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PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about intuitive thinkers and emotions.

In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about intuitive thinkers and emotions. #thinkers #emotion

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  • Alicia
    • Alicia
    • April 4, 2021 at 4:36 am

    I have INTJ preferences, and when I notice my emotions, they are rather strong, not emotional breakdown strong, but still intense.

    The first step to developing a skill, like emotional intelligence, is finding the motivation to do it. (My Te says that unmanaged emotions manage me poorly and interfere with my ability to accomplish stuff.)

    In my late teens, I realized a couple things about feelings. Their accessibility does not affect their existence. Having the correct understanding of what each emotion is is crucial for dealing with them in a healthy way.

    (I used to think I, as an introvert who treasures her time alone and has limited access to her feelings, could not feel loneliness, and then I did some research about whether INTJs could feel lonely and discovered that I had had the wrong definition of loneliness. It was not merely the pain resulting from a lack of social interaction— at least for INTJs. I have not researched loneliness in other personality types yet.)
    I have primarily been focusing on developing emotional intelligence with my own feelings. I have found Internet research quite useful. I have made a folder of bookmarked websites called “Emotional Stuff”. They provide so many insights, even when they are aimed at non-INTJs.

    When trying to figure out how I am feeling, I think about the process like diagnosing myself with an emotion. I use my behavior (or my general impression of it) and, if I have the ability to put myself in a very-low stimulation environment for an hour or more, input from Fi and Se to determine which emotion I am most likely feeling. If I cannot tell my emotion, and my words and tone of voice seem fine, I am most likely calm.

    Also, I am not an expert. I gave no advice.

  • Charity Thompson
    • Charity Thompson
    • February 4, 2016 at 5:44 pm

    I am an INTP and grew up very “inside” my own head. My family moved a lot, and in the end I attended 13 different schools, and 4 different churches. This was a forced “exploration” for me, and I learned to apply systems (such as personality systems- MBTI, Enneagram) to people to better understand them, and to know how to behave towards them. My best advice would be to watch faces a nd body language while people are talking. You will learn to read emotions that way (as best as a Thinker can, of course). Learn the different personality types in the Enneagram and/or MBTI. If you can apply what you see on faces and body language to a system like this, you can “if, then”- as in computer programming and apply your best responses. People are multi-dimensional and we have to use whatever tools are available to us to recognize their differences. Good luck to my fellow INTP’s.

  • Charis Branson
    • Charis Branson
    • October 23, 2015 at 1:32 pm

    Thanks for the comment, Brianna! We are always happy to hear from the Sensors of the world. :)

  • Brianna
    • Brianna
    • October 23, 2015 at 1:53 am

    Let me start by saying, I’m not an intuitive thinker, I’m an ISTP. However, I’m glad I listened anyway, and the content was still very useful. It’s great that Antoinia brought up the concept of “principled love” for empathy. I’ve found that the way I express empathy is through that idea; in the idea of the preciousness of life. That’s something that I hold to, because it just makes too much sense to let go. But, yes, I feel very deeply about it. The long in short, it’s good to hear I’m not the only one who has this mindset. Great podcast, as expected. Would love to hear more applicable content and advise from you guys soon.

  • Charis Branson
    • Charis Branson
    • October 11, 2015 at 2:45 pm

    Thanks for the recommendation, Mia! Sounds like a great book. :)

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