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In this episode Joel and Antonia dive deep into the needs and challenges of the INTP personality type.
In this podcast on the INTP personality type you’ll find:
INTP – Accuracy/Exploration in Genius system
INTPs have a crucial role that they play in our society. That task may seem a little thankless, which helps us understand some of the challenges they face.
Deep down inside, INTPs care more than they let on.
The Driver for INTP is Introverted Thinking (Ti), which we have nicknamed “Accuracy.”
What makes analytical sense? Decision-making process.
Driver = Flow State = the most rewarding thing you can do.
Ti works the best when it is without social obligation.
The opposite of Ti is Fe “Harmony.” Fe is about connecting and social interaction.
INTPs in the survey revealed their greatest challenge was in connecting with other people.
Copilot – Ne “Exploration” – is pattern recognition. Interaction with the environment without being attached to any outcome. A zoomed out process that allows you to explore your terrain.
Podcast Introverted Intuition vs Extraverted Intuition
When Ti and Ne are combined it is a fascinating combo of zooming in (Ti – surgical approach to data) and zoomed out (Ne – an overall view of patterns).
Together, these cognitive functions create radically new ideas.
Creating patterns and frameworks and architecting new maps and models requires them to be a bit destructive – like Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction.
Ti works the best when removed from the social bias component.
Emotional connection influences info.
INTPs often show up saying things that other people don’t want to hear, which is their gift to the world.
They are the great destroyer of outdated paradigms or untruths.
INTPs will always look for the strictest vetting process in their chosen field.
We are such social creatures we don’t appreciate it when people call us on our BS/Belief Systems.
We make extraordinary technical strides when we overturn the social norm.
INTPs break things down to their fundamental nature and depersonalize them.
Sometimes frameworks only get so far, and they get stuck because they run out of new frameworks for ideas.
The copilot process for INTPs is Extraverted Intuition, which we have nicknamed “Exploration.”
Exploration gives INTPs access to bigger frameworks and increases their territory, so they have more structures to hang fresh data on.
It is imperative for INTPs to grow their Exploration process.
The alternative is to stick with what you already know. If you don’t take in more territory, your framework may be radically off because you are missing a vital piece of info that’s just outside your existing territory.
Exploration allows INTPs to go out and experience things. Travel is essential to INTPs.
Going outside their comfort zone is imperative. All growth happens outside the comfort zone.
Sometimes we graft our identity to old pieces of info and INTPs overturn the things with which we identify.
But the INTP must first go through the uncomfortable terrain of change and challenge before they can do it for others.
INTPs need to be students of experience, life, and interaction.
The Survey revealed the INTPs struggle with a lack of motivation.
The INTPs that have the greatest motivation have decided they are going to bring their gifts to the world.
The more somebody rests on their laurels and holds back the more they feel a lack of inspiration and motivation.
The 10-year-old process is Introverted Sensing, which we have nicknamed “Memory.”.
Memory often means doing the thing that is known and comfortable. Finding a familiar context and staying there perpetually.
Frameworks don’t expand with Si. So, INTPs double down on Ti and continue to clean slice concepts and data until things become absurd. Without the input from Ne, they keep dividing until there’s nothing left.
Emotion is the seat of motivation, which is an INTPs blind spot. If INTPs double down on their thinking process, they avoid the emotions that will get them motivated.
Emotion is about finding the meaning behind things.
Exploration helps expand frameworks of mind and increase the narratives with which INTPs work.
Why does the data matter?
Ne gives meaning to the data. Without meaning, there is no motivation.
To see the narratives of our lives we need to zoom out.
Get outside yourself and explore beyond your comfort zone.
INTPs can have belief systems.
INTPs love absurd humor. Monty Python. Sketch comedy.
Even falling in love is nothing but a narrative.
INTPS who do the best are the ones who connect with other people through contribution.
INTPs can appear cynical because society doesn’t always honor their gift of radical honesty.
The natural state of an INTP is to be childlike and approach life with wonder and curiosity. Then they get the message that they are unacceptable which leads to cynicism.
Nobody can sustain a feeling of brokenness indefinitely. They either become depressed or resentful.
“You are not broken.”
“You are okay.”
We are seeing more and more media acknowledging the role of geeks and people who influence our technological world.
We see their contribution, but they are harder to reconcile in our day to day life.
We love truth. It reverberates through our spinal cord.
Society is getting ready for entering into a space of radical honesty, but it still means pushing people outside their comfort zones.
Modern technology is forcing us into a state of transparency; most technology is invented by INTPs.
The more INTPs show up as doing their job of being radically honest, the more we will head toward transparency as a society.
In the past, honesty brought death.
We can’t have real harmony without radical honesty, and we can’t have radical honesty without the need to connect with others.
The 3-year-old process is Extraverted Feeling (Fe), which we have nicknamed “Harmony.”
Healthy INTPs can become almost worshiped. They show up with so much credibility. They haven’t rejected Fe, they made it part of their aspiration and decided to use it to make others happy. Their intent is positive.
Podcast How To Love Yourself
Agape – Principled love. We are all in this together.
INTP men/women at the top of their game have many admirers.
Sometimes by solving problems for themselves, an INTP can find a way to solve for a larger demographic.
Female INTPs feel isolated because most women are Fe dominant, and men are usually looking for women to behave a certain way.
Spend more time in your copilot and understand why you struggle to fit in. Then go and find the context that will appreciate you for your gifts.
INTP women are polarizing. Birds of paradise. Not everyone’s going to love you, but some will and they are looking for you.
Pay for the privilege of finding your tribe. Conventions, Seminars, Cons, etc.
Online communities. Reddit.
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Podcast - Episode 0084 - Bully Memes and Metanarrative
Podcast - Episode 0086 - ENFP Personality Type Advice
Starting from 19:01 when Joel started talking about INTP mind being constructed into framework and hanging pieces of data onto the framework, what came to mind was when I created my own governing principles, rules to govern my behavior but most importantly the principles where there so I could have a deeper understanding of myself.
My governing principles, the framework of it is a circle with three verticle lines. One is in the center which represents intelligence, one on the right edge of the circle represent body and one on the left edge of the circle represent soul and there are 5 lines dividing the circle as well, I won’t go into what they mean.
In the circle I attached data, like for example “self control” is at the center of the circle.
I have explored and tested the framework but now I am realizing the importance of getting my needs met, not being the “nice guy.”
I placed “Maslow’s hierarchy of needs” in the center of the circle and I have a journal and in it I write all my adventures and thoughts.
My “governing principles” are all subjective since it was made specifically for me, but “Maslow’s hierarchy of needs” is objective since it was made for everybody.
U welcome
I really want to drive home the idea of not being the “nice guy” which most INTP males tend to fall into.
There is a book called “No More Mr. Nice Guy” by Dr. Robert A. Glover, guys read it whenever you get the chance. I just don’t want the guys to be taken advantage of or used and manipulated from what they TRULLY want.
For me seduction is the tip of the iceberg, the rest of the iceberg that can’t be seen is charm (in a manner of speaking) and you are right it does help you get your foot in the door. Right now in my development I am realizing charm is not enough and I am working on that “tip of the iceberg”.
I am curious, what type of girls did you attract with your detached aloofness and odd wit?
Did they make the first move and if so how, what did they do exactly?
Hi Ryios,
You have exactly described my struggle. I have immense trouble explaining my thoughts to others and only recently I realized that it’s because I, like you, don’t think in words, but more abstractly. My thoughts are usually in the form of images, processes, patterns, or even intuitive feelings. I can have complex ideas or processes worked out in my mind but as soon as someone asks me to explain to them, I end up coming across as confused or incompetent. I would agree that this is probably one of if not my biggest struggles as an INTP.
Thanks for sharing! I find it reassuring to know someone else out there has a similar experience.
The biggest challenge I have as an INTP is translating my thoughts into words. I think conceptually, in an almost abstract way. Sometimes I am not thinking in words. This is most true when I am writing computer code. I can structure and entire computer program in my head in abstract concepts and images without using any words. Then I’ll start translating that to code in the IDE (Like Visual Studio) and a colleague will ask me to explain a part of it..
And then I stumble, because I know what I am writing, I understand it, but suddenly I have to give words to everything and it trips me up. For this reason I often come off as clueless or slow (in the mind) and people write me off.. When in actuality, it’s more like I wrote a book in Japanese and they want me to explain it to them in English.
To top that off, I don’t keep my thoughts in sequential order… I might think out the design for the end of a routine before I think out the design for the start of it, and every piece I’m thinking about is all over the place. So not only do I have to translate my thoughts to words, but I have to get them out in the right order. Because when writing code, the order I write it in doesn’t matter, so long as when it’s done everything is in order. In short, I skip around. I Write Function D before C Then A, then B… I liken it to building a house’s roof before the house. If you can get the roof on the house after it’s built, does it matter what order you did it in?