share much in common and I have always loved playing around in their interconnections.

  • Patricia Eddishaw
    • Patricia Eddishaw
    • April 27, 2018 at 11:53 pm

    Great comment.
    Like you I have also tested intp and infp but am pretty sure I’m an intj. I’m a 75 year old female who came of age in the 1950’s and 60’s. Back then the world simply did not recognize someone like myself – intuitive introverted thinker – and they were pretty good at trying to force me into the standard female role. It was still a world of Help Wanted Male and Help Wanted Female and contraception had just become legal if only for married women. I would surely only work for a year at a low level bookkeeper job and drop out as soon as I became pregnant.
    But but but I would say. I have a graduate degree in mathematics. And see, here’s my new bottle of birth control pills. I was simply laughed at and stuffed back in the stereotypical female box. There was no box for me – anywhere.

    Consequently, my young adulthood was terribly confusing and frustrating. Not only was I not allowed to be myself, I was explicitly told that in fact that was not who I was. I’m reminded of one of the PH podcasts where the parents are saying to the psychologist “fix this kid, he’s broken.”

    I was saved by the advent of computers. Companies were desperate to find anyone who had the abstract logic skills to write code – desperate enough to even hire women lol. It got my foot in the door even tho I am not particularly good at the detail work that constitutes a lot of programming.

    Like you I also tested infp (official mbti test) in the 90’s when I was in a similar woo -woo phase. But it never seemed to fit nor did it match up with my variety of jobs and particularly those where I felt strong and confident and “free to be me.”
    And then later I self tested as intp. Then I worked on the cognitive functions and have finally settled on INTJ. One disadvantage of being 75 years old and also having to hide myself for so many years is that I can take probably half the mbti types and say, “yep I could do that.”

    Through it all, I did learn by my mid twenties to trust my intuitive sense – whether it was a life decision, or how to approach a project, or how to reorganize a department at work. And probably all the battles I had with the outside world actually helped to strengthen my internal intuition. Once I started getting real world results from trusting my gut and doing it my way in spite of opposition, I got progressively better and more confident.

    I actually started out to make a couple short comments about this specific podcast – before I apparently decided to write my life history – but I’ll save that for a separate post.

    In the meantime I am thoroughly enjoying the comments from other intj women here. As much as the world has changed over the course of my life, it can still be lonely for us.

  • Sheila
    • Sheila
    • April 27, 2018 at 4:17 pm

    Wow, Greta! Thank you for taking time to post your comments. I felt as if you could have been my older, wiser self talking. I know I’ve been stuck in the same song and dance for so long, convincing myself it’s different each time, only to come collapsing to my knees (so to speak) about a year into each process.

    I’ve always wondered if I was truly an INFP or INFJ, both types have shown up on tests I’ve taken almost equally so. And I can relate strongly to both as well, perhaps one more so depending on the time in my life.

    Anyway, you offered some wonderful insights and I was right there with you as I read each word you wrote. The life you describe (I know, such small details) is the type I wish to have, hopefully before I endure too much more anguish (self-inflicted usually).

  • Jess Visher
    • Jess Visher
    • April 27, 2018 at 5:41 pm

    I think I’m coming out of the first stage and just starting the walk in the second. I’m successfully getting to the time I’ve carved on to work on bettering my Ni and I feel like all the bitterness and superiority I felt a few weeks ago is fading.

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