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In this podcast Joel and Antonia talk about the distinctions between a personality loop and personality subtype.


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  • Trevor (INTJ)
    • Trevor (INTJ)
    • July 27, 2022 at 4:07 pm

    Your approach to type wasn’t the first one I came across. It’s the one that seems to me to be one of the best approaches.

    The first approach, I came across, was the stereotypes. You do a quiz for a career agency and they give you the stereotype description. I don’t want to dismiss this approach entirely, it does have some merit. It did give me some interest in improving myself in terms of my personality.

    I did find the Youtubers that try to break down MBTI in terms of subtypes. I think this recognizes that an MBTI type can come in different flavors. Learning that some INTJs operate favoring their Fi over their Te was interesting. I could be wrong, but it never seems as healthy to me as an INTJ to favor my Fi over my Te. I find it brutal at times to be stuck in a Ni-Fi loop. Usually, journaling seems to be my best way out of that loop. I do enjoy Fi more so when my Te is in control but not trying to eliminate Fi. I think your car model help me understand this. Te (parent) relating with Fi (10 yr old). In terms of how subtypes show up, I think there is something to be said about how careers impact this and learning different skill sets that are maybe only a subset of a cognitive function. Dr. Dario Nardi’s book "The Magic Diamond: Jung’s 8 Paths for Self-Coaching) help me understand subtypes more. I figure it explains why my mother and I both INTJs show up differently. I pursue careers in STEM and she has a successful counseling career.

    Also, being 49, I’m athletic now. More so than some 20s and 30s somethings. However, most people don’t know I wasn’t a natural athlete. I was kicked off a baseball team at 6 years of age. And didn’t really pursue team sports and found it hard to learn anything to do with Se. However, I have gotten good with years of a small subset of Se, but I remember the journey, it wasn’t natural to me.

    I love your recent series of interviewing people from each MBTI category. And I love how you interviewed people who didn’t quite fit the MBTI stereotypes.

    Thank you for all your material.

  • Ryan INFP
    • Ryan INFP
    • July 25, 2022 at 2:13 pm

    Think i just seen how close INFP and ENFP are. I will be honest i had no idea for awhile what Antonio was on about.
    I think TI likes to copy and TE likes to start from scratch. How long did it take to realise it would not save the world?

  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • July 21, 2022 at 11:58 pm

    I think we have talked about the fixation of other positions (auxiliary, tertiary, inferior), but it invariably routes back to the dominant.

    If I can find where we talked about it I’ll shoot you a comment with the link.


  • Jessica
    • Jessica
    • July 21, 2022 at 11:08 pm

    I’m a fan of your approach to personality content and the YouTubers who (I think) you’re talking about.

    I found your content first and use it as a backbone to explore some of the original content produced by another beloved couple on YouTube.

    They’re content addresses type by focusing on the simplicity of the heroes journey, suggesting that to transcend your shortcomings one must move past their initial preferences. They talk about the need to become able to make your work useful to yourself, valuable to the world and functional for all people which is why they talk about the importance of the lower functions.

    There’s no doubt at this point that I’m an INFP. I started my career in the medical field and broke out of it to produce comedy, perform live and write a musical and produce it. (The musical was critically acclaimed but produced a financial loss for myself.) Doing the musical broke me out of the FI SI depression but it did not produce results in the real world. That’s when their content about the need to incorporate identity, intuition, sensing, and thinking into my life came in handy.

    I have since taken my skills into the business space and become a UX designer, which is a lucrative career that uses my dominant functions to empathize and create digital solutions that are useful for all people.

    My life is in a much better position for the understanding I’ve gotten from their content.

    Now my big goal is to get back into my creative life to fulfill my expectations as an IP to be the best of the best and produce some sort of art that is widely loved and consumed.

    Their content isn’t as simple as just calling loops subtypes. It’s incredibly useful in their approach to personal growth.

    I wish I could invite both of you and Dxxx and Sxxxxx to a dinner and listen to the wisdom both couples have about life and type.

    I’d suggest doing a deeper dive into their content to understand that they definitely emphasize personal growth and practical advice to their listeners.

    To me, Joel and Antonia are the OGs of the type world where people should start.

    Thanks for talking on this topic!

  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • July 21, 2022 at 11:56 pm

    Thanks for the comment.


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