- by Personality Hacker
Myers-Briggs vs Big Five | Podcast 569
- by Personality Hacker
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Why Myers-Briggs Gets Attacked & Vilified | Podcast 568
Why Myers-Briggs Won't Die | Podcast 570
I highly recommend asking chatGPT to create an updated Big Five model based on today’s personality descriptors – I had a lot of fun doing so. The new Big Five I got were: Creativity, Presence, Emotional Stability, Ambition, and Composure.
I asked it to widen the parameters including datasets and I ran out of credits, so I’m sure the factors will continue refining – but since external perception and how we express that changes with the times, so too should the model.
I’m a fan of both systems (and several others). Yes, they are different and they have different strengths.
I see big five as 5 continuums. There are extremes on both ends, but most people are somewhere in the middle. For example, one continuum is explicitly labeled extroversion, but the extreme low end is implied introversion. There are benefits and drawbacks to being at each extreme.
Because it measures external, measurable behavior, it can chance over time. So for many people, the direction for growth is finding where your personality is not serving you and try to change your behavior to shift that specific needle. For example, one negative about being extremely introverted is a proclivity to negative mood, so if that’s your experience you would work on acting more extroverted. If you are highly agreeable and find that you’re being pushed-over, you work on being more aggressive (the other side of that continuum).
Each of these continuums can be broken down into 2 aspects, too. So, in a good evaluation, you get a deeper understanding of which of the two aspects plays into high or low readings.
Open – conservative
(Intellect and aesthetics)
Conscientious – spontaneous
(Industriousness, orderliness)
Extroverted – introverted
(Enthusiasm, assertiveness)
Agreeable – aggressive
(Compassion, politeness)
Neurotic – stable
(Withdrawal, volatility)
Thanks for the episode! You two really helped me see the value of Myers-Briggs, and It’s great when y’all dive into other systems!
KIm ENFP the Big 5 doesn’t tell you why a person is the way they are and can’t help improve relationships and point a person to the job that would be their best fit based on their type .Traits are developed according to the person environment . Cognitive functions don’t change we are wired differently not a big 5 model .