On this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia talk about using systems thinking to find purpose in life.

- by Personality Hacker
Systems Thinking & Finding Purpose | Podcast 562
- by Personality Hacker
The Democratization of Personality Types | Podcast 561
Careers & Personality: Navigating Your Shadow at Work | Podcast 563
A few years ago, you, Antonia, introduced me to the concept of systems thinking. Since that time I have made it my primary area of study. Kara ENTP has joined me on this journey and we’re having a great time studying and learning together. I loved hearing you talk about it on this podcast.
Here’s an article. I think you may find to be a very interesting expansion of network theory. https://blog.cabreraresearch.org/network-theory?hs_amp=true
Additionally, hearing your story again, hearing you talk about reprogramming your mind, makes me think of Dabrowski‘s Theory of Positive Disintegration. I wonder if you’ve ever heard of it. I resonated very strongly when I found it, and hearing you reminded me of it.
I’m really looking forward to the time when I can take PLP. The PH community is like nothing else! So happy to have all of you.
As an ENFP I’m taking a course in NLP to be certified to be a practitioner and Master I enjoy what I’m leaning but it’s more that when I’m certified I will have my opportunity to help others be the best versions of themselves and that’s rewarding and purposeful !
I like the Japanese concept of Ikigai – often depicted as a Vinn diagram:
1) what am I good at?
2) what do I like doing?
3) what will the world pay you for?
4) what does the world need?
Seems like that is at least similar to the concept of Dharma and life’s purpose.
I was a stagehand for 20 years. I came to a point where it wasn’t serving me the way I needed a career to do. I started looking into this idea. Still not sure I’ve landed on that center, but I feel like I’m closer. I’m a pharmacist trying to improve patient health through listening to their stories!