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In this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia take time to reflect on the progress of Personality Hacker over the past decade and celebrate the show hitting 15 million downloads and 500 episodes.

Warning: Strong Language – Listener Discretion Advised.


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  • Sara McLain ENFJ
    • Sara McLain ENFJ
    • September 5, 2023 at 12:28 am

    What a great episode! You both are magic. I hate to think where I would be if I hadn’t been introduced to you in 2014!

    I look forward to participating in a membership with you and the amazing tribe you have built.

    I deeply respect your integrity, intelligence and vulnerability.

    Congratulations on posting 500 episodes and still liking each other.?

  • Joel Mark Witt
    • Joel Mark Witt
    • August 23, 2023 at 2:55 pm

    Thank you Angie for the kind words and listening. Maybe we can meet in person some day.

  • Luke Shepherd (INFJ)
    • Luke Shepherd (INFJ)
    • September 4, 2023 at 3:56 am

    Congratulations on 500 episodes and 15 million downloads!! Your guys’ story is really intriguing, and I was impressed when you said that Si is one of your favorite functions, Antonia—it’s inspiring to see someone integrate their inferior function like that. I listened to the whole thing and enjoyed it!

    I regret to admit that this is the first time I’ve commented on the PH podcast after listening to a LOT of them in my free time for just over a year now—I’m actually a highschool student (rising senior). So Gen Z obviously; I listened to the podcasts on generation theory, and they were so fascinating—yet another another map for navigating the terrain of life. I kind of “identify” with my generational shadow if that makes sense, or maybe I just need to think about it more in depth—I’m still new to it.

    I just wanted to say thank you SO MUCH, Joel and Antonia, for your work—it made me discover my passion for psychology and literally changed my life.

    Before discovering MBTI, Carl Jung, and other models, I was into another personality typology called the Four Temperaments. I do owe a lot to it, but it was just the beginning. What started as a hobby has now become a life passion and will probably become a career. Now that I’ve discovered analytical psychology (starting with the John Beebe 8 function model, which I love) I now understand my self and others so much better and have many maps and tools for self-growth, and, ultimately, ego-transcendence and Self-realization. I got your INFJ Starter Kit/Owner’s Manual for Christmas and bought your book—haven’t read it yet unfortunately.

    (I also read “Beyond Rare” by Elaine Schallock Drenth, which I HIGHLY recommend to fellow INFJs, especially if you’re a harmonizing variant and into (depth/Jungian) psychology like me. I will admit it doesn’t focus much on auxiliary/co-pilot Fe—a lot more on Ni and Se, but I promise it’s good. The insights about Ni are breathtaking, and she has a lot of wisdom to share on the Se inferior function problem that has helped me. Sorry I just had to mention that for any INFJs who might be interested.)

    Antonia, I listened to the episode “Cognitive Functions and Time” and I absolutely loved it!! It’s definitely one of my top five favorites—I’m always thinking, “Wow, that was such a cool podcast.” Just wanted to let you know. :) I also really love the ones on Jungian concepts, especially “Personality Types and Our Persona Masks” and “Using Archetypes for Personal Growth.” It would be great if you could do more of those in the future—maybe about the Transcendent Function? The series on Goddesses in Everywoman and Gods in Everyman was fantastic, and I’m considering buying the books. It clarified so much on the Anima/Animus archetype in Beebe’s model (I’m a Hades btw). The two ones on cognitive function polarities were great, too.
    Sorry this comment is so long—I’m making up for all the podcasts I didn’t comment on. :)
    Anyway, thank you for your amazing work and being my mentors on the Hero’s Journey of individuation, and congratulations again! I haven’t attended any of the live events yet but I hope to on September 30!


  • Fleur INTJ
    • Fleur INTJ
    • September 13, 2023 at 7:11 pm

    I appreciate this genuine episode to get to see how your lives have changed. You’ve felt like companions to me for 6 years.

    I wanted to add on what Joel said about speaking with certainty on a complex subject. It might sell more in the short-term, but people end up making the difference, and trusting you more when you give lots of nuances and place things into context. Don’t you get wary when someone is trying to sell you something and they only talk about the advantages very broadly?

    It’s definitely uncomfortable to not have all the answers, and I see it in my forestry job: we can’t say for certain what tree species or management style will produce more wood, or why the trees are dying. But I think intelligent people do appreciate more a nuanced explanation with lots of hypotheses and caveats.
    Thanks for the episode!

  • Joel Mark Witt
    • Joel Mark Witt
    • August 23, 2023 at 2:55 pm

    Thank you Eric for singing my praises… hahaha. Appreciate you as a listener and for the feedback on the show. You should come be part of a live show in the future if we come to a city near you.

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