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In this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia talk about the 4 expressions or styles of the Sensing Cognitive Functions of “Memory” (Introverted Sensing) and “Sensation” (Extraverted Sensing).
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Living The Full Potential of Your Personality | Podcast 506
4 Styles of Intuitive Personality Types | Podcast 508
You said there are personality type specific episodes that also go into the two styles of each type? Can you tell me which episodes those are?
This was so good! I’m an ISFP and it was fascinating to listen to the descriptions of the Analytic energy of the Se because I think I gravitate to this energy a little more. That said, I am also a Self Preservation type 4 in Enneagram so I find I curb the complete adrenaline junky energy of the expression. EX: I love to run Obstacle course races (like spartan) but my foremost thought is, “finish the race without getting injured”. It’s like my instinct tempers my more Analytic tendency of Se.
That may play into my balance as well since I love to see the beauty in the physical feats others do that I don’t do because I want to keep doing without injury. Thoughts on the addition of Enneagram instincts and their effects on Analytic/holistic energy?
I think I’m an ISFJ now!, and I definitely identify with both types of Si, but I want to be more wholistic in all my functions.