The "Personality Gift Giving Guide"
Unique Gifts By Personality Type
Gift Giving GuideChoose Gifts for Friends and Family By Their Personality Type. Find the perfect gift – every time.
$27) $12
Not all people appreciate gifts for the same reasons…
Each person uses one of four decision making preferences to make their choice.
In this short and easy to use guide – we will show you a method for choosing the perfect gift for your family, friends spouse, lover, child or parent.
The day Carl Jung unraveled the mystery of the human mind
Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist in the late 1800’s/early 1900’s. He’s credited as the founder of analytical psychology (also known as Jungian psychology), a school of thought that encourages individual ‘wholeness’ by integrating our unconscious processes, and the motivations that underlie our behavior.
His work lead to the discovery of psychological “types,” Jung pioneering the idea by realizing that people could be separated into different preferences, including what he called “Intuition” and “Sensory” learning styles. Much of his contribution comes from the study of archetypes seen through history and the world.
Continuing his tradition, Personality Hacker uses Jung’s understanding of personality types to develop products and programs that meet the unique and individual needs of each personality.
The 4 Ways People Make Decisions
#1 – Effectiveness
Effectiveness is the part of us that asks, “Does this work?” When systems need to be put in place to accomplish goals, it’s Effectiveness that figures it out. When you see how resources can be managed and manipulated to make something happen, and when you’re determining a cost/benefit analysis, you’re using Effectiveness as decision-making criteria.
#2 – Accuracy
Accuracy is the part of us that asks, “Does this make sense?” When data is incongruent or when it doesn’t add up, you’re using Accuracy to sort it out. When you make a decision based upon consistent, solid facts, you’re using Accuracy as decision-making criteria.
#3 – Harmony
Harmony is the part of us that asks, “Is everyone getting their needs met?” When you make a choice that takes other people’s feelings and needs into consideration, you’re using Harmony. Obviously, conclusions reached can range from the very small to the very large.
#4 – Authenticity
Authenticity is the part of us that asks, “Does this feel right to me?” When we need to make a decision that is true and honest to who we are, it’s Authenticity that guides us. When you understand how an action or word will impact the subjective human experience or when you feel conviction, you’re using Authenticity as decision-making criteria.
The 4 Ways People Learn Information
#1 – Exploration
Exploration loves to think outside the box and asking “what if?” questions. They learn best if you can capture their imagination and co-create new connections. It’s not easy to introduce a new idea to an Exploration person, but if you do they’re yours for life.
#2 – Perspectives
Perspectives doesn’t just think outside the box, it thinks about the box. The further down the rabbit’s hole of any topic you can go the more Perspectives people will be gripped.
#3 – Sensation
Sensation people have trouble sitting still to learn. They have some of the highest kinesthetic intelligence, and learn by building muscle memory. If you can get them into action, you’ve capture their attention.
#4 – Memory
Memory is the most focused on reliability. Teaching proven methods that have track records wins the heart of Memory people.
It’s time to laser focus your gift giving to give a gift that speaks to the learning or decision making process of the person you are gifting…
You can keep practicing “shotgun” gift giving hoping you get lucky with your purchases…
You can learn our system for speaking directly to the minds of friends and family when giving them gifts..
A product backed by science and research
Author, Former UCLA professor, and personality typology expert Dario Nardi, has been doing research on the the neuroscience of personality. His work with EKG machines and brainwave scans have indicated that the once soft science of personality typology can actually be measured in brainwave activity.
Imagine being able to give a gift that seems like you can read minds.
Here is what you’ll learn inside the “Unique Gifts By Personality Type Gift Giving Guide”…
- How to use the Genius system to quickly determine the perfect gift
- Once you have a gift in mind – how to make sure you are getting the gift THEY want
- Create a deep feeling in the gift receiver of being fully understood
- Build intimacy by gifting to the core level of their identities
- The four decision making styles that will impact your gift giving
- The four learning styles that will impact your gift giving
- Which gifts to stay away from for different personalities
Join the hundreds of other people who have used our simple guide to find the perfect gift for friends and family!
Unique Gifts By Personality Type
Gift Giving GuideChoose Gifts for Friends and Family By Their Personality Type. Find the perfect gift – every time.
$27) $12
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Thank you for deciding to join with Personality Hacker.
Antonia Dodge & Joel Mark Witt,
Personality Hacker

Expert Personality Type Knowledge
... in Your Back Pocket.
Personality Cards are unique, confidence-boosting personality toolkits: used for practical step-by-step type explanations & coaching support.
Each pack of 32 beautifully designed cards includes:
- 16 Personality Type Cards
- 8 Dichotomies
- 8 Cognitive Function Cards
Originally designed to be used with clients during Personality Profiling Sessions, get your own set for "personality readings" for yourself or friends.