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In this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia explore the 4 work styles that influence INFJ careers.

Discover more about subtypes in Dr. Dario Nardi’s “The 64 Subtypes in Depth”


In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Why are Joel and Antonia discussing careers for each of the personality types?
  • What are some popular career choices for INFJs?
  • Introducing the INFJ subtypes by Dr. Dario Nardi.
    • How to approach the concept of the four subtypes.
  • Check out our previous podcast episode where Dario introduces the four subtypes of each personality type.
  • The energy and flavor of the four subtypes.
  • The four INFJ subtypes:
    • Dominant subtype – how does this affect these INFJs’ communication skills?
    • Creative subtype – how does this bohemian flavor of INFJ show up to the world?
    • Normalizing subtype – how this subtype finds meaning in their work.
    • Harmonizing subtype – why the strengths of these esoteric INFJs doesn’t lie in their communication skills.
  • Which INFJ subtypes work well together?
  • The benefits of being aware of your INFJ subtype – and what this means for your future growth.

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  • Tayo Farai
    • Tayo Farai
    • April 14, 2023 at 5:44 pm

    What an amazing episode! I am fairly familiar with the MBTI instrument as well as depth typology but still new to the personality subtype (DCNH) theory.For context, I am an INFJ with a doctorate degree in engineering. I also currently practice as an engineer. Your section on the INFJ normalising subtype really struck me as it felt like you were addressing me personally especially as I have also on separate occasions tested as an INTJ. Recently, I have come to realise that my career choice has strongly shaped my personality and this episode has really proven that.

    Despite this, I still feel an inner yearning. A buried self. I often feel like I silence myself to please others or just get along with everyone (parental expectations included). Moreover, I still dream of a more emotionally rewarding career. Anyway, thank you for this episode!

  • Eric
    • Eric
    • March 31, 2023 at 11:38 pm

    That is strange – I bought the book last Fall when Antonia mentioned it on twitter, but I see what you see, the “marketplace” is empty. (when I log in of course I see the book available to view, but not sure how someone would buy it anew)

  • Rachel
    • Rachel
    • April 1, 2023 at 7:38 am

    Another INFJ here. I totally agree with David and have been wondering some similar things myself. I love all the podcasts too.

  • David M
    • David M
    • March 30, 2023 at 8:33 pm

    Hello – I’ve been listening to your podcasts for a few years and love them, even the ones that don’t apply to my personal type. They help me understand how others think and feel.

    I have tested as an INFJ, but I think at least once I came in at INFP. My wife says she firmly thinks I’m an INFJ. Maybe there is a spectrum and overlaps, which I am curious about. I’ve resonated quite a bit with these types, and this talk on subtypes is very enlightening. Oddly though, I’ve been working in computers and IT for about 35 years and love what I do. That doesn’t seem to fit snugly into any of the 4 subtypes.

    I am also curious as to whether you have any articles or podcasts that talk about how things like Asperger’s (functional Autism), ADD/ADHD, OCD, or PTSD can come into play with personality type. I was diagnosed with adult ADD about 20 years ago, and Asperger’s a few years ago, have a touch of OCD in some situations, and may have a measure of PTSD. I am nearly 65 years “young” and am constantly curious and learning – that won’t stop till my heart stops beating. Thank you for explaining all this in ways we “non-geeks” can digest it.

  • Shelly
    • Shelly
    • March 30, 2023 at 7:42 pm

    Thank you for the deeper dive! Curious to learn more and I saw the “The 64 Subtypes in Depth” link was leading to an empty storefront. Is there an updated link?

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