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In this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia talk about growing the CoPilot part of your personality.


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1 comment

  • Justine
    • Justine
    • August 16, 2023 at 11:29 am

    I am all about this… I have purchased several of your programs and have been loving and listening to your podcast for about 5 or 6 years. I especially am deeply into episodes 493, 495 and 496, right now. (!!). My question (request, plea…!!) is: could you do a series on how the 3-year old shows up in each given function, respectively.
    I feel that this is such an important topic to get ALL of the nuance on, given that being able to sit with, and allow, our 3-year old limitations with humility – and yet have the courage to be in the liminal space this puts us in – is our gateway to the shadow, as you described.
    I know that there are many people out here, and many of the people you (helpfully and meaningfully) speak to are in the first half of life, and working on building a good container. But there is so little said about the second half… when (as Jung discovered): the task is to transcend the container we have so painstakingly built. Especially in this society – which is so much about performance and metrics – expectations for which we are BOMBARDED with endlessly.
    Hence my request. Grateful for this evolved version of what I have heard you saying for a long time, of course. But personality (MBTI and enneagram for me) wouldn’t be what it is, if it didn’t keep evolving. As we, hopefully, do. Hence, I have a similar desire to go granular on what good parenting looks like for each of the functions… but after the 3-year old, if I had my druthers. Thank you for what you do and what you give to the world. ?

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