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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk with Profiler Training alumni, Dana Jacobson about her lived experience as an INFP personality type.


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In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Guest Host Dana Jacobson, INFP, joins.
  • Download our INFP Personality Type Handy Guide to learn about the INFP functions.
  • How did Dana discover her personality type?
  • How does Dana’s Effectiveness (Extraverted Thinking) 3 Year Old help her in her job as a home organizer?
  • What was the most impactful piece for Dana when she discovered that she was an INFP?
  • Dana explains how she uses Authenticity (Introverted Feeling) to make the best decisions for her.
  • How has Dana incorporated her Exploration (Extraverted Intuition) Copilot into her life?
  • What are some of the components that Dana finds essential for living her best life?
  • What are some of the sacrifices that Dana has made in order to create her chosen lifestyle?
  • Dana shares her life journey of how she got to where she is today.
  • How did Dana experience letting go of emotions that had become habituated in her Memory (Introverted Sensing) 10 Year Old?
  • What advice would Dana give to her younger self?

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  • Jen
    • Jen
    • March 24, 2022 at 11:54 am

    Loving this series of podcasts! Listening this morning got me think about what I (INFJ) might say to my 15 year old self – and it’s so hard! I don’t know how the interviewees come up with this answer so easily because as a 15 year old I don’t think I’d have the ability to take in the advice I’d give to an INFJ, as I was so far away from being my authentic self. So I came up with one thing that I don’t think would interfere in my growth path, and that I might actually be able to absorb – read literature. At 15 I was devouring Danielle Steele novels and Catherine Cookson because that was what I had exposure to, and I was patterning human relationships so I was also interested in the core of these novels. However literature would have exposed me to a much more broad and sophisticated perspective on relationships and helped me to feed my driver in a healthier way. Thanks for all the thoughts and insights into INFPs – I have a couple in my life and this podcast really echoed a lot of what they share with me!

  • Margaret Newcombe
    • Margaret Newcombe
    • March 23, 2022 at 1:34 am

    This is so sad Andrea. I hope you are able to get back on board with your medical career as a psychiatrist perhaps in another setting. Healed people heal people. That’s my story, as an older INFP. Its never too late to change and be who God created you to be. I had very little information in the 60’s about after- school directions. After my desire to be a doctor was shut down I chose to develop my love for portraiture by studying art teaching: this choice led me through many places of study, jobs and ultimate disillusionment in the art and the health industries. My 15 year-old self was very sure of what I wanted. At 72 I am now free to continue what has been the theme of my life, healing and artistry, creativity and authenticity and an appreciation for all and every human being and the uniqueness of the created world of humans, animals and the whole earth indeed the universe. I decided creation has mostly devolved from Edenic perfection rather than the accepted narrative of evolution towards nirvana. We must never give up the ‘seeker’ mentality ; " seek and you shall find, knock and he door will be opened to you..’ eventually!

  • Jennifer
    • Jennifer
    • March 22, 2022 at 11:33 pm

    Dana! Oh my goodness, thank you so much for putting your experience out there. INFP here, same age, and I’ve never before felt that I had a long lost twin…but I think you might be her! I related to everything you said and that the three of you talked about. What landed especially hard for me was how INFPs can get pushed into their tertiary and inferior functions by family or society, and then have to find their way ‘home’ to Fi and Ne. That pretty much sums up my entire journey right there. I have a graduate degree and a good job, am pretty organized, and people generally think I have my stuff together. They have no idea how daydreamy and sensitive and distracted I am inside. It wasn’t until I had a profiling session with the wonderful Ines, who suggested INFP, that I started to consider that I wasn’t just a messed up INFJ. She helped me see things about myself I took completely for granted, or had dismissed as weaknesses — I thought my Ne was flakiness and an inability to focus, and that my Fi was emotional oversensitivity, etc. It took me awhile to process the change, because I’d always felt that I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted. Yes to the depression and the apathy in an unfulfilling environment. And like you, I thought I had Fe, just wasn’t much good at it lol — definitely feel the relief of “oh, that’s not in my stack, let’s go at it another way.” I also laughed out loud when you lost track of the question a couple of times because I had done the same thing… was so interested in what you were saying, who cares where it had started?! Your story really reinforces the direction I’m going in now at midlife, having made some big changes, and getting ready to make more… being able to organize my life unconventionally and with the kind of space and freedom you describe feels not only appealing but like a matter of survival at this point. Very grateful for your openness and willingness to share…thank you so so much.

    And to Andrea above, I think you and I have a lot in common as well. That grief for the lost self, the suffocated authenticity, is so wrenching. Especially when we don’t know what it is or why it’s happening. Wishing you all the best as you find your way home…

  • Kathie Boyer
    • Kathie Boyer
    • March 19, 2022 at 5:02 pm

    Hi Lisa,

    I really enjoyed reading your comments—I am quite similar in that I am also an older INFP (66) who, through life circumstances, has developed a successful “against type” career path as a higher-ed academic teaching business information systems. Helping students explore and develop their skills and knowledge has been a real privilege and very fulfilling, but even in academia there are mundane tasks that need to be performed, difficulties in setting boundaries with work colleagues and time management challenges. Like you, I have struggled throughout my work life with conflicting internal voices, one advocating “responsible” choices and the other arguing for projects and initiatives that reflected my need to explore new ideas and possibilities.

    For these, and other reasons, I decided to retire at the end of 2021. I believe it was the right decision for me, but I am currently feeling a bit at sea without research and student interactions during the semester to organize and provide meaning. I also feel trepidation mixed with excitement at exploring the external world in new ways that resonate with my inner perceptions and vision of future possibilities. Your story gives me courage! I am glad to hear that you have given yourself permission to be “selfish” (in the most altruistic sense of the word) and wish you many future joys—as well as opportunities to increase your strength and resiliency—in your work as a lay minister.

    Kind regards,

  • Margaret Newcombe
    • Margaret Newcombe
    • March 16, 2022 at 2:47 am

    At age 5 I had an incident of exploration to get out from the tight controls I FELT…. they got the police to look for me thinking I was lost….. story of my life……when I was found by God He rescued me to fight this huge battle of being me.Thank you all…enough said for today.from Margaret… many triggers keep coming out there…… to expose world truth…… This is the shorter version…. it would take the book of Margaret to explain it all.( INFP describes some parts of me and helps my soul to be)……..Thank you thank you

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