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In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about the 6 styles of motivation and how to use them to relate better to others and change your life.

In this podcast you’ll find:

What gets us going? What has us reaching out for success?

6 Sermons Model

Simple way to recognize the different ways people are motivated.

3 major categories:

  • Power
  • Affiliation
  • Achievement

Each category has two subcategories

  1. Away From – Fear pushes us away from these categories
  2. Toward – Desire pushes us toward them

Power Away From:

  • Fear of being under the power of someone else.
  • Desire to break authority structures
  • Constant need to be outside the system. The rebel.
  • An inability to be in a position of leadership
  • Can be motivated by autonomy. Solo projects. Hate micromanaging.
  • Can motivate self by finding the flaws in the system. Documentarians.

Power Toward:

  • Love being in the chain of command.
  • Respect authority and hierarchy.
  • Seek out positions of authority and seek out people in authority.
  • Can be motivated by gaining greater responsibility over others.
  • Can motivate self with the prospect of promotion.

Affiliation Away From:

  • Fear they will be isolated from the tribe through public censure or embarrassment.
  • Prefer staying under the radar. Just do the job and don’t rock the boat.
  • Small group of friends to avoid awkwardness.
  • Can be motivated by frequent positive feedback.
  • Can motivate self by asking people for feedback. Avoid isolation.

Affiliation Toward:

  • Desire to be tied into the social fabric.
  • Gain status and stand out in order to gain admiration. Wag the Dog movie.
  • Typically surrounded by a large social tribe.
  • Can be motivated by public approval, like a surprise party or Roast which acknowledges their accomplishments.
  • Can motivate self by creating a tribe of people who will give honest feedback.

Achievement Away From:

  • Profound fear of attempting something only to fail.
  • May stick with the tried and true rather than risk failure.
  • Working harder than they need to in order to assure success.
  • Perfectionist tendencies, which can be a counter motivator.

Achievement Toward:

  • Will work incredibly hard in order to reach the end goal and feel the pride that comes with achievement.
  • Ambitious.
  • Motivated by having access to the best tools for the job.

Varying degrees of healthy and unhealthy expressions in each of these categories.

Whichever style you identify with find the optimal level of health for each type.

Toward/Away From – basic carrot and stick concept.

Toward motivated appears to be a healthier expression because Away From is embedded in fear.

Living with fear does not serve us.

Toward is an expression of desire and hunger. Desire to reach out for something better.

Away From is more rooted in dissatisfaction and fear. May relate to a mentality of scarcity.

A lot of our fears seem more rooted in ancient programming. Programming that is no longer valid.

Another model of motivation:

Referenced in this podcast:

In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about the 6 styles of motivation and how to use them to relate better to others and change your life. #personalgrowth #motivation

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  • Lana Wilkens
    • Lana Wilkens
    • April 6, 2016 at 8:22 pm

    Yes, that does make sense. As I thought through them, I think I’m predominantly a Power – Away person because I’ve always enjoyed semi-autonomy and readily see ways institutions could make use of their ways that would fit more of the needs within a group and I feel compelled to talk about these or start discussions/ask questions etc.

    But I also resonate a lot with the Affiliation – Toward (which seems strange to pair together to me). But maybe it’s just based on context. I do tend to gather people around me who will give me an honest assessment and I do enjoy the social aspects of groups…but when rules or rhythms don’t make sense for the group, or threaten the social freedom, I get really “up in arms” and want to sound the alarm to those who are in a power position. If it’s me though, I’ll just make those changes and share the vision with those involved to get support.

    It’s fun to think through this and I appreciate the nudge in the right direction to do so. Now I’m off to think about it from other people’s perspectives and consider it in my writing…I LOVED the part about considering hitting all 6 points of communication in speeches or writing to motivate an audience. So helpful! :)

  • Nevaeh
    • Nevaeh
    • April 6, 2016 at 2:21 pm

    I’ve just started to streamline my practice to re-focus on motivation. I worked with BJ Fogg from Stanford on his program Tiny Habits while I was working with 16Personalities in educating Private School teachers about type. I’m excited that motivation is becoming a center focus again and would like to publicly request a continued podcast series on it. I love sending students to your podcasts because they get something out of it.

    Thank you both for your continued work in illuminating type!
    - INFJer :P

  • Anthony
    • Anthony
    • April 6, 2016 at 7:28 pm

    I need correct my wordings of my interpretation… Actually, I think that both the Toward and Away From are primitively rooted but are neutral preferences. I got the idea from the extrovert and introvert split as the two concepts are kinda similar. I think what makes any neutral preference good is when they are coupled with a wide variety of other neutral preferences like objective reasoning and morale values. It seems like my world view is something like a pluralistic Yin Yang kind of view.

    Anyway, I also attempted to link the two concepts together as I listened to the podcast:
    Ti = Away from power; Te = Toward power
    Fe = Toward Affiliation; Fi = Away from Affiliation
    Trying to link Achievement with mbti is a bit tricky,
    S = Away from Achievement; N = Toward Achievement

  • Anthony
    • Anthony
    • April 6, 2016 at 1:39 pm

    I am an INTP and more of an Away From person as far as I know myself, especially Power Away From since I remember myself often criticise the education system and other systems. The secondary trait I have in this case I believe is Achievement Toward, as I am quite confident in my ability and way to achieve things, and I enjoy the feeling of solving problems after problems with cold but flexible decision making, like an agent on a mission. Lastly, my tertiary trait is affiliation toward. This is tricky for me to pin down as I will sacrifice almost anything to not get into social implications but at the same time I do want reputations, connections, feedbacks and harmony, etc.

    My opinion after listening the podcast is that this is an interesting concept. But I feel Away From traits may not be a by-product. My interpretation is that, Desires and hungers are like an engine, they drive us forward. But the engine can overheat or the engine is primitive and single minded. This is when Away From traits can help to cool off or help developing a more comprehensive perspective of where we are heading. But it all depends on how well we use this Away From time.

  • Danielle
    • Danielle
    • April 6, 2016 at 5:07 pm

    This is so cool! I like the comparison to love languages. I identify with two of these categories: Power Away From and Achievement Toward. I’m an INTJ, though, so I’m not sure how much of the Power Away From is tied up into my natural tendencies.

    I’m actually don’t take issue with the theory that Towards behaviors are healthier than Away ones. To me, it seems like a logical extension to say that fear-motivated behaviors (especially ones that aren’t founded in real fears) could be negative. As someone who identified with Power Away, I found the scarcity framing to be a helpful way of coping with those fears. Also, I thought referencing vestigial fears from the primitive brain was a great, non-judgmental way of viewing the fear that motivates Away types.

    I think I will try to be more of a Toward type when it comes to Power. It is easier to view Towards behaviors as driven by status and recognition, and to view Towards people as self-focused and needy for the approval of others, but I think that’s a fearful reaction that allows us to cop out of self-growth. The way I’m choosing to view Towards behaviors is to be connection-driven. I think at the root of status or recognition is a desire to be a part of something. As an INTJ, I struggle with my natural inclination to remain disconnected. As someone on an extreme, I see wanting to be liked or wanting the positive feedback of others to be a healthy sign of human connection. Personally, I think I could use more of that.

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