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In this episode, Joel and Antonia continue talking about the book American Nations by author Colin Woodard and how seeing North America through this lens could be another access point for healthy dialog.

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  • Alexandra
    • Alexandra
    • March 3, 2021 at 12:38 pm

    Hey! French nation on here, from Quebec. In the first episode, I thought omg I’m a Yankee maybe? Then you made the connection between our nations and that made much sense. I’d really like you to come and visit us, cuz french nation is very rich but would benefit so much from your insights on life, that would be a great exchange!

  • Johno
    • Johno
    • December 28, 2018 at 1:29 am

    Was a super awesome book report. Totally understand now why my Utah culture is the way it is. An interesting mix of libertarianism, corporations, etc

    Loved joels recondition of this far west attitude in Antonia.

    I live in greater Portland now Which made that discussion of Antonia’s take on things extra interesting. I’ve often said Portland is weirdly “live and let live” For how liberal it is (given how liberalism of late is not super live and let live in the USA), and hypothesized it was the “rural” ethic that surrounds Portland that caused the city to maintain this secretly pragmatic attitude below the surface of its claim to liberal fame. But I see now that it’s more specifically the libertarianism of the far west and the specific nature of the left coast liberalism all mixed together that make this weird place what it is.

  • Jonathan Nation
    • Jonathan Nation
    • November 29, 2018 at 6:07 pm

    Thank you for sharing. Just finished the book – taking in the last few chapters this morning.

    It’s a good start, yet the farther into the book I got the more I believe I see the biased and lack of understanding of the author.

    Basically I can see it being true until roughly the civil war & really off in the southern part of the USA in the more recent 30 or so years.

    He seemed to want to keep a narrative of Republicans are X and going against the Democratic Party of Y … where it breaks down is in those last 30 to 60 years.

    Here is an alternative in the verbiage that fits the book in the south.

    In the last # years the Greater Application has taken more and more control of land that was the Deep South. The current Deep South is really just the cities of Charleston, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, and Houston.

    The authoritarian elements of the Deep South really don’t fit most of the Southern part of the USA, except in those more urban cities, and along the edge of the Mississippi River in Mississippi.

    Granted, I have lived in Greater Application areas all my life, and totally see the culture being the main one in the Tennessee, where I live and have spent most of my life.

  • Mark
    • Mark
    • November 26, 2018 at 10:34 pm

    As someone born and raised in Colorado, I think this would be an interesting state to look at with regard to the change between the 2010 initial publishing of the book and now. With 200,000 people moving in since 2009 (70,000 in 2017 alone) and with the studies showing roughly 40% coming from California and 40% coming from Texas or other El Norte states, the flavor here has changed considerably.

    The Denver Post reported that 200,000 people left the state in 2016 with many complaining about the increase in traffic, cost of living and the change in identity in the state.

    Northeastern Colorado has a very El Norte influence now (imo) due to the influx a largely Hispanic population of workers migrating initially for work in farming and then a massive growth in oil and gas in the area.

    Boulder and Fort Collins seem to be showing more of a Left Coast flavor to them. There was even a mock celebration in Denver in April commemorating Colorado becoming California if that tells you how things feel in the state right now.

    Could be an interesting follow-up for Mr. Woodard.

  • Bea Minus
    • Bea Minus
    • November 26, 2018 at 3:22 pm

    I’d like to add that I now have a love-hate relationship with Texas, where I was born and grew up. I live on the Left Coast now, and am more comfortable here. (INTJ)

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