Whether you’re a Sensor or an Intuitive, you have a ‘comfort zone’ of conversation. On top of that, your tendency will be to gravitate to the same ‘comfort zone’ as other people who share your learning style. If you’re in a relationship with someone of a different learning style, what’s the secret to explaining your preference and – even more importantly – identifying where they’re most comfortable?

Watch this short, 13 minute webinar to learn what (I believe) is the most helpful key to successful communication for both learning styles:

Ready to awaken your Intuition?
Click here



  • Alan
    • Alan
    • January 5, 2016 at 9:21 pm

    I think the pyramid could make sense but is mostly based on the fact that abstract communications are based on concrete languages. So it looks like you need the bottom part of the pyramid to reach the top.

    However I’m not sure that it applies to the concept of abstract/concrete thinking.

  • Charis Branson
    • Charis Branson
    • June 16, 2015 at 8:27 pm

    Thanks for your comments! You both bring up an interesting idea. I can see how the Ladder Concept could be off-putting to some.

    I really like the simile of the pyramid that Tracey recommended. Not only does the Sensation world provide the foundational structure for Intuitives, but it also represents how many more Sensors there are compared to Intuitives.

    Based upon your Sensor perspective, Tracey, maybe we should call it the Tower of Babel. Since those at the top can sometimes have their heads in the clouds. ;)

  • Tracey
    • Tracey
    • June 15, 2015 at 2:35 am

    Agreed. The higher/lower language and the fact that it is a vertical model makes me kinda itchy. Or, if it’s going to be a vertical model, wonder if the ladder would make more sense as a pyramid, where the sensing/concrete ideas provide the solid foundation necessary for the intuitive/abstract above it.

    I guess I’m still struggling with trying to understand whether S/N are preferences on either end of a spectrum or if N is actually more evolved. And if N is somehow more evolved, is it due to being in the minority and being apt to excel at both ways? Or is it a state that is somehow objectively more evolved?

    As a sensor surrounded by mostly intuitives in my daily life, I’m often inclined to feel all alone in holding down the fort and keeping everyone from constantly reinventing the wheel. I’m amazed at how often I have to “fill in” missed details and anticipate consequences where the Ns in my life seem to have blind spots or poor memory of past failures, and they often get themselves into trouble by not fully vetting their ideas before implementing them. I do think that sensors can absolutely benefit by “growing up” the ladder, but I think it’s dangerous to assume that intuitives have mastered all the steps on the way up, when often it would benefit them to “grow down” and make sure they have a solid foundation for their ideas.

    Hope any of this made sense. I am sort of new to personality type theory and know I have a lot to learn. I love your site and podcast and am exploring my way through.

  • Peggy
    • Peggy
    • June 9, 2015 at 5:16 pm

    I think this is a great model and I realize you borrowed it from the book. Just thought I would point out, I am an intuitive and totally get the ladder concept. However, since sensors are so concrete and literal, I believe a model that was horizontal instead of vertical would work better. Being higher vs lower on the ladder might feel like an insult to someone who is a more literal thinker. I might be wrong, but I am an administrator over approximately 20 people – every single one is a sensor. I’ve had to learn to understand the way they perceive things. This just stood out to me.

  • Michael
    • Michael
    • September 26, 2014 at 6:09 pm


    Great model. Thank you for the webinar.

    So sensors like concrete examples..but what sort of topics do they like to talk about? Just stories of the past? Maybe an imagined future in vivid detail?


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