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On this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia apply self-parenting to IxxP & ExxJ personality types.


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On this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia apply self-parenting to IxxP & ExxJ personality types.

1 comment

  • Molly
    • Molly
    • July 30, 2024 at 9:49 am

    This is more about literal parenting, since that’s something I’ve been having a rough time with lately.

    My husband and I are both ISxPs, raising two daughters and with another baby on the way. I’m not sure what type our older daughter is, but it’s been quite a struggle. We keep trying to go out into nature, to mountains and streams or our own interesting but unruly yard, and she keeps talking at us, incessantly, often about her imaginary world, until we’re very upset about it.

    We’ll see a prairie dog, point out the prairie dog, be happy about it, and then she’ll talk for 15 minutes straight about “rainbow prairie dogs” that are way more exciting and interesting than real ones, and speculate on how much it would like her if she were to approach her, whether she can be friends with it, and on and on. Both of us volunteered in countries where we didn’t know the language for several years, where we could just kind of follow people around and see what would happen, and our main family hobbies involve finding some new thing — a ruin, a stream, a different restaurant — and talking about the thing: this is a pretty impressive ruin we’re looking at! I also like studio and plein air painting, where there’s a thing there, and I’m painting the thing in front of me. This has been substantially less fun lately with the firehose of speculation and imagination going on in the back seat. We don’t really know what to do about it, and have found ourselves retreating more into just reading message boards at home this summer, instead of camping and driving around the mountains, and are somewhat depressed about it. I’m not really sure what extroverted function daughter is manifesting, but we’re having a hard time with it.

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