MEMBERS ONLY - Take 20% Off These Programs

The coupon MARCH17 can be applied to any of these programs to take 20%
(expires Friday, March 17, 2017)


Your Personality: The Owners Manual
Your greatest purpose and mission in life are already inside you. Know yourself intimately enough to unlock your greatest potential.


Hardwired For Wealth
An online training webinar on using your unique personality to make money and grow your career or business.


Personalities In Relationships (Full Suite of 3 programs)
Includes all three of these programs:

Personalities in Dating & Attraction: How to use personality psychology to find your life partner. How knowing your type make you more attractive. Get the edge in dating and attracting a lover.

Personalities in Marriage & Relationships: Compatibility is the key to having a mind-blowing romantic relationship filled with passion, love, and intimacy. We often fall in love with mates who are so different from us. How to use your differences to your advantage, gain new appreciation and co-create an amazing life together.

Personalities in Children & Family: Know what your kids need…even when they have no clue, themselves. Nurturing your kids to be the best versions of themselves means being proactive – it means reading all the clues they’re giving you now to understand who they’re becoming.

Expert Personality Type Knowledge

... in Your Back Pocket .

Personality Cards are unique, confidence-boosting personality toolkits: used for practical step-by-step type explanations & coaching support.

Each pack of 32 beautifully designed cards includes:

  • 16 Personality Type Cards
  • 8 Dichotomies
  • 8 Cognitive Function Cards

Originally designed to be used with clients during Personality Profiling Sessions, get your own set for "personality readings" for yourself or friends.

Get Your Own Deck Learn More