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On this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia dive into how INFPs can use personality know-how to embrace and love who they are. The conversation also touches on what the other 15 personality types can learn from INFPs about self-love.

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On this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia dive into how INFPs can use personality know-how to embrace and love who they are. The conversation also touches on what the other 15 personality types can learn from INFPs about self-love.


  • Aj
    • Aj
    • May 10, 2024 at 11:34 am

    I’m a bit confused, because I write so much about what I’ve learned to then try to find new habits and integrate them all later on – you want to tell me that’s all Si? So I guess when I write self-improvement stuff I’m using an inferior function, and then when I actually explore it outside then I am using Ne, thereby integrating Si, and if I follow it up as a routine then it is Si again, until, if the habit didn’t become a part of me, I explore different routes with Ne, and so forth. Something like that? It seems such a burden compared to those people with upper functions Si and Se who can just find the best habits and follow up on them no problem.
    It’s strange to me that Si feels like a more integral part of my life than Fi, maybe because I take Fi for granted?

  • Sean
    • Sean
    • May 8, 2024 at 10:57 am

    Great job on this INFP Episode! Encouraging the self-introspection aspect of Fi and having high expectations for it in that area was very helpful. I was wondering what high expectations for Fi would look like in a practical sense as just having clear values and “feeling” more would have been vague and not useful but self-introspection is the action that is the lifeblood of an INFP. In all the content out there on INFPs I think that gets lost, so kudos for breaking that down and distilling the actionable method to developing Fi.

    I also appreciate Joel’s emphasis on getting out and interacting with people and experiencing things to develop proper empathy. My initial reaction was similar to Ryan’s in this thread, that needing interaction with people to empathize was off base because our imaginations and Ne consuming novels, movies, music, and media can pattern recognize (as Antonia briefly touched on) and give us the info to empathize with everyone. However, this series being about growth and self-love, it was wise to not give INFPs that lazy comfortable way out. Ne interacting with people and learning to improvise in the ebb and flow of real time conversation gives us a much more practical empathy, that can actually be put out into the world to encourage people rather than merely exist stagnantly in our minds.

  • Ryan
    • Ryan
    • May 7, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    This is my 5th comment on this podcast all about the introverted feeling part and yes it was really good it was that good I missed what you was saying. I have realised as well my FI likes to talk about FI with a lot more passion that’s why it felt flat I was listening with feeling. I am sorry for the other comments antonia obviously understands introverted feeling better than me. INFP I am sure should not think they are morally correct I am sure it would stop a lot of problems and also learn much easier.

  • Laurie
    • Laurie
    • May 7, 2024 at 12:38 pm

    The best part of this podcast for me was when Antonia talked about the importance of candor in communication (aligning the 3-year-old inferior function with authenticity). I have grown comfortable with my story that since I think in patterns and often circularly, the other person won’t get what I’m saying. I tend to withdraw or “figure out a different way” around the problem (i.e., passive aggressiveness). And it’s clear that this tendency to not stand up for myself erodes my self-confidence. Thank you, thank you for this self-challenge to at least try to “lay out my case” (linear progression in a way the other person can follow) especially when under pressure or feeling attacked. Easier said than done, but awareness is a start.

  • Ryan
    • Ryan
    • May 6, 2024 at 11:54 am

    Listening to the FI bit again something seems wrong with what you are saying about FI. You are not understanding its a feeling. It is noble it is every human feeling and emotion but it doesn’t mean you think you are have you been watching to much andrew tate.

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