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In this episode Joel and Antonia talk with the “Knee Pain Guru” Bill Parravano about healing physical pain in your body.

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Knee Pain Guru – Bill Parravano

Most people believe that pain is an inevitable part of life.

The body has the infinite capacity to heal itself.

Look at the body as a system. What we put into the system will produce certain results.

The first step to living a vibrant, healthy life is to make sure we aren’t in pain anymore.

Never underestimate the body’s ability to heal itself.

Most people accept pain and choose surrender.

Pain is contextual. Pain in the gym is healthy. Outside the gym, not so much.

Recovery needs to be a part of what we do on a daily basis.

Health takes time.

Anytime we have an emotional trauma it has a physical reaction in the body. When that stress/tension builds up in the body, we are told it is the natural occurrence of aging. But when you understand the body on a more fundamental level, which means at the nervous system level, we can release tension/stress by understanding when it is related to the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system.

Most people don’t know how to interact with their body in a way to release tension and stress by engaging the reflexes.

There is a disconnect between the brain and body.

Tension is unconscious. Relaxation is a conscious process.

To release the pain/stress from our bodies requires conscious attention and focus

The narratives people have around the pain in their lives matters. Some people think they deserve the pain they experience. This belief greatly diminishes their quality of life.

They play the game not to lose as opposed to playing it to win.

Pain is an emotion.

When someone describes pain, they describe it as a feeling.

Think of getting rid of the pain as removing a splinter from your finger. Getting rid of the pressure that is irritating the nerve. The moment you pull that splinter out the relief is immediate. Even if the finger still hurts, you get the sense that the pain is going to go away.

3 step process everyone needs to go thru to resolve pain:

  1. Physical – when the body experiences pain/trauma/injury it tenses up to protect itself. That restricts the knee joint which restricts the nerves causing more pain. The body gets stuck in a pain/tension loop, and it doesn’t know how it got there. They need to create a pain pattern interrupt and take the pressure off the nerves, thereby creating more space. More space creates comfort so the joint can relax and the body can move from a sympathetic to a parasympathetic state. Pain pattern interrupts move the body into a state that is ideal for recovery
  2. Diet – Inflammation. When the body experiences pain, there is local inflammation wherever the pain happens to be. There is also global inflammation in the body as a result of the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink. Stress creates global inflammation also. This uses up the total amount of the available healing resources the body has to heal the pain. When you have all of that inflammation, it slows down the body’s ability to heal. Clear the cache. Set up conditions on the physical level so the body feels comfortable, then reduce the inflammation and you are removing the blocks that are preventing the body from healing
  3. Mindset – the reality of getting out of knee pain is that it is not linear. On bad days it is important to do things that will support the healing process. Create a pain pattern interrupt and reduce inflammation. Say a client gets depressed when her knee hurts. When she’s depressed, she eats chocolate. Chocolate contains sugar which increases inflammation. Now her body is in pain longer because of the sugar the body must process along with everything else. Many people push themselves before they should, and they re-experience pain. They need to recognize the importance of sufficient healing time to get their body to a baseline of health.

Healing doesn’t take nearly as long as people think if they understand the nervous system on a deep enough level.

Tension and stress build up over time.

There are a lot of layers to people’s pain. They get stuck in pain/tension loops because they are missing one of the 3 components mentioned above.

When people experience pain, all they talk about and think about is the pain. Their whole narrative is surrounded by pain. They don’t see anything else but the pain.

The more someone is in a physical healing mode, the less energy they have to apply toward other growth endeavors.

The body is a massive node in the system of our personal development.

Neglecting your body may be the reason you feel stuck in your personal growth journey.

Our physical body is the densest part of our reality. Our mind, emotions, and spirit can change in an instant. It is the anchor point in this reality. The more we create tension in that structure the more difficult it is to integrate the changes we want to take place in the mental, emotional and spiritual levels. The more we can free the physical body of the tension and stress that builds up as a result of poor lifestyle choices the more tools we have to release physical patterns. You can’t ignore the demands of the physical body for long before it forces you back to reality.

Our body is the physical manifesting of all the other systems working in our lives. Our body is the firmware, and everything else is the software. The healthier we keep our firmware (body), the more we can change the software.

The Knee Pain Guru

Knee Pain Guru Youtube Channel

In this episode Joel and Antonia talk with the “Knee Pain Guru” Bill Parravano about healing physical pain in your body. #podcast

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1 comment

  • carolyn
    • carolyn
    • June 29, 2016 at 1:10 pm

    I am living this lesson now. I was stuck in my personal growth and trauma patterns until I started working with the tension in my body – neck, shoulder pain and a generally tensed, blocked up body and soul. Along with myofascial release, I am discovering and putting together so much toward healing including much from personality hacker. Im INFJ and cant wait to take the INFX unveiled. The info so far has been very validating and I trust any further instruction will be a game-changer for me. I’m very grateful for the work you guys do and for what I have learned from you.

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