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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about the idealism we develop around our judging functions.
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Podcast - Episode 0264 - The Make Your Mark Myth
Podcast - Episode 0266 - Myers-Briggs Perceiving Function Idealism
Dear Antonia,
As a fellow ENTP I can tell you – you transmit data in the most crystal clear way. A lot of times Joel will say something somewhat ‘fluffy’, then you will repeat it in your own words and it will make so much more sense (sorry Joel, love you man!)
I think something I have realized is that true communication is the biggest lie ever. Think of a tree. The tree that you have in your head is different than the tree I have in my head. No matter how hard you describe the detail of that tree, it will always be different in my head.
So I think communication is fun, and important, but it will never be seen by your (or my) perspective.