What Role Does Culture Play In Personality Type?

In this episode Joel and Antonia respond to a listener's question about the role culture plays in personality type. Download Episode Hereright click link and select "Save Link As…"


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We invite you to ask questions about personality types, relationships, and personal growth. Your questions may be addressed on our audio podcast “10 Minute Type Advice ” Ask A Question


In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Joel and Antonia share an exercise that really highlights a general human tendency.
  • Why do we use external markers to judge others?
    • How can type be used to improve our abilities to judge others?
  • How do stereotypes change how we show up despite our internal wiring?
    • Antonia shares her own experience as a female Thinker.
  • What is a benefit of the world forcing us away from our natural wiring?
  • What challenge is created by this?
  • Joel sums up the three areas that influence us.
    • What is the ultimate goal here?
  • How can challenges be a blessing in disguise?

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