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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about the Myers-Briggs cognitive functions and their relationship to time.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • A float tank is excellent for Introverted Intuition
  • Introversion and extraversion have an interesting relationship with time and space.
  • All the extraverted functions live in the outside world.
  • So they are intrinsically tied to the laws of interfacing, which are laws we need to agree on to interface with other people.
  • One of those laws is the law of time.
  • We, as humans, experience time linearly.
  • We are linear but time and space are not.
  • All the extraverted functions are bound to time and space as a continuum.
  • The introverted functions are untethered from the laws of interfacing because they are inside of us, so they aren’t tethered to linear time.
  • Extraverted Functions:
    • 2 Extraverted Perceiving functions:
      • Extraverted Intuition
      • Extraverted Sensing
  • These are the parts of us that want to have freedom and learn, so they are the most rebellious to time.
  • These functions tend to resent time because it means less time for experiences.
  • 2 Extraverted Judging Functions
    • Extraverted Feeling
    • Extraverted Thinking
  • These functions are more likely to hand themselves over to time because they recognize the need for schedules.
  • You recognize you can’t have full freedom and get goals accomplished.
  • Extraverted Intuition tries to cheat time by packing as many experiences in as possible
  • Extraverted Sensing cheats time by being present and having the most intense experiences it can.
  • Extraverted Perceiving functions are both eager for experiences.
  • All extraverted functions acknowledge that the rules of time and space exist, but they react differently to them.
  • Extraverted perceiving functions rebel against time
  • Extraverted judging functions work within the laws of time.
  • All introverted functions don’t need to interact with the outer world at all.
  • Introverted Functions:
    • 2 Introverted Perceiving functions
      • Introverted Intuition
      • Introverted Sensing
    • 2 Introverted Judging functions
      • Introverted Thinking
      • Introverted Feeling
  • Introverted functions get to decide whether or not to interface with time.
  • Introverted Sensing is fascinated with the past
  • Introverted Intuition is more interested in the future.
  • But both can interact with the past or future.
  • They capture experiences and bring them inside to interact with at their leisure.
  • Post-processing.
  • Introverted Perceiving processes don’t need to obey the laws of time, but they master it within themselves
  • This is why Introverted perceivers will sometimes struggle with time management because the outer world isn’t their usual way of interacting with time.
  • INFJs and ISFJs may struggle with organization because they must wait for a catalyst or need to get them into action.
  • So, these types may struggle to interface with time similarly to Extraverted Perceivers.
  • Introverted Judging functions are the least tied to time because they create systems in their heads.
  • Time Binding is a thought or concept written down thousands of years ago which holds up thousands of years later.
  • Data isn’t bound by time.
  • Extraverted Judging functions are the most likely to hand themselves over to the rules of time.
  • Introverted Judging functions are the least likely to hand themselves over to time.
  • Introverted Perceiving functions could ignore time, but they have chosen not to because it is pleasurable for them to be gods over time.
  • Introverted functions are often called selfish because they are self-oriented.
  • All the extraverted functions are imperious. They believe they should be able to get their way.
  • This info may help us give grace to each other.
  • Introverts aren’t selfish; they just self-reference.
  • Extraverts aren’t overstepping they are just experiencing in the outer world.
  • Sit down and write down your four-function stack, as we do in the car model.
  • The ENTP driver process is Extraverted Intuition which rebels against time as much as it can.
  • ENTPs copilot is Introverted Thinking which doesn’t care that much for time.
  • So, an ENTP needs to find another part of themselves to interact with time in a better way.
  • ENTPs tertiary is Extraverted Feeling which has a responsive relationship to time.
  • So, an ENTP needs to set up catalysts in life to put them into motion and get things done to meet external needs.
  • It may be okay for you to be beholden to people if it helps you get things done.
  • ENTPs inferior is Introverted Sensing which isn’t going to interface with time reliably, but it can review concepts of time.
  • Extraverted Intuition wants to rebel against time, but Introverted Sensing sees itself as the master of time and has a friendlier relationship to it.
  • So, if an ENTP wants to develop a friendly relationship with time, they can use their inferior function to develop a friendlier relationship with time.
  • But the highest leverage function for the ENTP to interface well with time is their tertiary, Extraverted Feeling.
  • It won’t be a strength. It will be a bit idealistic and sloppy, at first.
  • ENTPs are very good at performing at the eleventh hour which helps them overcome their weaknesses with time
  • ENTPs have a more responsive relationship with time than ENFPs who must use their tertiary Extraverted Thinking.
  • Extraverted Thinking is going to be more proactive with time and less responsive.
  • ENFPs may tether to time better than ENTPs because of their tertiary.
  • Our relationship to time and space is only one node of how we interact with time and space.
  • So, are IPs screwed? No
  • When Introverted Feeling or Thinking realize something is truly important to them, they bring all the conviction and integrity with them and blast it to the outside world.
  • IPs can be unstoppable.
  • Because IPs can’t rely upon time and space as the thing that gets them going, they need to use their superpower of conviction and integrity to determine what is important.
  • You aren’t screwed if you don’t have a natural tethering to time.
  • The stereotype is that the EJs have the most natural ability to interact with time and space.
  • But EJs lack the relationship with their inner calibration, so the things they get done aren’t serving them as well as if they were able to interface more fully with inner conviction and integrity.
  • Don’t see this as fatalistic.
  • There are many components to getting things done.
  • One of the advantages to extraverted perceiving functions is that they still recognize the laws of time and space.
  • So they get a lot done.
  • They are less worried about the economy of their actions.

 In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about the Myers-Briggs cognitive functions and their relationship to time. #MBTI #myersbriggs

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  • Idunn Hellesø
    • Idunn Hellesø
    • October 28, 2019 at 9:19 pm

    I really like this episode!
    Yet I’m somewhat disheartened. As an ISFP you explain my relationship with time very well:

    irrellavant resentfull/now
    play nice rebellious

    Witch ends up with a three year old trying to boss a 10 year old around. Needless to say, i scedual a lot and then do something compleatly different. ADHD scedualing advice seems to be where i need to start from.

    Any other advice for us ISFP’s on the “immovable objekt” stage?

  • Amanda
    • Amanda
    • October 18, 2019 at 4:53 pm

    As an INFP with a ESFJ mother, this makes so much sense!!! I love y’all’s content, and this podcast especially was very well done. Thank you!!!

  • Lauren
    • Lauren
    • October 11, 2019 at 4:37 pm

    I just wanted to leave an anecdote that my sister reminded me of when we were discussing this podcast (which we both loved!). It made us laugh to the point of tears to recall all the times that time has quite literally smacked us in the face.

    I’m an INTP and my sister is an ISFP. This last spring we were headed on a 3 week trip to explore London together. It was the day before we were leaving and I had just barely enough time to finish all my left over tasks; do laundry, pack, locate my passport, go to my classes, and take 3 exams I would be missing while we were gone. Needless to say, I was cutting it a little short. That’s when it hit me. In order to graduate everyone needs to take their major fields test. My professor had reminded me over and over that it’s a requirement, but I still hadn’t taken mine – It’s a 2 hr test, a huge chunk of time that I never wanted to commit to. Now it’s March and the test due date is going to pass by while I’m in London! I ran downstairs in hyperdrive trying to get my ass out the door to start completing all my tasks. My sister noticing how stressed I was asked what was wrong. After I unloaded my whole list she asks “when exactly is the majors field test due?” And I responded May (whatever the date was). She started laughing, so I did to. After all, I’m always getting myself into these situations and it has become a running joke. Then she pointed out that it was only March and I had 2 more months once we got back to take the test. I was so detached from time that I was living in the wrong month!

  • Toni
    • Toni
    • October 6, 2019 at 6:25 pm

    What an intriguing podcast. Thank you. Great timing too as I’ve been thinking recently about my relationship with time. Great to hear how others experience time differently.

    I’d love a follow up podcast on the concept of space. I’m an INFJ and I have to concentrate incredibly hard to make my internal compass/GPS work. My ESTJ husband walks new streets in a new city and just knows where he is at all times. It blows my mind – I can be so disoriented. It’s been some growth work that I’ve done to engage with the outside world more including engaging when traveling and turning my GPS on!

  • Rachel
    • Rachel
    • October 5, 2019 at 5:55 pm

    I do not understand how Antonia is so able to capture the experience of ALL the functions – even those she doesn’t use and in positions they are not for her. You articulate everything so precisely, succinctly, and so simply yet without sacrificing any of the depth and nuance and complexity that makes it worth saying and pondering. I am absolutely floored every podcast by this display of Ti, which as an INFP, is just straight up not something I can wield with any effectiveness. I feel like you’ve summed up what I sort of intuitively understood but had not seen in words or ever interfaced with. More deep dives please! Also, I do love Joel’s constant awareness of his listeners and the need to affirm or encourage. Also, my Te can relate so much to his need to take the big picture and then apply it to concrete examples. You guys make an excellent pair for this reason.

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