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In this episode, Joel and Antonia dive deep into the needs and desires of the ENTP personality type.

In this podcast on the ENTP personality type you’ll find:

  • ENTP – Exploration/Accuracy in Genius System
  • Car Model
  • The driver process for ENTPs is Extraverted Intuition, which we have nicknamed “Exploration.”
  • Learning process. Perceiving process.
  • Finding connections between disparate things in the outside world. Pushing buttons and looking for patterns in the outside world.
  • This is the ENTPs flow state. Novelty becomes very important to them.
  • It is about exploring. Imagine there is six foot tall grass and you are there to blaze a trail with your machete. That is Exploration.
  • The mundane can get very boring quickly.
  • They are good at reinventing the wheel. Trying new things and creating new patterns to optimize things for the better.
  • Very optimistic process.
  • ENTPs complain of getting bored easily.
  • To get a return on investment ENTPs need to follow something through to the end. Many ENTPs stop when a project is 80% finished. This makes it possible for other people to finish their work and get the kudos.
  • They need to create systems that acknowledge this weakness.
  • ENTPs are excited about new situations and will often outperform those around them because they are so engrossed in what they are doing. Then they master it and get bored. Going from rising star to D player within six months.
  • How do ENTPs stick with something after they have stopped making love to it?
  • 2 styles of boredom:
  • Sitting around doing nothing boredom where you can make up a game in your mind; or
  • Repetitive, manual tasks that require enough mental real estate that prevents you from daydreaming. (This is the worst!)
  • Focus on autonomy, mastery and purpose.
  • Daniel Pink Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us: People aren’t motivated by carrots and sticks like in the past. Now they are motivated by autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
  • The co-pilot is an introverted decision making process called Introverted Thinking, which we have nicknamed “Accuracy” (Ti).
  • Accuracy asks, What makes sense?
  • Any situation where an ENTP feels disempowered to leave their mark or optimize something is going to be very frustrating.
  • Most ENTPs are entrepreneurs.
  • If an ENTP thinks they have run out of options they are probably depressed. They need to keep looking for opportunities.
  • Ti is high leverage for ENTPs.
  • Radical Honesty: How to Transform Your Life by Telling the Truth by Brad Blanton
  • Show up to the world being radically honest with the people in your life.
  • It is so easy to get in the habit of looking for approval from other people.
  • The 10-year-old process is Extraverted Feeling, which we have nicknamed “Harmony.”
  • Harmony is all about making connections with other people.
  • ENTP Survey mentioned that ENTPs struggle with connection.
  • ENTPs can become people pleasers if they don’t have enough connectivity in their lives.
  • They try to find the most acceptable way of going about things in order to maintain whatever connections they do have.
  • Radical honesty forces them out of thinking in terms of social acceptance and instead focus on what makes analytical sense to them.
  • When an ENTP starts working on radical honesty “it begins at home.” Their inner wisdom will blast them out of relationships or paradigms that aren’t resonating with them authentically.
  • They will have quality relationships rather than quantity because their authentic connections will be deeper.
  • Focus on quality connections over quantity!
  • ENTPs really do care about other people’s feelings. If they receive negative feedback from others when they have only been implementing true radical honesty they can make peace with the fact that others won’t always honor the profound truths the ENTP brings.
  • The difference between skill and talent. Discipline copilot. Work on making it a beneficial part of your life.
  • Formal logic is a great tool for Ti users. It develops the ability to focus. The better they get at focus, the better they get at understanding concepts on a surgical level.
  • ENTPs can see clean slice the difference between 2 disparate concepts another may have conflated. They understand how those two things are actually separated. They bring a surgical component to thoughts, ideas and concepts.
  • These can also be limiting beliefs that prevent us from getting to where we want to go.
  • This helps them get clearer on their purpose and goals and to stop gumming up thoughts with superfluous info.
  • So much undiscovered territory is in the copilot. Who you are and what we want to bring to the world can be found in disciplining that copilot.
  • We are serially monogamous with our passions. We don’t have to focus on the same things till death. We can move on when we are ready to move on.
  • In the survey, ENTPs complain of lack of focus. If you have a 100 choices and you can’t choose one you will choose zero. Choosing one thing is better than choosing nothing at all.
  • ENTPs fear getting trapped on a single rail. The real trap is not allowing yourself any focus and choosing nothing.
  • ENTPs don’t fear discomfort nearly as much as some of the other types. They do fear looking incompetent.
  • Modesty is understanding your limitations. Or recognizing when you don’t have a limitation. If you learn to accept compliments for things you do well, you will feel less compunction in trying new things and looking less capable. When we are falsely modest and don’t accept compliments we feel a greater need to ensure we never appear incompetent. But if we acknowledge our abilities when we do well, we can more easily acknowledge when we don’t do so well.
  • With ENTPs if they are really struggling with putting themselves in a student role it is probably because they haven’t allowed themselves to acknowledge their competence level in other things.
  • Female ENTPs see societal expectations and imprint on themselves things that are usually inaccurate. Ti questions self and asks what evidence they have that something is accurate.
  • Ti can be an ENTPs salvation
  • The 3-year-old process is Introverted Sensing, which we have nicknamed “Memory.”.
  • It can inspire you as an aspiration to want to change the infrastructural world. It is rare for an ENTP to not want to play a bigger game by disrupting the status quo.
  • Figure out what you want to be doing and bring your best self forward so you can be the most disruptive as possible.

Resources referenced in this podcast:

In this episode, Joel and Antonia dive deep into the needs and desires of the ENTP personality type. #ENTP #ENTPpersonality
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  • Rachel
    • Rachel
    • November 19, 2015 at 4:44 pm

    It amazing how much of this can apply to me as an INTP. The “serial monogamy” for passions; the struggle with boredom, especially the second kind where enough mental real estate is used up with a boring task that you can’t just sit and think awesome things in your mind; the lack of connections until you meet the right sort of person, and then the intimacy level gets really far really quick (you’re best friends in a matter of days or hours); the desire for autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

    This podcast was full of good stuff, good job!

  • ryan
    • ryan
    • November 19, 2015 at 2:56 pm

    Also, thanks for articulating the 2 types of boredom. I’m not an ENTP but I fully understand what Antonia means when she talks about the 2nd type and “gaming” the system to make repetitive tasks less tedious and unbearable. When I worked in a factory, I did the most redundant work possible, but it was mindless labor and I appreciated the time it allowed me to think and philosophize. When I was promoted to an office position, the work was still tedious and repetitive, but required enough thinking that I couldn’t really think about other stuff. However, the job didn’t take a ton of thought once I’d mastered it, but enough that I had to stay focused on the tasks at hand and couldn’t let my mind wander. I therefore have learned to turn many tasks into games, to find better or different ways of doing things to keep it interesting and add some variety to a job that is otherwise soul-suckingly dreary and boring.

  • ryan
    • ryan
    • November 19, 2015 at 2:24 pm

    I think INTPs and some NTJs can be far more “persnickety” about data, to be honest.

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