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On this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia discuss applying the four fantasy fixations of personality types.


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On this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia discuss applying the four fantasy fixations of personality types.


  • Jeremy
    • Jeremy
    • September 14, 2024 at 9:30 pm

    I am certain I was in the same school Antonia discussed. As an INTJ, I largely solved the situation similarly though from a different motivation angle, a desire to not show weakness, vulnerability, or incapacity. As a result, of overcoming this fear of extemporaneous speaking, which was compounded by participating in this school in a language I did not speak. I have similarly succeeded in my secular life, occasionally getting the parade for slaying the dragon with my “great” insights, often because I spoke up, or out in the moment. You have captured this fantasy aspect of our personalities well, very enjoyable episode.

  • Taylor
    • Taylor
    • September 13, 2024 at 8:10 pm

    Long time listener here (like since 2015)! I’m only a couple minutes into this and I was laughing because literally as soon as Joel started talking about his poison oak and “cutting his own trail,” I just KNEW the segue would be about the fantasy of “freedom.” So in the most affectionate way, I chuckled when Antonia commented on the graceful segue because I initially assumed the segue was planned!
    **INFJ preferences here – I’m trying to finally push myself to use my voice more and comment on things I appreciate in a way that would be “vulnerable” in my past 😉 (because you know, I have this fantasy that if I hide in introversion I’ll be less vulnerable – FIRM model exhibit A 😆)

  • Ryan Williams
    • Ryan Williams
    • September 11, 2024 at 7:47 am

    To Aaron what you are saying is right. your not seeking validation in fact it does not even concern you. it is the fact you hold so much inner integrity to others it would seem your righteous. Even this might only show if your having a lot of deep conversations. The best way to see your righteous behaviour is when you are triggered the feeling you get should tell you. If you are INFP it will resonate with you the freedom. I want to stop drinking coffee for the exact same reason. As sleeping on the floor just took me a lot more years to get to this point. Inner integrity you must have times you are pushed. question when you are outside your comfort zone what emotion occurs?

  • Danielle
    • Danielle
    • September 10, 2024 at 4:16 pm

    This definitely resonated for me! While I still feel inadequately equipped to truly determine my preferred personality type (without bias). I do identify best with ENTP preferences. So I obviously love when both your personal experiences sneak into each podcast. I just wanted to comment about the heroic energy of the driver function desiring praise and applause and hero acknowledgment. I OFTEN spontaneously (physically and metaphorically) erupt into applause for the work you guys do with this podcast and your resources! Truly. You guys blow me away. Each episode feels like a little golden nugget and I will relisten many times over to continue to glean more insight. Bravo!

  • Aaron
    • Aaron
    • September 10, 2024 at 11:33 am

    As an INFP the fantasy of “rightness” didn’t resonate with me. While I’m sure I lead with Fi and place great importance on authenticity and being aligned with my inner values I don’t feel strongly that about others must agree with me. The EP idea of freedom and not being bound to conventional systems seems more attractive to me. To wake up and do as I please seems much more attractive than being perceived as right. I’m certain of my values and I don’t need other people to validate them. I have Fi not Fe. Perhaps this is just confusion on defining terms? Do any other IPs feel the same?

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