  • Self-parenting
  • Women can have Hephaestus as their animus
  • Self-validate.
  • You don’t have to live with the baggage from the past
  • Don’t let the past color the future. It is part of what forged you.
  • Some people may appear to have an easy ride.
  • Challenges are the things that make us who we are. We set the tone for the rest of the ride.
  • See self as a positive influence.
  • Ares = Protector
  • Hephaestus = Genius
  • Set the tone for the rest of your life and go toward a more positive frame
  • In this episode Joel and Antonia continue a short series talking about the god archetypes that show up for some people. This episode details the rejected son gods in everyman. #podcast #archetypes

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    In this episode, Joel and Antonia continue a short series talking about the god archetypes that show up for some people. This episode details the rejected son gods in everyman.

    In this podcast you’ll find:

    • Animus and Anima – Feminine and Masculine Archetypes
    • Goddesses in Everywoman by Jean Bolen
    • Gods in Everyman by Jean Bolen
    • Episode on Vulnerable Goddesses
    • Episode on virgin goddesses
    • Episode on Alchemical Goddess
    • Episode on Gods In Everyman — The Father God Archetypes
    • 3 categories of son gods
    • All sons of Zeus
    • Ares and Hephaestus mirror Poseidon more than Zeus in that they are more emotional and less strategic.
    • Ares and Hephaestus are looking for approval as son gods, so their rejection impacts them whereas Poseidon doesn’t seek external approval, so he isn’t concerned as much about being an emotional man in a thinker world
    • Ares
    • God of War
    • Warrior depicted in full armor
    • Very masculine
    • Least respected of all the Greek gods
    • Romans respected the God of War as Mars
    • Only son of Hera and Zeus
    • Learned the art of dance then transitioned to warrior training.
    • Tense relationship with sister Athena
    • Ares had lots of children and was very protective of them
    • Homer’s depiction of Ares loss in the Trojan War is mostly to blame for Ares reputation
    • Ares was put on trial for killing the son of Poseidon who raped Ares daughter
    • Ares is called The Lover – he never exploited women
    • Zeus hated Ares because of his hot-headed impulsive nature
    • Ares believed in “live and let live” – he wasn’t as vindictive as Poseidon
    • Ares physical impulsiveness is more Extraverted Sensing from a cognitive function viewpoint
    • Physical expressiveness can be distasteful for men in a Zeus-like world
    • Ares identity could die over time if he is forced to be a feeler in thinker clothing
    • He acts like he is not emotional and sensual, but his body betrays him with the clenched jaw or tightened fist
    • This is dangerous to an Ares body which needs to dance and express itself fluidly
    • Depression, regret, fish out of water
    • Archetype: expressive, emotional boy who learns by doing
    • Drugged as kids to fit in and sit still to learn
    • ADHD
    • Impulsive, Spontaneous, kinesthetic
    • If an Ares archetype can be in a context that encourages their physical expressiveness, they will be a lot happier
    • Not an easy kid to raise. He will need a lot of attention and channeling from parents
    • Peer groups are important to an Ares man who will help forge him in his teen years and prevent him from overreaching
    • Ares men are attracted to physical, active jobs. Sitting at a desk would not be the ideal for an Ares man.
    • Soldiering – warrior ethos
    • Athletes – competitive spirit
    • Life can happen to Ares men if they aren’t paying attention
    • Impulsiveness is the Achilles heel of Ares
    • Old Testament Samson was an Ares archetype – Delilah was an Aphrodite character who he became utterly passionate about until she ruined his life.
    • King David from the Bible was also likely an Ares archetype – Warrior king, dancer, lover
    • Jamie Lannister from Game of Thrones is probably also an Ares
    • If Ares men have experienced abuse they can go the other way and become abusers
    • Bro Culture
    • When Athenas surround Ares, he may start to look very misogynistic
    • When Aphrodites surround him, he is very generous with women
    • Ares seeks out physical connection/affection which can be misinterpreted as Bro Culture
    • Ares behavior is more related to a need going unmet rather than some ulterior motive
    • Ares receives a lot of rejection because he doesn’t fit in some cultures
    • 2016 Election: Ares men feeling marginalized by society
    • They voted against Athena and for someone who promised them a return to fundamental values
    • Trump may be Ares
    • Obama was likely an Apollo
    • Challenges Ares struggles with could be work/life balance
    • Temptation towards substance abuse or alcoholism due to a desire to feel intense physical engagement
    • Infidelity. Multiple children with multiple women
    • The more rejected Ares felt as a child, the more likely he is to have impulsive, thoughtless decisions as an adult
    • Ares needs to give himself (or herself) permission to feel the experience and be in his body
    • Expressive
    • Slow down and use kinesthetic awareness in a more present space
    • Stop acting and explore your true essence
    • Ares can get into a more Hermes state of mind and learn better self-expression
    • Not about skill but permission – it is okay to express your feelings
    • Nonviolent Communication
    • Athena was a tough test for Ares because she was so judgmental of him
    • Alternatively, Athena can be the motherly voice of conscience that Ares needs to chill out
    • Athenas need to avoid name calling if they are trying to get through to Ares men
    • Ares changed from being the least respected God in the Greek pantheon to the most respected god in the Roman pantheon due to his ability to slow down, mature, and protect
    • Hephaestus
    • God of the Forge
    • Loner
    • Underworld workshop
    • Clubfoot gives him a hobble
    • Creative genius
    • Born of Hera as a virgin birth
    • Hera is embarrassed by Hephaestus clubfoot, and she rejects him
    • A couple of sea nymphs raise him and teach him his craft
    • Archetype: difficult physical deficiency – either real or perceived
    • Misunderstood, rejected, cheated out of what is his
    • His wife Aphrodite cheated on him repeatedly
    • Subterranean fire – feelings that boiled under the surface
    • He would pine for things that were impossible for him to have so he would channel it toward his creativity
    • Family peacekeeper
    • His relationship with Aphrodite is fascinating
    • She chose Hephaestus even though she was in a long-standing relationship with Ares
    • Hephaestus was smart
    • He could never get any respect, so he sublimated his emotions like Ares
    • Archetype: Intensely introverted man, loner, interested in machines and building things
    • There may be a physical ailment hindering him, or he is the black sheep in his family
    • Arts and crafts help him express
    • He feels like he doesn’t belong anywhere, but he is a hard worker
    • He doesn’t get a lot of attention from women, but women play a significant role in his life.
    • Gay Hephaestus men are often drawn to the beauty of women as an art form but not sexually
    • As Good As It Gets
    • Greg Kinnear – Gay Hephaestus artist
    • Tyrian Lannister in Game of Thrones may be a Hephaestus, to begin with, but evolves thru the show
    • The rejection of their parents makes Hephaestus men nurture oriented
    • HBO “Succession” Oldest son may be Hephaestus
    • Hephaestus has an intense sexual nature to him that he channels back into his work
    • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill writes a chapter about channeling sexual energy toward productivity
    • It’s not uncommon for Hephaestus men to internalize the perception of brokenness, so they end up turning their art into this perception
    • Your mess is your message
    • Dr. House is a genius surgeon – a loner with a bum leg – very Hephaestus character expressing his brokenness in his genius medical techniques
    • Hephaestus can be quite stubborn
    • He tends to be in relationships with Aphrodites and Athenas
    • Beauty and alcohol tend to open him up – coax him
    • Hephaestus can be neglectful of his lover when he is making love to his projects
    • He has a few close alliances/friends
    • Aphrodites can be attracted to Hephaestus because of the meeting of craftsmanship and beauty.
    • It was their alliance that birthed art, according to mythology.
    • Hephaestus also falls in love with Athena, but she rejects him because she is a virgin goddess.
    • His semen gave birth to a dynasty of kings when he tried to pair with Athena
    • When Hephaestus combines forces with an Athena woman, it can be a powerful alliance where she helps him get things done and put his art into the world
    • Hephaestus can mistake his subjective interpretation of a situation for reality
    • He can idealize the things he pines for and live in a fantasy world
    • He needs to get more objective info into his life
    • He can unintentionally create an oppressive environment with his idealism and expect the world to behave in a way that matches his aspiration
    • Know Thyself
    • Put attention to the outside world and know others
    • Don’t pre-reject others<


    • pat eddishaw
      • pat eddishaw
      • August 17, 2018 at 6:30 pm

      Antonia’s comments about Ares Bro Culture and the possibility of those men actually being supportive of women spoke to me in a major way.
      Back in the 70’s, when I was in my 30’s, I pushed my way into a major career move by leaving my technical Corporate IT position for a Scheduler job in the company factory – the first and only female manager in a 3,000 person facility.
      All the Corporate management men tried to stop me from making what they considered a stupidly poor decision. I had to threaten to quit before they reluctantly let me go. The one man working to make the move happen was the Production Manager in the factory who was explicitly trying to prove that a woman could make it in a very physical all male environment. He was a classic Ares personality – Italian, impulsive, karate black belt – it was even his astrological sign lol.
      The factory was also classic bro culture – new guys had to prove themselves with arm wrestling competitions. My challenge was to find a way to pick a fight, and demonstrate that I could put up a good fight, by some other means since I obviously would not win an arm wrestling competition. Once I did that I was fully accepted into the culture, at least in a way, though I was clearly not a man and thus “different”.
      Within a year, with the quiet maneuvering of the Production Manager, now my boss, I created a completely new factory function and was suddenly managing a 200 person department. That Ares Production Manager was the only true mentor I ever had in my career and I pretty much owe it all to him.
      The ironic side to all of this is that he and I were both single at the time and had an pretty intense sexual attraction to each other. Because we talked about it openly after he became my boss, we succeeded in not damaging our work environment with a personal relationship. Nor did I ever feel “awkward” having him as my boss. Corporate Management, on the other hand, was so clueless and trying so hard to be politically correct that they ended up firing their “star performer” because he was screwing around with other women in the factory. He was, in truth, one of the least misogynistic men I have ever known.

      Everything I ever needed to be a successful manager in a male dominated world – both the good and the absurd -I learned in those short three years in the factory. Btw, I’m an Artemis and a Scorpio. And yes, I admit I still occasionally google that old manager even though we lost contact with each other years ago. Life moves on.

    • INTJ
      • INTJ
      • August 18, 2018 at 11:04 pm

      Its not an archetype if its only found in Greek mythology.

      Anyway, the god/godess in everyone is a cute idea nothing more.

    • Antonia Dodge
      • Antonia Dodge
      • August 17, 2018 at 4:17 pm

      Thanks – edited the typo. :)


    • Gordana
      • Gordana
      • August 17, 2018 at 2:40 pm

      Another excellent podcast, thank you! You might want to correct the notes, though. The Greek god Ares is spelled ArEs, not ArIEs. No relation to the astrological sign :)

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