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In this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia talk about how each personality type builds self-esteem.


In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Check out our first episode in this series to get more context on this conversation.
  • What factors affect how we gain self esteem? A recent overview of how the 80s and 90s shaped this.
  • Distinguishing between different concepts of “the self”.
  • How do we evaluate ourselves based on our personality type?
    • Check out our article on the Car Model to learn about the cognitive functions for your type.
  • xxTJ personality types – what are the advantages to experiencing role-person merger, and why can they struggle when evaluating the self?
  • xxFP personality types – what makes them confident in matters of the self, and how do they experience uncertainty and self doubt?
  • Why is fatalism dangerous for building self esteem?
  • xxFJ personality types – how do they gain self esteem through their relationships and how does logic undermine their self esteem?
  • xxTP personality types – how they build self esteem through core principles, and why this affects the way they perceive social rules.
  • Why telling yourself and others to “do better” can actually undermine self esteem.
  • Is there a right way to measure self esteem?
    • Group evaluation versus self evaluation.
  • How different personality types calibrate self esteem.
  • The relationship between uncertainty and self esteem.
  • How to cope with feelings of inadequacy.
  • How our backseat functions impact our self esteem in general.

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  • Taylor
    • Taylor
    • November 2, 2022 at 1:23 am

    Great podcast, thank-you Joel and Antonia.

  • Kris Braddock
    • Kris Braddock
    • November 1, 2022 at 6:22 pm

    1) That was a brilliant observation there at the end Joel. Self-esteem is generally regarded as positive or negative when instead it should be just as the name states: one’s accurate and authentic view of oneself.

    2) If you’re aware of Clifton Strengths, they define Positivity as influencing a room positively almost just by your presence. As an INTP, it’s no surprise that this strength is low for me, as in #34, dead last. I joke that when I walk into a room, shoulders unconsciously slump. I joke, but obviously it’s an insecurity that correlates to my inferior Fe. But in the big picture, I’m OK with that because I feel accomplished if I make people think. It’s funny, but if I’m talking to a group, I value contemplative silence rather than affirming applause.

    3) Finally,for young xxTPs who are insecure (and judgemental) about competence and knowledge, as simple as it seems, this XKCD comic helped to change my perspective:

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