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In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about the ambivert personality and whether or not it exists.

In this podcast on the ambivert personality you’ll find:

  • What is an Ambivert Personality? Does it really exist?
  • All of us have one introverted and one extraverted process in dealing with the mental world
  • Example: ENFP. Extraverted Intuition/Introverted Feeling
  • Both introverted and extraverted processes are important and as you grow and develop these processes, the more you appear as a person with an ambiverts personality.
  • We generally assume that extraversion means social (extraversion with people) and we assume that introversion excludes other human beings. However there are mental processes that are extraverted but are not social, and there are introverted processes that necessitates getting in touch with people.
  • Ambiverts are the ones that who have a strong association of these two processes. They can see the part of them that is both extraverted and introverted.
  • Don’t mistake your identity to a four-letter code, that’s a starting place of understanding how your mind works. You are way more than what any personality system can type you. Don’t assume that it explains everything about you.
  • Your co-pilot is the highest leverage growth opportunity for you. The point of the map is to simplify.
  • You need different styles of maps for understanding personality development and how your mind works.

Does the Ambivert Personality Exist #ambivert #MBTI

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  • Bernard
    • Bernard
    • August 5, 2017 at 3:36 pm

    Hey there. This is something that I’ve been struggling with in self identification of type. One thing/process you said really helps though :
    Step 1. choose your top decision making and top learning cognitive functions (which for me wasn’t that difficult)
    Step 2. Ask yourself if your preference is for learning or deciding. (also relatively easy for me)

    The key for me was not having to choose between which of the two “front seats” I prefer. Reducing the question instead to the more generic question of learning /deciding, really made a difference (for me at least).

    Great legacy of podcasts – thanks!

  • Charis Branson
    • Charis Branson
    • June 21, 2015 at 3:19 pm

    Thanks for your comment, Leora! I’m glad the information was able to bring you some understanding.

  • Leora
    • Leora
    • June 21, 2015 at 10:23 am

    ENFP here too, never able to figure out whether I am an introvert or an extravert, that worked perfectly for me, thank you so much

  • Kunjana
    • Kunjana
    • May 30, 2015 at 10:06 pm

    hi! i think this podcast was wonderful and so balanced. i want to thank you two for being so honest and not just selling your programs for personal gains etc but really being so so invested and excited about real self-growth and self-understanding, and being kind and honest enough to warn your users and listeners about the limitations of the tools being offered. thanks for being true to the journey of self-growth and for not maintaining any illusions about the flaws and limitations of the system, it is not very often that such ethic is shown. i also loved how you both clarified that this is only one tool out of the many we use, and that overvaluing it would be a folly. i am an INFJ and i know groups on Facebook for the INFJ community where they can almost fight to fit into this category and anything that seems to contradict a typical INFJ description suddenly becomes ground for attacking and criticizing the entire MBTI system. so thank you for clarifying misconceptions about the MBTI and for encouraging and being excited about collective self-growth.

  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • January 2, 2015 at 2:25 pm

    Developing the auxiliary/secondary/Co-Pilot (call it what you will) isn’t focusing on one’s weaknesses. I actually actively tell people to avoid trying to balance their tertiary (10 year old) and inferior (3 year old) processes for the exact reason you mentioned. It takes three times as much effort for half the gain, and it forces a person into a place that feels unnatural and inauthentic. Hire someone else to do those things. It seems unreasonable to need to be ‘all things to all people’.

    From my perspective it’s not really about a ‘rule’ or ‘rules’. It’s more about what makes sense to me and has had observable results (in more people than simply myself).

    I see introversion as a way to get inside oneself and introspect. I see extraversion as a way to get outer world feedback. Both seem to be just as necessary as the other, and if we’re unable to do either one (or are stunted in either) we’re probably going to have a bad time of it. Hyper-focus on either world at the expense of the other generally manifests in a variety of interesting neuroses (depending on the flavor of extraversion or introversion).

    The easiest way to explain my take on this is in a webinar we did recently to pitch Profiler Training. I have the video time stamped to start at 23:00 (and the relevant info goes to about 53:00):

    One final thought on the Pygmalion project. As I understood Keirsey’s description, the Pygmalion project was about entering a relationship (romantic, friendship, coach, etc.) with someone of a different type and then over time systematically pressuring them to become more like you and your type. The differences that initially attracted you are now unacceptable (since that person isn’t perfectly mirroring your experience in life) and that needs to be changed. So, you start ‘chiseling away’ at them. I believe this is different than personality development, where the individual’s type is the backbone of progress. As a coach, it’s my job to see what’s awesome in my client and make sure they’re capitalizing on and exercising their natural talents. Not to turn them into some variation of me.


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