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In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about knowing the difference between idealism making us happy vs idealism causing us pain.

In this podcast on Idealism you’ll find:

  • How does idealism help us? How do you live with your ideals even if it seems unrealistic?
  • The idealism that we have when we want something so bad, we reach to a point where we ignore what’s realistic.
  • Sometimes an idealistic perspective will be contextually unrealistic but it doesn’t mean that it’s in general unrealistic.
  • Intuitives bring idealism across the world. How does idealism help us move forward? How does it block progress?
  • There are limitations with being idealistic.
  • We have these things that come in our lives, they seem to drive us forward but some of our ideals are unrealistically idealistic on the USA’s political scheme.
  • Just how thoughtful are we in our idealism? How granular or specific are we in terms of our ideals?
  • Where are we putting idealism around? Is it around things that should have ethical positive/negative activity associated with it? Or is it around things that are considered as neutral?
  • When we are creating our ideals, it’s really easy to overvalue how many contexts our ideals are appropriate within. We carry our idealism no matter what the situation is and sometimes our ideals are very tied to the situation.
  • For most people, they end up being idealistic in the negative direction when it comes to self-image. For example: thinking that we’re not as smart, confident and capable compared to the average person.
  • One the most common idealisms today can be seen/experienced in social media. When people see celebrities, models, public figures and even their friends, they’d think that they’re not good enough.
  • When you use comparison as a tool, use it in a “matching” type of approach.
  • When you add comparison in idealism, it won’t serve the job.
  • When comparing yourself with other people, do it in a positive frame rather than in a negative way.
  • What are the right tools for the job when it comes to idealism? What is inspiring vs what is demoralizing? How are we responding to it?
  • If you feel inspired and energized when using the comparison tool, then you’re doing it correctly. If you feel demoralized and down, then you’re not doing it the right way.
  • Whatever idealism you have in the future; we don’t live in that world. That’s an image inside your head. You live right now.
  • Do you feel energized in your current state or do you feel demotivated?
  • Idealism sometimes feel good because it allows us to project our ideals in the world and feel right about them.
  • There will be situations where we feel negative emotions and yet even if we’re experiencing them, we can feel a sense of centeredness. We may not feel happiness at all contexts and situations, but we can feel peace.

Using Idealism to Create Happiness #happiness

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  • Andy Spyros
    • Andy Spyros
    • July 17, 2015 at 1:02 am

    I love your podcasts just as they are. I totally relate to every one of them and very often the topics you choose I happen to be exploring at the same time. I experience you both as incredibly articulate, insightful and real. I appreciate the openness and vulnerability you both bring especially because there are so few people who model that yet.

  • Brian Person
    • Brian Person
    • July 16, 2015 at 12:38 am

    Idealism itself could be seen as merely a tool to been seen in a neutral way? The example given is seeing one as over 30 as “late to the game, less able to make a dent in the world.” Doesn’t it make sense to consider it? Couldn’t that give you energy to move in a different direction? To find meaning in your life outside of, well, projected ideals and return to consider “what is” and live at peace? Not to say having ideas are wrong, simply, consider considerations?

    Wasn’t that the theme of Inside Out? Negative draining energy seems like it’s in the way, but in reality it’s pitching in.

    Jonathan Rottenberg The Depths has interesting take in that it’s our ideals that could be could be causing the depression epidemic. Perfectionism, a common problem in eastern cultures. (Where suicide rates are high)

    (Food for thought: Stan Lee was in his late 30s)

    Anyway, I enjoyed the way the conversation was framed.

    The Ads, Salesmanship
    So my friend and I (INTP (me) ISTP, and ENTJ) were sitting around listening to your podcast and the “ad” came up. It made us all a bit uncomfortable. we do not have anything against wanting to make money. (ISTP and ENTJ, they get it) It’s how it was not presented as an ad. Podcast work better when there’s a level of honesty. The old world of media, you generally know when it’s an ad for a product. Maybe we’re just living up to our cynical thinking nature, but we felt like we’ve been had. I’m not sure how to go about fixing how uncomfortable it felt. Just a thought.

  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • July 12, 2015 at 5:33 pm

    If you listen to our podcasts from the beginning – which began January of 2014 – you’ll notice that it was never intended to be exclusively focused on personality types and/or Myers-Briggs. It’s intended to understand personality holistically, which includes many models of human development, behavior, and truly anything that influences who and what we are (including various philosophical questions). I don’t think we even mention personality type theory truly until the sixth episode. I’d be surprised if (removing PHQs and 16 Types special one-offs) even 50% of our podcast are typology focused.

    There would be no ‘return’ to that style of podcast. It would be a different direction than what we’ve done from the beginning, which is peppering in type theory podcasts with podcasts focused on practical application of all maps and models that are interesting to us.


  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • July 12, 2015 at 5:22 pm

    I’m honestly and sincerely confused by your comment. I just listened to our podcast again for any insinuation that your generation as a whole didn’t believe in the moon landing. I’m sincerely confused because I can’t see how what we said could be interpreted that way. We indicated that it was a big audacious – some might say ‘idealistic’ goal – and it was such a big deal that there were some who didn’t believe it happened. In fact, I even said “I don’t know a lot of people who still think it was faked.” But there was no indictment that your generation believed it was faked.

    As far as it only being a recent thing that people questioned the moon landings authenticity, I’m even MORE confused. I thought it was common knowledge that the moon landing made it on “top conspiracy theory” lists. Just a quick Wikipedia search indicates that the first book written on the topic came out in 1976. I’d recommend reading the history and origins of the theories here:

    I don’t really think I’m promoting any myth. There were (and still are) people who don’t believe it happened. It’s a minority (only as many as between 6-20% of Americans at any given time), but enough of a percentage as to be relevant to the purpose of our mentioning it – it was such a big goal that it was truly unbelievable to some people.

    You are, of course, totally free to categorize me any way you want.

    Thanks for the comment.


  • Charis Branson
    • Charis Branson
    • July 12, 2015 at 12:35 pm

    Thanks for the suggestions Ruby. (Btw, Antonia is an ENTP -which means she still uses extraverted intuition.)

    Have you had a chance to explore the PHQ podcasts? Many of those deal more with specific personality type issues. Some of them are a bit technical in fact, which may appeal to you more.

    As for the more philosophical bent of the podcasts, the goal of Personality Hacker is to help people and society grow. Growth comes in many forms. Knowing our personality types and developing our strengths is a huge part of it. But it is also important to become more aware of how our choices impact the world around us. Sometimes people’s choices can be rather myopic. Growth comes when we start looking outside ourselves and realizing there’s a wider world with needs and opinions that matter as much as ours. Antonia and Joel’s goal is to simply widen people’s perspectives to new viewpoints.

    However, Antonia is still a Myers-Briggs geek so the meatier subjects will still come along. ;)

    Have you had a chance to look over our blog? There’s a lot of in-depth articles there.

    Thanks for being a PH Podcast listener!

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