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On this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia dive into how ENFPs can use personality know-how to embrace and love who they are. The conversation also touches on what the other 15 personality types can learn from ENFPs about self-love.


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On this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia dive into how ENFPs can use personality know-how to embrace and love who they are. The conversation also touches on what the other 15 personality types can learn from ENFPs about self-love.


  • Amanda
    • Amanda
    • June 9, 2024 at 6:47 pm

    Ok me again….also, a question: with so many frameworks to define one’s self (mbti, enneagram, astrology, tarot, Harry Potter creatures, numerology, etc) how do you reconcile all the systems? In your experience do you find type patterns? For example, most enfps are enneagram4’s or 9’s…do you find most people who come to mbti to study it for their own type tend to be a certain type? Just curious ;)

  • Amanda
    • Amanda
    • June 9, 2024 at 6:42 pm

    Hello. This is very out of the ordinary for me – leaving a comment. For a number of reasons. First, I might have a problem being told what to do ;) also might want to comment with the BEST comment and fear this isn’t. And, I shun the mundane. If everyone is commenting then I’m going to be contrary. Can you guess – of course I’m an enfp?! Nevertheless I find myself commenting bc I listened to the whole episode (!) and thought to myself there were things I really related to – well almost all of it. Which was so affirming and I am so grateful for that feeling. Also, I slowed down my thought processes, used the car model and it really worked. Here is how: as you were talking about Memory and how the tendency is to gloss over memories for an enfp and not fully process them (which I totally relate to) I thought, could the opposite also be true for this 3 year old function. Meaning, taking a memory and getting overly stuck in it, languishing in it. Essentially allowing a past memory to completely define who I am now in present. To me this is another side of a 3 yr old level of processing Memory. Working to ‘remember’ I am not solely defined by my past is smth I struggle with. But the fact that im sharing this demonstrates that im in touch with authenticity, right? Because connecting to others is important to me as a value. So I took the time to put my experience in this comment. Now my 10 yo wants a head pat. Lol. Anyways it has really incredibly helpful to have this insight on how my brain works. I realize how I under-expect my top 2 processes and over expect my lesser two and how changing that could really help me receive more self love. Thanks again for the work you do, Amanda

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