- by Personality Hacker
Careers & Personality: Navigating Your Shadow at Work | Podcast 563
- by Personality Hacker
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Systems Thinking & Finding Purpose | Podcast 562
Career & Personality: 4 Perceiving Functions in 6th Position | Podcast 564
(INFP) I really enjoyed this episode and look for to the series. One thought I have though, is that the logic of assuming something that triggers us is a shadow issue or the example of accusing someone of crossing our boundaries means we’re doing that ourselves is flawed. That kind of turning issues back on the person is frequently used in cults and by high control people. I’m by no means accusing Personality Hacker of that I love the show and get a lot out of it. I’m just saying some people are genuinely innocent and wronged by others. That doesn’t mean they have to have a victim mentality and not own how they got in that situation but I don’t think every situation calls for people to blame themselves. If someone is about to harm you or your family its healthy to be “triggered” into action and take a stand to protect yourself. We shouldn’t always assume we caused it ourselves.
HI it’s Kim my type is ENFP I was wondering what my shadow functions are ?I know the 6th function is Fe I don’t know the others very interesting pod cast thanks for sharing this valuable info !