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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about developing intuition as an INFP, INTP, ENFJ, or ENTJ.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Car Model article
  • Car Model Podcast
  • Why We Resist Developing The Co-Pilot In Our Personality
  • We gravitate toward our driver and marginalize our copilot
  • If we are introverts, our copilot is extraverted
  • If we are extraverts, our copilot is introverted
  • INPs copilot is Extraverted Intuition (Ne) – “Exploration”
  • ENJs copilot is Introverted Intuition (Ni) – “Perspectives”
  • Intuition is a perceiving process, which means you use this function to take in info
  • What could be happening behind the curtain?
  • What is the pattern of the things I am observing?
  • Ni vs. Ne podcast
  • These types lead with a judging function, so they are going to have a proclivity to be more decisive or understand how they feel or think about things
  • Perceiving processes force us to open up our perception and take in more info
  • INPs and ENJs should use their intuitive processes to round out the decision-making functions they lead with
    • INPs struggle with their copilot because it forces them to take in more territory.
    • If you are leading with Introverted Feeling (INFP), it can take a long time to determine the right decision.
    • It relates to identity
    • For INTPs, it also takes a long time to determine the good data vs. the bad data, because the bad data may be related to info that we absorbed from childhood.
    • INPs can use Extraverted Intuition (Ne) when they are having to problem solve.
    • The real gifts of Ne come from exploring.
    • Getting outside your comfort zone.
    • Always looking for the new experience.
    • This type of exploration takes a metric ton of energy and can seem intimidating to the INP.
    • INPs know how they think or feel about things, but they have to generate a lot of energy to use Exploration.
    • Exploration burns the most resource.
    • It takes awhile to get into it, but once you are using it you consume energy because you are breaking new ground.
    • Ne is not a rational function.
    • Sometimes it doesn’t make sense.
    • And it has lots of false starts.
    • Exploration does not allow you to manage your image as much as you may want.
    • The things you do may look unstable to others.
    • Your credibility may even take a hit or two.
    • Extraverted Intuition is probably the most optimistic function of all eight cognitive functions.
    • Joie de vivre
    • You will burn out the self-consciousness and discover extraordinary freedom.
    • INTX Unleashed – INTP gained “Bouncy” energy.
    • INTPs who crave connection can find it through their Copilot.
    • Online research can give you a tiny hit of Ne, but it is only a snack – not a meal.
    • Online research allows you censor the info that comes in, but if you are in a real situation with info coming in that you can’t deny it is much harder to ignore the data.
    • Resonance vs calibration
    • Because INPs lead with a judging function, they tend to pre-calibrate the info they absorb.
    • Extraverted Intuition post calibrates though.
    • INPs need to speed up to keep pace with Ne.
    • Turn off the calibration and act rapidly.
    • Real-time adjustment & absorption of data.
    • This will require immense amounts of energy, but it prevents you from pre-calibrating and keeps you open to new data.
    • Post-calibration can happen in tertiary – Introverted Sensing (Si) “Memory”
    • When you are doing online research, you are collecting data in your Si process and doing enough post-processing with the info to involve Intuition more passively.
    • This is the opposite frame you want to come from because it uses Memory as the data gathering mechanism and lets Exploration help out.
    • Lead with Exploration and get real-world experiences, then use Memory as a tool to support Ne.
    • Ne is an extraverted process, so you have to get out in the real world.
    • What is uncomfortable to one INP may be easy for another.
    • Every INP is going to be different.
    • They need to head towards discomfort.
    • Discomfort should be your guiding light.
    • Then the discomfort becomes comfortable.
    • Being out of your comfort zone becomes your new comfort zone.
    • Throw yourself in and post calibrate.
    • Sometimes you may overdo it. Other times you may under do it.
    • Calibrate after – always.
    • Image management is your enemy as you develop your Copilot.
    • Is the life you built providing you the opportunity to grow?
    • You may need to go somewhere else to exercise your Intuitive Copilot.
    • One of the things you need when practicing Exploration is Joy. It is a big piece for providing the stamina you need to exercise Ne.
    • Exercise:
    • Set an alarm for one minute.
    • Lay down in bed like you are going to sleep.
    • When the one minute alarm sounds, jump out of bed with enthusiasm and put a big beaming smile on your face.
    • Throw your shoulders back. Open your arms and take a big prayer of gratitude out to the universe (or your divinity of choice).
    • Repeat this exercise again and again (7-10x), until you create the muscle memory that ritualizes how you get out of bed every morning.
    • This will help you generate energy to make getting into your copilot easier.
    • Work on strategies to ritualize your morning routine: drink a glass of water, journal, meditate, exercise, etc.
    • The ritual will set you on the right trajectory for the day
    • This exercise will calm down your 10 yr old Memory process and open you to opportunities for using your Exploration process.
    • Take a different route to work
    • Eat a different kind of food
    • Pick a new part of your city or country and get lost
  • ENJs – ENTJ & ENFJ
    • Copilot is Introverted Intuition (Ni) – “Perspectives”
    • Perspectives has spent so much time watching its mind form patterns that it sees the patterns in its own mind and the patterns in other people’s minds.
    • We call it Perspectives because it is excellent for understanding other people’s perspective.
    • ENJs rely on this for problem-solving, but not as much as they should.
    • Ni encroaches on ENJs by forcing them to slow down.
    • This can be uncomfortable for action-oriented ENJs.
    • ENJs love to impose order on a chaotic world. Ni is very free and chaotic. We cannot impose order on the inner world of Ni.
    • ENJs love to close loops.
    • Ni gets in the way of closing loops because it injects a massive amount of data which complicates things.
    • Introverted Intuition helps the ENJ to close better loops.
    • Otherwise, how do you know you are closing loops in the right way?
    • ENJs driver function looks for weaknesses in systems – organic and inorganic.
    • Stress points
    • Needs going unmet
    • Ni forces the ENJ to go inside their mind and determine stress points and unmet needs within the ENJ.
    • Sit with yourself and look at how your mind is set up.
    • Extraverted Thinking (ENTJ Driver) – once it makes a decision it creates a neurological superhighway. Set it and forget it.
    • Ni adds long game data.
    • Extraverted Feeling (ENFJ Driver) believes their agenda is the best agenda. If they question themselves, they may find that they don’t have everyone’s best interest at heart.
    • If you have ideas that are deemed dangerous, Perspectives does its own censoring.
    • Our minds may want to go to places we have blocked out.
    • The conclusions that your mind may reach when you explore the scary bits may turn your life upside down.
    • ENJs will have more energy than INPs.
    • ENJs are good at getting things done and getting into action.
    • ENJs may struggle with monkey mind in an attempt to get everything accomplished.
    • Harness that energy. Keep it centered instead of dispersed.
    • Exercising Introverted Intuition requires you to sit still, get quiet, and go inside your mind.
    • Perspectives gives the ENJ the ability to see the eventuality, or long term results, for the things they are doing.
    • Longer timelines.
    • Ask questions like “To what end?”
    • Broaden categories you apply to people.
    • Some of the ENJs perspectiving may be serving their own agendas or end games.
    • You may have specific definitions of what an A player is.
    • Or what makes up a healthy man or woman.
    • You may have narrow definitions you have culled from jumping into other people’s perspective for a short time then coming back to your mind with assumptions based on limited data.
    • When you can the thoughts in and see others in 3D, you will improve your compassion and skill level for talent scouting.
    • Exercise:
    • Take an hour a day and choose a quote you can explore profoundly, like Carl Sagan’s, “We are a way for the universe to know itself.”
    • Go to a quiet place. Maybe even dark. Close your eyes, reduce sensory input.
    • Ruminate on that quote for an hour.
    • When your to-do list pops up, bring your mind back to the quote.
    • After an hour, take out a piece of paper and write down some of the insights you had.
    • This exercise will start training your mind to develop that Ni process.
    • Wander the garden of your mind.
    • Let go of self-censorship.
    • Stop yourself from censoring your mind and let it go where it wants to go.
    • It will likely be uncomfortable.
    • You may have outsourced a part of your life to others.
    • You may not be in control like you think you are.
    • Once you can explore the parts of your mind you keep hidden you take real control of your life.
    • Stop making big leaps/assumptions with limited info.
    • ENJs tertiary Extraverted Sensing (Se) needs to be a servant to Introverted Intuition (Ni).
    • If you make Ni a servant to Se, you will shorten the timelines of your speculations.
    • Exercising Ni on a daily basis will make it more available to you throughout the day, so your observations are more profound.
  • INTP & INFP:
    • Copilot Ne
    • Generate lots of energy
    • Speed up
    • Seek out Freedom of experience
    • Copilot Ni
    • Slow down
    • Harness energy
    • Sit with it.
    • Wander the garden of your mind and sit with uncomfortable thoughts
  • INPs might like what ENJs have to do and vice versa
  • But it won’t be developing their Copilot
  • Developing the Copilot in the right way changes your life – and it may be painful to make the changes that are necessary.
  • The way out is through
  • When you get to the other side, the changes you make are more authentically you.
  • The fruit at the end of all of this is well worth it.
  • The application of these principles is unique and individualized.
  • How are you using some of these principles to move the needle in your life?

 In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about developing intuition as an INFP, INTP, ENFJ, or ENTJ.  #MBTI #myersbriggs #ENFJ #ENTJ #INFP #INTP

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  • Terese
    • Terese
    • November 5, 2018 at 6:37 am

    I’m an ENTJ and I could’nt help but to laugh at my self when I heard the exercise to develop my co-pilot and how PAINFUL it sounded to me. It’s not that I quickly make a final decision about something and then never revisit that thought again, but usually I make quick decisions about the information I currently have and then think “I bet it’s like this!”, then make a decision to gather more information.

    I have a question for you, Antonia and Joel, and for anyone else who can shed a light on it:
    I’m a long distance runner and have been for years. The reason why I fell in love with running, and still love it, is that it feels like I can think insanely good when I run. I can “sit” with one thought/question for an intire run without necessary thinking about solutions or what action to take. I almost always have pre planned routes to run, so I go into autopilot with my run and “goes inwards”. Running have also helped me heal from things I experinced as a child, in the way that I could process it in the way I couldn’t do when not running (In the beginning I could’nt even think about it without running).

    The question i, can running be a way for using/developing intuition as a co-pilot?
    (I promies to do the painful exercise you mentioned in the podcast either way, haha)

  • Aerin
    • Aerin
    • October 20, 2018 at 1:58 pm

    You don’t have to leave your home to associate with people online – and as you know, people are mini worlds of their own. I’ve gained greatly from the dating site OkCupid, not to actually date anyone, but to correspond with people around the world. I set my profile to “friends only” and specified that I seek correspondents. In certain aspects, it’s superior to travel when you and your partners have answered the deeply personal questions (sans sex section) that not even most spouses are made privy to. You are both already rather exposed allowing for a connection that you would not have as quickly as a tourist.

  • Aerin
    • Aerin
    • October 19, 2018 at 7:31 pm

    Given my quiet-but-cheerful disposition, that particular exercise is unnecessary for me. However, I have found that experiencing lighthearted, “bouncy” music or film is almost a requirement to maintain my energy – not on a daily or even weekly basis but with enough regularity to feel that the outside world is congruent with my inner world. I play what I call a “journey” soundtrack on infinite repeat while I’m running errands. It keeps me in the Ne frame of mind, with a spring in my step, hopeful to find some nugget of truth while grocery shopping.

    My sister is an ENFJ. She’s outrageously upbeat in the mornings in comparison to me. To wake me that girl has literally sung “Wake up sleepy head!” with all the gusto of a Disney princess. As a Ti-dom, what I have found of greater difficulty for her is that even when she sits down and writes very seriously in her journal, she will occasionally come to conclusions that lack logical consistency. Her Ni still functions through a biased lens, even as she approaches 40 years of age. Yes, ENFJs should stop and write, but I imagine it would also help tremendously to run their conclusions by the empathetic truthtellers in their lives for accuracy and practicality.

  • Ana
    • Ana
    • October 7, 2018 at 4:25 pm

    Write what you know… typically that never worked for me. I tried to write a book following this advice and i never finished the book. It was too personnal, weird. I need some distance in order to write correctly.

    I tried to journal new experiences but… How can I put it ? It was just boring. I went out, tried new things, new foods… Then write about it… What do you write exactly ? I tried this and I liked it. I suck at journaling. It feels so useless. I tried to be positive and I end up feeling like a fake.

    I don’t know… I gave up exploration entirely now. Too tiring, too difficult. Most of the time, I don’t even know what I am meant to do ! I have the feeling I don’t even understant what exploration is.

  • Nigel
    • Nigel
    • August 22, 2018 at 8:53 am


    I really love this podcast, while I might have been doing a few things from my Ne function, I could rarely explain it ‘til I listened to this. Now I find myself in a position where I can use them better. To ensure that my Fi function does not implode, I do a lot of writing on social media and I tend to write poems and songs, but I realize that I can do much more. I can see that smiling exercise as really effective. I’m not really the most joyful-looking person to everyone, but even if you are, it can really help and open things up. I can do so much more than just getting to sleep and waste time for the mere sake of it. Looking forward to doing this!

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