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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about Spiderman, Batman, and luck vs. hard work.

In this podcast on luck vs hard work you’ll find:

  • Who do you think deserves to get more credit as a superhero? Spiderman or Batman?
  • Spiderman – Got bitten by a radioactive spider and instantly had superpowers.
  • Batman – Although blessed with massive amounts of wealth, Batman was not a superhero in a traditional sense because he never had mystical powers. However, he had something to focus on (death of his parents) and over time, he was able to become almost herculean with his abilities.
  • Question: Which one are you more attracted to? Which one would you say more represents how you view people becoming larger than life?
  • Getting instant powers has a correlation with the concept that things are either bestowed upon you or not. You are either the lucky recipient of something great or not.
  • As a result, some people end up sitting down waiting for that “spider bite”.
  • “American Idol” and “YouTube” are good examples of the Spiderman concept.
  • Where can we find our personal success? How can we frame and rewire success in our minds to encourage us to go to the pathway to success?
  • Any project gets easier when you refine your skills and get better.
  • There are some skills you need to learn in order to become successful. Luck comes to those who are prepared.
  • Oftentimes, the lack of clarity of what you really want obstructs your work dynamics.
  • The Analysis Paralysis state may happen to all personality types when they want to know everything first before taking any action.
  • Get into action with what you love right now. What is beautiful to you just now and you want to pursue it? Figure it you and get into action.
  • When you do what you love, you’ll gain better clarity as you go and figure out what the programming is that’s causing you to not get what you want.
  • Figure out your limitations, whether you’re a doer or a planner and pursue the other side.
  • Overall, the likelihood of getting success is higher when you’re doing something rather than doing nothing.
  • Among the four decision-making processes, which one do you think has the Spiderman and the Batman style?

Luck vs. Hard Work #batman #spiderman #luck

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  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • April 25, 2015 at 4:03 pm

    That makes a lot of sense. Both cultures are going to have stories that include “ordained by providence” heroes as well as “worked hard for superpowers” heroes. And I’ll bet the more that eastern cultures enter Graves 5 you’ll see more memes about overnight success pop up. Do you think that eastern cultures are shifting memetically as they enter Graves 5? The political rhetoric (from the perspectives of this westerner) seems like it’s relatively the same, but the economics are clearly outpacing that rhetoric. I’d love to hear your take as someone familiar with the climate and that has a sophisticated, zoomed-out perspective.

    I’ll tell you this: I’ll think twice about using casual metaphors based on a subculture that has a rabid fan base. :p


  • Kylie
    • Kylie
    • April 24, 2015 at 4:39 pm

    I have learned people techniques, and one that helps immensely is to tell people that you agree with them, when you do. ;) I’m interested to hear your thoughts/theories, though. I’d also be interested to talk to you about how you use your Fi/Authenticity because mine is….interesting. :)

  • Joel Mark Witt
    • Joel Mark Witt
    • April 23, 2015 at 11:47 pm

    Cool. Thanks for sharing that video Michael. I think it’s a great idea to just start and get in motion to figure it out over time.

  • Joel Mark Witt
    • Joel Mark Witt
    • April 23, 2015 at 11:43 pm

    Thanks Jane for commenting.

    Glad you and your ENTP boyfriend are learning together and listening. Awesome.

    As an ENFP myself – I can see what you mean about having a yin-yang push-pull with family advantage vs hard work.

    I think this is something I’ve noticed about “Authenticity” in general. It can feel paradoxical at times. It’s my opinion that this stems from us “Authenticity” people literally being able to find ANY emotional perspective inside our hearts.

    Often these emotions seem to contradict each other for me. It’s like I have many voices inside me that all want different things. It can be very frustrating.

    I’ve done work around “parts integration” inside myself. I will actually imagine the different voices and work to mentally bring them into concert with each other. (Easier said than done).

    My thoughts… get over feeling bad about having advantages and see it as a gift to help do even more good in the world. “Much is given much is required” type thinking. (again – easier said than done).

    Of course this is my perspective and opinion. I don’t really know your unique situation – so find the principle behind what I’m saying not the specifics.

    Does that make sense and resonate?

  • Joel Mark Witt
    • Joel Mark Witt
    • April 23, 2015 at 11:34 pm

    And I’m glad you shared your thoughts. I think you make some good points… and of course you had me at “…I agree with Joel.”


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