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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about cutting cords of attachment using visualizations of cord cutting.

In this podcast you’ll find:

Cord cutting is a visualization tool used to ensure that relationships are as healthy as they can be.

Chakra Podcast

Cords have a tendency to attach to our Chakra centers

Cords are energetic ties we have with another person or thing.

We have all had a physical cord at one point in life. Our umbilical cord sustained our life.

The umbilical cord was necessary to our survival. So cords aren’t always negative, and we may even see them as a form of nourishment.

Some cords are positive, and some are toxic.

Spirit Release by Sue Allen

A positive cord example would be the cord we create in a pair bond relationship. A loving, supportive cord between two partners. Love passes back and forth along this cord. A transparent, flexible cord between heart chakras. Also a cord between sacral chakras connecting partners sexually.

A solar chakra would not necessarily be beneficial for a couple, especially unidirectional. That may indicate the vampiric absorption of one’s sovereignty by the other.

Some people are draining to our energies. Energetic vampires.

Cording can be one directional or multi-directional.

One directional cording is rarely a good thing.

Co-dependent cords are not nourishing either. They can cause two people to feed off each other.

If you are in one of these harmful cording relationships, and you sever it the other person will usually know and attempt to reestablish contact in an effort to re-cord.

Cut the Apron Strings

Many of us can imagine different things in life we feel are keeping us tethered or obligated. Something we can’t get free of certain things, like an idea or location that is holding us hostage.

Most of us probably have a lot of cords – good and bad.

To cut cords:

  • Once you decide there is a cord attached to you, try to imagine what it looks like. There may be a texture, color, size, etc. Is it old and gnarly? Snake-like and scaley? Or long and sticky?
  • Where is the cord attached? According to Spirit Release, cords usually attached to Chakras. Some Chakra attachments are more common than others; some more dangerous than others.
  • Choose the weapon of removal:
    • Imagine a knife cutting it from you,
    • Visualize throwing the cord into a fire,
    • Use an imaginary shovel to dig it out,
    • Imagine yourself physically pulling it from you like a barnacle,
    • Whatever imagery seems most practical to you.

Use this visualization as a tool you use to shift your mindset.

Cords can reattach if we are not careful. If we are used to the cord, and it is old and gnarly, it may come back, and you will need to cut it again, and maybe again.

Sometimes we get back into old dynamics, and the old muscle memory attaches a familiar cord.

Cord cutting is language that reminds you to go back into that space and helps you to be mindful of how you are attending to your relationships. If you have to go back and cut a cord again, it reminds you of the tendency to get back into toxic relationships, and it keeps you aware of the need for personal autonomy.

With a Chiropractic adjustment, it takes multiple adjustments for the body to realign to its proper position. One cord cutting ritual may do the trick, but it might not. You may have to do it on a regular basis.

We create cords all the time; sometimes with random strangers.

Some personality types are more wired to do this than others. They feel responsible for everyone else’s emotions.

Where are you getting attached to people that may not be necessary?

On some level, we are all part of the dynamic that allowed the cords to connect, and it is up to us to remove the cords as quickly as possible.

If you have a tendency to attach to people, visualize yourself dressed in armor, or a cloak. Armor would be a temporary solution. A cloak protects you against cords that you don’t give permission to, but it is porous enough to allow healthy cords to develop. Like a gatekeeper.

In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about cutting cords of attachment using visualizations of cord cutting. #podcast #cuttingcords

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  • Charis Branson
    • Charis Branson
    • July 14, 2016 at 3:21 am

    I agree, Joe. There are many ways to sense the presence of cords/attachments.

    When I left the religion of my family after almost 40 years, I felt like I had an old, gnarled tree protruding from my solar chakra and connecting me to that religion, which had robbed me of so much of my sovereignty. I had a Reiki master do a cord cutting on me shortly after I left the religion (in 2012), but I knew it would take multiple attempts before all residue was removed. A couple weeks ago, I had a Qi Gong practitioner go into the area of the Solar Chakra (called Yellow Court in Qi Gong), and as she reached the right side of my body, just under my breast, I felt something blocked. I told her about it and she pulled out, what she called “Seaweed.” I wonder if that is part of the residual root system of that gnarled tree.

    So that is an example of actually feeling an energetic block that may have been due to a cord attachment.

    Thanks for the comment, Joe!

  • Katie
    • Katie
    • July 13, 2016 at 10:02 pm

    I wonder if you have heard of soul ties? This is a concept that is talked about in some Christian circles. I think it must be very similar to the chakras and cords.

  • Joe
    • Joe
    • July 13, 2016 at 5:31 pm

    Great podcast and reminder to continue it as a possible regular practice.

    My therapist/coach introduced cord cutting to me a couple months ago and provided a recorded guided meditation I could use (there are likely ones on the web as well). I see it as a tool for increased freedom and sovereignty from unconscious pushes, pulls, and patterns that bind us without our conscious awareness. In my experience this method really can work with any person, group, or “entity” (e.g. job, company, society, government…) that has negative or restrictive energy/emotion/judgment.

    In the last couple months I’ve used it multiple times to cut energetic/emotional cords with my parents with transforming results (along with other healing work around self love). At the end of each session I was definitely lighter, freer, and more self-aware. Interestingly, new layers of awareness and hidden connections might come up at the end of a session that I hadn’t yet been aware of. I would then take some time to be with them before doing it again (perhaps days later). I agree it can take time to suss out these sometimes very unconscious connections and patterns around obligation, approval, rejection, disappointment, resentment, anger, shame, etc.

    I’ve also done cord cutting around a previous job/company which had aspects of disempowerment and resentment that I had stuffed and never really dealt with. After cutting bunch of “easy” or obvious cords, a couple of really big energies (betrayal and shame) came up that I had buried and resisted. I could see how these radically affected my work life and life overall without even knowing it.

    I think it’s important to note that “cords” can be discerned not just visually but also somatically, emotionally, and psychologically. For me visual imagery is an aspect, but I also try to “feel into” the pattern in my body, emotion, and mind (judgment) as much as possible to feel its effect which usually involves some pattern of vibration or tension that can tap into multiple chakras or areas of my body both front and back.

  • Cheryl
    • Cheryl
    • July 13, 2016 at 4:25 pm

    I visualized my unhealthy cord as made of such strong metal that I need a power saw to get it off of me. Scary!!! I’m left with a piece of metal sticking out of my body where my belly button is located. I guess I need help. Interesting ideas and I am going to work on it!!!

  • Charis Branson
    • Charis Branson
    • July 12, 2016 at 2:32 pm

    I think that is a great visualization, Tanya! I know people who do a cord cutting ritual every day. This cuts the cords people attach to you and vice versa. As Antonia and Joel mentioned, not all cords are bad. So, just because you unintentionally connect to someone that doesn’t make you a bad person. Doing a somewhat regular cord cutting ritual/routine will prevent their build-up, however. :)

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