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In this episode Joel and Antonia dive deep into the needs and desires of the ESTP personality type.

In this podcast on the ESTP personality type you’ll find:

ESTP – Sensation/Accuracy in the Genius System.

Antonia’s dad is an ESTP

Car Model

The driver process is Extraverted Sensing (Se), which we have nicknamed “Sensation.”

Sensation is about real time kinetics. Real time sensory processing. They move thru the world with their senses wide open. 5 senses plus all the rest.

Detail oriented. In touch with body. They see world thru tactile means. Right now. In the moment.

Se picks up details differently than Si (Memory). Real time vs over time.

ESTPs are great at body language and spotting What is out of place.

Si types like reliability. Se like verifiability. Se likes experiences. They have extremely high kinesthetic intelligence.

Good athletes. Performers.

Mind remaps the body to include whatever instrument the Se is using – musical, tools, cars, etc.

Not everybody with Se as Driver function is necessarily an athlete. But usually when they give it a try they are naturally proficient.

Antonia’s father was interested in chemistry.

The co-pilot is Introverted Thinking (Ti), which we have nicknamed “Accuracy.”

Accuracy likes to ask, “What makes sense?”

It is very analytical. It looks for congruency. Very technical.

ESTPs can get inappropriately stereotyped as dumb jocks.

They like to go into fields of study that require a lot of analysis and quick thinking. Science is filled with ESTPs.

They like a lot of high pressure deal making. Marketing. Stocks.

They are great at spotting leverage points to create the greatest optimization.

ESTPs can get an adrenaline rush from a cerebral experience.

Survey revealed that ESTPs feel challenged in social situations.

ESTPs 10-year-old process is Extraverted Feeling (Fe), which we have nicknamed “Harmony.”

When Fe is done well it is about getting everyone’s needs met. At a 10 yr old level this could cause anxiety. If Fe supports Ti, it works. If Ti is skipped because of social anxiety, Fe can become defensive or critical.

Don’t skip copilot in preference for tertiary.

Accuracy’s (Ti) radical honesty can be difficult if it brings antagonistic responses from society.

ESTPs can become paranoid of what others think of them if they skip their copilot process of Accuracy.

Se is great at reading body language. Paired wrongly with Fe, it becomes paranoid.

Ti is fair and equal. ESTPs have a soft place for the underdog. The most overlooked component of ESTPs is how much of a soft spot they have for the disenfranchised.

If ESTPs skip the copilot, they can end up worrying about propriety and social expectations.

The fear that people will think negatively of you goes away when you develop Ti. Now you’re not being a dick, you’re being radically honest, fair and egalitarian.

The 3-year-old process is Introverted Intuition (Ni), which we have nicknamed “Perspectives.”

Perspectives is about watching your own mind form patterns so you can understand how other people’s minds form patterns.

Lot of speculative, future pacing thinking. As a Driver, such people can shift perspectives and see things from another person’s point of view.

As an inferior process this will show up with unsophisticated speculative thinking. Paranoia people are seeing you as less than you are.

Ego. “I Don’t care what other people think.”

Fear of future. ESTPs are good at improvisation. They can Show up at a situation and dance their way thru thanks to their ability to improvise. Ni will keep ESTPs from realizing how good they are at improvisation.

Ni May show up for ESTPs as endless possibilities for the future. Pie in the sky dreams. Never truly finding satisfaction and going onto new opportunities.

Ifl ESTPs rest into one thing and focus on that they can root themselves and excel.

Sensing Podcast

Se is Adrenaline oriented. If your mind is always ready to hit an adrenaline rush and your world doesn’t give you that opportunity, you are going to get bored.

ESTPs can craft their life any way they want. Surgeons. Pilots. Educators.

Having an adrenaline fueled life is a great way to rest into rooting for the underdog.

Precision in life will improve the ESTPs contentment.

ESTPs may unconsciously sabotage relationships because they’re bored and they are hoping for something more interesting.

If work is boring, try to find a hobby. ESTPs will have better relationships if they aren’t bored.

Optimize each experience through the Accuracy process. Optimize and perfect your craft. Become an artisan at what you do.

In this episode Joel and Antonia dive deep into the needs and desires of the ESTP personality type. #podcast #ESTP #MBTI

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  • N. Brady
    • N. Brady
    • August 9, 2016 at 6:21 am

    Hi, I’ve really been enjoying the process of discovery -thanks for that! But as I’m gaining deeper perspectives on my character type, ESTP, im beginning to wonder if it’s possible I may not actually belong im this group?
    I’m in no way questioning the validity of your test. I realise there may be many confounding reasons for a potential misclassification, for example feeling tired or low when I did the test. I also realise that it may be possible I subconsciously don’t wish to identify with the more negative traits of this group – but it doesn’t feel like that. Some of the descriptions, both positive and negative, seem to fit me like a glove. However, between a third and a half of the traits just don’t feel right, and I’m trying to be as honest with myself as possible in determining that.
    So, Is there a chance the test could have misplaced me, or is it more likely im running away from some big truth?! Which other similar groups should I research to find a better fit? Or should I take the test again and see what it says a second time?
    Thanks for sharing your time and excellent resources.

  • Annie
    • Annie
    • April 21, 2016 at 9:06 am

    This podcast was a HUGE eye-opener for a past boss’s personality type.. I as an INTJ could actually see where he was coming from. For me he was such a ‘naughty boy’ at times, and his quich-stabbing need for answers when I was the slow and ponderous considerer left me exhausted and giddy!! And so I distrusted him, steered clear of him, battled to keep up. We had the ‘T’ in common where we might well have met…there especially, I could empathise in my listening. Amazingly, I am so much with him now…if only at the time…

  • Charis Branson
    • Charis Branson
    • February 27, 2016 at 2:59 pm

    Thanks for your personal perspective, Andrew! I can easily see how ESTPs would be loyal, passionate partners. I know Antonia’s Parents have been together forever – ESTP/INFJ.

  • Richard
    • Richard
    • January 6, 2016 at 4:42 am

    I really liked this podcast because it went really in depth and showed me exactly how all my cognitive functions work and how they play out in my every day life. I’m chomping at the bit waiting for the ISTP podcast to come out because for a while I thought I was ISTP, and I’m just curious how the two compare.

  • Andrew M. Carroll
    • Andrew M. Carroll
    • December 25, 2015 at 2:51 pm

    I really enjoyed the podcast about ESTPs. I believe you may have missed a few things about our relationships (yes I’m an ESTP). Often our relationships are extremely passionate. We enjoy feeling the rush of adrenalin that comes with exploring aspectsnot ourselves that show up unique to each relationship. We are rarely shy about our many passions and love to share them with our partners. Torrid is a good word to describe our relationships. Unfortunately you were right that we often move on in relationships that we are bored of. When we find someone, however, that is a good match we are often very good partners and love being in the relationship. The one comment you made about ruling out all other possibilities (that comment wasn’t about relationships) is entirely true about our relationships but when we found someone good we know the grass is not greener on the other side so we stay. The ES and EF makes us great lovers both physically and in terms of being a giving of ourse

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