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In this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia talk about how each personality type builds self-esteem.


In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Check out our first episode in this series to get more context on this conversation.
  • What factors affect how we gain self esteem? A recent overview of how the 80s and 90s shaped this.
  • Distinguishing between different concepts of “the self”.
  • How do we evaluate ourselves based on our personality type?
    • Check out our article on the Car Model to learn about the cognitive functions for your type.
  • xxTJ personality types – what are the advantages to experiencing role-person merger, and why can they struggle when evaluating the self?
  • xxFP personality types – what makes them confident in matters of the self, and how do they experience uncertainty and self doubt?
  • Why is fatalism dangerous for building self esteem?
  • xxFJ personality types – how do they gain self esteem through their relationships and how does logic undermine their self esteem?
  • xxTP personality types – how they build self esteem through core principles, and why this affects the way they perceive social rules.
  • Why telling yourself and others to “do better” can actually undermine self esteem.
  • Is there a right way to measure self esteem?
    • Group evaluation versus self evaluation.
  • How different personality types calibrate self esteem.
  • The relationship between uncertainty and self esteem.
  • How to cope with feelings of inadequacy.
  • How our backseat functions impact our self esteem in general.

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  • Ron Anderson
    • Ron Anderson
    • November 5, 2022 at 7:35 am

    It’s a pity TPs got short-changed in the pocast. You’ll find that you inadvertantly under-priotised these TP types who were then shuttled out the door because the store had to close. I will make a short comment that I hope will provide some insights. As an INTP there’s no question that my self-esteem is based primarily on two things – my creativity and my intellect. My creativity (Ne) is highly developed and part of my professional skillset as an advertising creative. My intellect (Ti) ditto. My experience as an INTP is is that this is not recognised as much by others as it is by me. Yes, people think of me as highly intelligent. Yes, people think of me as very creative. However my self esteem in these areas is higher than the assessment others have had of me in these areas. People have never recognised just how smart I am. For INTPs I encourage them to go get that external recognition. I have now completed my PhD and suddenly others are recognising what I knew all along – that I’m in a different intellectual league. Suddenly, it’s apparent to all that my attitude is not merely hubris – there is substance to my confidence in my intellect and creativity. This has always been an obstacle with me socially – a feeling that the tribe does not value or recognise the core strengths of my being, and my weakness in Fe has been unable to convey my value to the group effectively. As WB Yeats put it: the best lack all conviction while the worst of full of passionate intensity. This kind of thing makes INTPs feel like their talent and intelligence arr actually a hindrance, not an advantage. They are being hired and fired by Te types who do not have the same intellectual or imaginative powers. I think for INTPs this just leads to resentment, increased isolation, feelings of failure and a tendency to become bitter and sarcastic, to sabotage relationships with the world, and ultimately to flounder. I encourage INTPs to go get that credential that balances their relationship with the external world. Give the world proof. They will find it easier to get respect for that Ti an Ne and to be heard. I am not Mr Anderson, I am Dr Anderson. Thank you very much. Now, what point were you trying to make?

  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • November 4, 2022 at 7:14 pm

    Thank you, Kris! And I agree – that is an excellent XKCD comic.


  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • November 4, 2022 at 7:13 pm

    You’re not alone in this as an INFJ.


  • Birgit
    • Birgit
    • November 3, 2022 at 8:24 pm

    As an INFJ this was so accurate.. Introvert thinking can really beat me up and has done that since like for ever.. I will zone into my introvert feeling in my future.. Seeking harmony and value if people receive me or not, is really my default mode. I don’t feel I’m good at attributing to anybody, yet..

  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • November 4, 2022 at 7:12 pm

    Thank you!


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