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According to the MBTI (Myers-Briggs) personality system, Joel is a feeler male and Antonia is a thinker female. In this podcast they talk about what it’s like to be a personality type that goes against the grain of popular culture.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • This podcast episode will talk about Male – Female dynamics and personality types, focusing Feeler Males and Thinker Females.
  • Even if a man and woman are the same personality, regardless of the typology system used, there will be differences.
  • Thinker VS Feeler
  • Thinker – is someone who basically makes decision based in metrics and criteria takin into account. Does it make sense analytically? Will it work?
  • Feeler – makes decisions based on how it will impact other people. How are people going to be impacted? How is it going to impact the family?
  • All thinkers feel and all feelers think.
  • It is assumed that women will be feelers and men thinkers
  • 75% of females are feelers. They have a higher emotional intelligence.
  • There are people that don’t necessarily fit on the cultural definition of masculinity and femininity. Separate yourself from your personality type from femininity and masculinity. Being able to do this means that you can fully embrace your authentic nature.
  • Your femininity is not defined by making decisions.
  • In today’s generation, we’re starting to see couples go together to the next stage of their lives.
  • Men have a lot of support of how masculinity is defined, as someone who’s taking care of his children and many more.

Exercise we recommend in this podcast:

  • Are you a feeler male or a thinker female? What has been your experience as non-stereotype? Where have you not fit into whatever cultural type you live in and what has been your experience? What are the tools you’re using to accept your authentic self? We want to hear from you. Leave your comments below.

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  • Lisbeth
    • Lisbeth
    • May 14, 2018 at 2:10 pm

    As an INTJ woman I’ve been experiencing this “social pressure” about how a woman is “supposed to be” since very tender age. And for a long time I was comparing myself with other women, frequently feeling something is wrong with me. There has also been a lot of comments about how I need to change, be more flirtatious, easygoing, yes, feminine. “Why don’t you smile? are you bored? Are you angry?”. For some time I even tried to fit in, and be someone I’m not. Needles to say, the tough INTJ core is not going anywhere. :) I was lucky to meet some amazing people who accept me for who I am, and who get to see the nurturing and open side, which helps tremendously. As for the rest of the society… well, I am who I am, don’t feel the need to be liked by everyone anymore. Thanks for the podcasts and work that you do! Very helpful in understanding self and others.

  • Matt
    • Matt
    • February 12, 2018 at 9:06 pm

    Every time Antonia says “woo-woo” I giggle. The fact that y’all use words that are TOTALLY unprofessional but absolutely get the point across in a professional way is admirable and easy to relate to.

  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • August 28, 2017 at 4:21 pm

    I suspect the very things that made you ‘click out’ – my statement seen through the lens of things like women feeling unsafe around men, thoughtless patriarchy, the current alt-right image of disempowered boys projecting their lack of sovereignty onto anyone not them in race and gender, etc… – are perpetuated and made worse by being unwilling to acknowledge the challenges people that you believe are advantaged face.

    Sympathy isn’t a scarce resource reserved only for the most under privileged. Sympathy is an expression of love, which grows in abundance. All people are deserving of love, sympathy, and an acknowledgement of their struggles.

    That said, we recorded this podcast in a very different political climate. Right now everyone is acting as if to sympathize with a situation automatically means condoning any and all bad things which may come from that situation.

    It’s a conflation we as a culture must get under control. We are becoming infinitely stupider because of it.


  • lol
    • lol
    • August 27, 2017 at 11:06 pm

    “I’m fully behind the Men’s Rights movement, I think men are going through a tough time right now” clicks out

  • Charrose
    • Charrose
    • October 25, 2016 at 1:40 pm

    INTJ female here. I agree with Antonia’s point about liking women and valuing them as friends, but also feeling very different from them. Men I’ve dated have found me “intimidating”—their words. Right now I’m dating a guy who is an INFP. We’ve gotten into a few arguments which I didn’t even know were arguments—I was collecting data while he was feeling attacked. I’m more interested in MBTI than he is, so I try to use it when possible to help me understand an interaction. But when I explained to him how my thinking nature drove me, he said it was helpful to know that I wasn’t trying to manipulate him to “say the wrong thing” or something.

    There were some points statements in this podcast about feminism and “men’s rights” that I found to be… off. Feminism is not about insisting that only women should be in charge, hating men, degrading men. That would be misandry. Feminism is about dismantling the patriarchal structures that bind various genders. That includes allowing men to embrace and express their full range of emotions, including those that have been deemed “feminine” and therefore lesser emotions. Feminism is about breaking down the societal norms of how we “should” identify and behave in given gender roles. The idea that feminism is anti-men is a misrepresentation used to undermine it’s credibility and value. “Men’s rights” or “meninism” was created as a rebuttal to feminism (because the establishment gets very uncomfortable when others want equal treatment, in my opinion). But feminism is intended for everyone, not just women—it is also valuable for men to be accepted as their full selves.

    I also realize that this podcast was from 2014. I wonder if Antonia still sees feminism the way it seemed in the podcast.

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